Fourty Three

Next day Jimin wake up by a ringtone of his mobile. Actually no one is calling him. Someone has sent him message. As Jimin is not really a heavy sleeper, so he get up by the sound easily.

He take his phone and look at the message he just get. Its the same unknown number. The person has wished him Good Morning. Jimin just blocked the number and get up to make food for his family.

They finished their breakfast and went to their  office. The children's are also in their school by now.

"Hey sweetheart, I think you need to go on concert tour after two weeks from now." Jungkook informed. They are walking through the office.

"Wait I didn't know that.. How did you know it?" Jimin asked in confusion.

Jungkook just look at his husband in amusement. He is the ceo, of course he would know it first. "I think you are forgetting who I am baby!" Jungkook replied to Jimin.

"Really? Who are you? As much as I know you are a bunny looking husband of mine.." Jimin sassed.

"Didn't we had a talk about it that you won't call me bunny in public??" Jungkook asked looking around to see if there is anyone listening to them. To his relief there is no one..

"Bunny! My bunny! " Jimin chanted while giggling to himself. Jungkook was holding him by shoulder and close Jimin's mouth with his hand. He leaned close to Jimin's ear and whispered " baby is bad today. Does he want to be punished by his daddy?"

Jimin's face become hot after hearing it. Jimin is struggling to get away from Jungkook's hold. But Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's waist. That make Jimin squealing at his sudden move..

"Yah leave me! What they will think about it!" Jimin said to Jungkook.

"What they will think? You are my husband and I can do anything I want with my husband and thats totally not their business here.." Jungkook shrugged and still waking not bothering about people's talking about them..

"Kook leave me! I need to go.." Jimin whisper shouted at his husband. Jungkook just didn't listen to him. He walk Jimin to his practice room. Jimin stopped his struggling knowing that it won't give him anything. He just continue walking with his husband with a red face..

They stop before the door. Jungkook leaned in and kiss Jimin's cheek and then lean in to his ear and said "I didn't forget about the punishment yet baby! See you tonight alone at our house.." Jungkook said and walk away flashing him a wide bunny smile. Jimin stand there with more deep red face and finally went inside quickly before anyone can see his face.

Taehyung entered the room to give Jimin some  speech sheets.. But he met with a furiously blushing Jimin. He first thought Jimin is sick. So he start asking "Hey why your face is so red? Are you perhaps sick? Don't tell me you come to work sick and your husband didn't said anything!"

"Ah no! I am not sick. I am totally fine." Jimin squealed out telling about this sentences. Taehyung was doubting Jimin's word. He ask again to became sure "Are you sure? "

"Yesss totally sure." Jimin said quickly looking other side to cool down his face. "Now thats kind of unexpected. I am sure you are hiding something from your soulmate. Aish. Okay I won't question anymore. Feel free to tell me when you are comfortable. However this your speech sheet. Start reading this from now as you don't know other language it will help you" Taehyung said to Jimin..

"Oh Taehyungie! I have a favour to ask!" Jimin suddenly ask Taehyung. Taehyung look at him and nodded to continue his word..

"Well. Don't make that bitch I mean Yuri close to Jungkook. Okay? She said she liked kook.. I have also threatened her not to go to kook. But who knows they are needy bitch, they won't listen. So take care of him. I am counting on you!" Jimin said seriously.

"Yes Ma- oh wait its Sir! Hehe" Taehyung laughed at his own joke and Jimin look at him with full of amusement. He scoffed at Taehyung when Taehyung was about to called him madam.

Jimin glare at him Taehyung raise his hand and  said "Its not my fault when you look so feminine and pretty more than girls though! Nevermind I will just go away." Taehyung run away from there before Jimin can speak again...

Today didn't happened anything interesting in work. Jimin was happy to getting no disturbance today.. But boy he was forgetting one thing that will met him after some time.

However Jimin went to Jungkook's room without knocking of course.. And bumped into the Jungkook who was also getting out of the room. Jungkook only huffed while Jimin hug him tightly to not let himself fall due to action..

"Here you are. I was about to call you!" Jimin said. "Yes I am seeing. And also ready to go home lets go!" Jungkook said.

"min and Eunbi are home already right? I am eager to see them. Lets go quickly kookie." Jimin said while swaying Jungkook and his hands together.

"No they are at their grand parent's house. We get free alone time today to get fun." Jungkook smirked at Jimin.

Jimin totally forget about the punishment Jungkook was telling. Jimin look at Jungkook in confusion and shrugged the thought.

Warning: Smuts.. 🔞

After they reached home Jimin quickly stand before the door. Waiting for Jungkook to open it. He is tired and he is sure he will fall asleep as soon as he fell on his bed.

"Kookie quick!" Jimin called.

Jungkook walk to him and said "Why so hurry baby? Won't you like to wait for your daddy? Are you perhaps forget about the talk we had in morning?"

Jimin look at him quickly. He now remember Jungkook telling about punishing him. But he didn't take it seriously. Jimin look up at Jungkook with a nervous smile.


"Its daddy for you darling. " Jungkook said while opening the door. Jimin let out a squealed when Jungkook back hug him after they went inside closing the door.

"You were bad today.. You know?" Jungkook said while kissing at Jimin's neck from behind of Jimin. Jimin felt himself melting down in Jungkook's hand.

"Kookie ahh.." Jimin let out a moan due to the erection he is getting. Jungkook get a cloth and wrapped it around Jimin's eyes. Jimin was weař3ä$ to hold it but Jungkook swat his hand away.

"Don't touch it baby.. I will carry you now to our bed. We don't want to dirty the living room now we?" Jungkook asked.. Jimin nodded. Jungkook carried him to their bedroom and laid him on the bed.

"wait for a moment baby.. I will come back again. " Jungkook said and went to get ties so that he can tie Jimin's hand. He come back and attack Jimin's lips again.

"mmm" Jimin moaned while Jungkook kept kissing him. Jimin didn't even acknowledge that he hands are now tied with the tie Jungkook brought .

After some time Jimin felt his hand are tied. "Kookie my hands.." Jungkook just stop Jimin by kissing again. And said "I know baby!"

Jungkook moved from lips to Jimin's exposed nipples. He suck it while Jimin is totally a moaning mess. "Do you liking it baby?" Jungkook asked.

"Uhmm.. Yes