Fourty Two

Jimin is singing in his practise room alone. He is singing 'Butterfly' by BTS. Its his one of most favourite song.

After he finished singing, he went to drink water near table. He saw some missed call. He didn't get to listen before because he was singing loudly.

Then again another call received from the same unknown number. He pick up the phone and said "Hello? "

"How are you Mr. Park Jimin? " The voice from other side replied.

"Uh who are you ? How do you know me? And moreover my number? " Jimin replied kind of terrified because of unknown voice. It's a thin, calm sound. There isn't any other sound. Only the person's.

"How I know you it doesn't matter. Like who doesn't know you ?" The person replied.

"What the fuck! If you trying to pull on prank on me, then reveal yourself! I will fucking kill you when I will get to know who you are! " Jimin yelled back.

"Ah really? Then I am sure I am not telling anything! " The other person replied.

"I am hanging up now! " Jimin said and hang up the phone. And drink more water due to the scenes. He is afraid of stalker. What if the person who called him is one of them?

'No no I need to block the number. ' Jimin thought to himself. He look at the phone. And then a message popped on his mobile.

He opened it slowly and read the message..

It says :

"Ah Jimin, you still didn't get me, who I am? Haha don't be afraid of me. I am not stalker. If you thinking how I know your thoughts, Its because I know you already! However we will see each other soon. Don't worry about this! "

[p. S. : who do you think the person is? ]

Jimin look at his phone for some times. Then he decided to just delete the message and move on from the moment. He will see who it is when the person met him personally.

He walk to Jungkook's room and enter it without knocking. knowing the time, there won't be any person right now. As soon as he entered the room, he has deep frown expression on his face.

The girl Yuri was leaning forward to Jungkook to see the paper clearly and Jungkook was looking at paper. Jungkook's tie was also mess. Should he take the situation as Jungkook was cheating with him? Or he may be misunderstood the scene.

Jungkook noticed Jimin and said "Why didn't you knock? Its office hour. Knock before you come next time. "

"What is she doing here? " Jimin asked Jungkook ignoring his sentence.

"She needed to understand some works as she is new! And don't get jealous of her. There is nothing between us! " Jungkook replied in front of Yuri.

Jimin look at his husband and then again looks at Yuri. He was looking at Yuri from the first time. She was looking at Jungkook's face time to time. Jimin has noticed it fully.

"You! Come with me into my practice room. I will like to have some conversation with you! " Jimin said to Yuri ignoring Jungkook.

"Why would she need to? You can have chat here in front all of us. " Jungkook replied in confusion.

"Are you defending her then? What I will think about her? whenever I come here these days, all I see is you alone with this girl. What do you want me to think about these? What you will think about these? " Jimin asked with a stern voice. He is not a weak person like before anymore.

"Wh-at What! Jimin I swear. We aren't doing anything bad if you are implying that. I was just explaining some things. And why are you suddenly this way? It's not damn bad to have talk with her? You are suddenly acting like this jealous person. " Jungkook replied.

Jimin glared at Jungkook and then look at The girl. "Come with me now!" Jimin said to the girl.

And then look at Jungkook and said with a glare"I will see you later. Don't follow us! " They left from Jimin's practice room. The girl hesitantly followed Jimin.

When they finally reach the practice room Jimin look at her and asked bluntly "Do you like my husband? "

Yuri was caught off guard because of the question. She quickly shooked his head nervously and said "No. I Don't like him Mr. Jeon"

"Really? I saw the looks you are giving him. What was that then? Was it I that mistook the scene? " Jimin asked sternly.

"What no n-"

"Don't lie Yuri! I don't like liars at all. What do you want from him? " Jimin asked

"No I don't need anything! " Yuri replied first clenching her hand. Jimin also noticed it as he smirked at the power.

"Then fucking stay away from me and my husband. There is more people who can help you. Why do you need the CEO to ask! Just ask from others. Am I understood? "Jimin asked.

"Yes Mr. Jeon! " Yuri replied with a forced small fake smile.

"Okay then go. And remember the things I said now! I don't want you near him. Ever again!" Jimin said sternly.

Yuri just nodded and ran away from the room. Jimin cooled himself and then decided to walk outside of the room.

Jimin walk to Jungkook's room again. Its will be soon lunch period for them. Jimin sat on the sofa there. When jungkook noticed Jimin, he walk to him and sat beside him.

"What did you said to her?" Jungkook asked. Knowing Jimin, he can kill anyone with his eyes. And stern voice.

Jimin snapped his head to Jungkook "Why are you feeling so protective over her? Were you worring for her?"

"What No! I just wanted to know." Jungkook replied.

"I told her to stay away from you! " Jimin shrugged.

"Oh okay. Its not like I will like to stay with her." Jungkook said somehow relieved that he didn't kill the girl. Lmao.

Jimin has learned some self-defense tips. He is good at it. He is nothing like before. Before he was cute, weak but a good heart person.

And Now? Jimin is not weak anymore. He is strong but still good heart person. He loves his family. He will fought for his families.

"I will go to our parents house today!" Jimin said to Jungkook.

"Okay. Lets go now. I am coming with you." Jungkook replied and Jimin nodded at him in agreement. They don't had that much work for now. And For Jungkook, Taehyung is also there. He will do the remain works. Jungkook drove to their family house.

Jimin and Jungkook went inside their family mansion.

"Mom! I miss you.." Jimin said to his mother-in-law.

"Aigoo, I miss my sons too!" Mrs. Jeon replied.

"Don't miss Jungkook. He didn't miss you Mom!" Jimin replied sassily. Jungkook look at him with an open mouth. Jungkook quickly shooked his head in denial when Mrs. Jeon look at him.

"I also Know that minnie but I did miss him." Mrs. Jeon replied dramatically.

"Yep. Where is my Eun? " Jimin asked then.

"Eun is with her Grand father. They will come soon. There they are!" Mrs. Jeon said as she saw Mr. Jeon coming inside with Eun in his hand.

"Eun~ papa miss you so much!" Jimin said to Eun when he saw her. He walked closed to Mr. Jeon and take her.

"I miss papa too." Eunbi replied.

"You didn't miss your dad?" Jungkook asked Eun faking sad expression.

"I miss Dad too!" Eunbi replied.

"Yay! Finally Someone miss me!" Jungkook said with a smile. All of them laugh at Jungkook then.

"Okay lets go have lunch. Did you have lunch already?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

"No we didn't. We direct come here from Office." Jungkook replied.

"Okay. Then its settled. Lets go eat together. Now I am missing Jungmin!" Mrs. Jeon replied..

"We will have lunch all together another day mom." Jimin replied. He also missing Jungmin here. But he is in his school.

"Lets eat." Mr. Jeon said and they all start eating.

"Oh Dad. We are thinking of visiting Niagara falls next summer vacation with all friends family. " Jimin informed and Jungkook nodded at him.

"It will be good. We all will have time to bond with your friends again. And all child also can get along with each other. I agree with the proposal!" Mr. Jeon said after thinking for some moments.

"So we will take Eunbi home today. Or you all want her to stay some days more?" Jimin asked.

"Its okay. You can take her. We will miss her but you also need time with your daughter. We can't disagree with that.." Mr. Jeon said. Mrs. Jeon nodded only.

They all finished eating. Jimin went to Eunbi's room and start packing her belongings as they will be leaving soon to. Or Jungmin will be all alone home.

After finishing packing, Jimin and Eunbi came downstairs. Jimin said to Eunbi to greet grand parents before they go back.

" Aww We will miss you Eunbi!" Mrs. Jeon said with a small smile.

"I will miss you too." Eunbi said and hug them. After that they finally drove back to home.

*At Night*

"Lets go Eunbi, Papa will stay with you tonight!" Jimin said with a child voice. Eunbi giggled at him.

"Wait what! Then I will sleep alone?" Jungkook asked hearing that.

Jimin look at him and ask with a glare " Yes you are. Are there any objections?"

"No. I do- don't!" Jungkook replied nervously.

"Good then. Good night you two. And Jungmin don't stay awake with your dad! If I saw you two are playing games late night, I will cut your pocket money." Jimin said sternly.

"What!! Thats not fair Papa.. Dad! Say something!" Jungmin whined.

"You listen me! He won't say anything about it! So you two better sleep! " Jimin said

"Okay" Jungmin and Jungkook replied in defeat.

"Good night!" Then Jimin and a sleepy Eunbi went to Eunbi's room.

"You heard him. Go to sleep. We will play next time." Jungkook said and Jungmin pouted but nodded at this. And went to sleep finally.


To be continued....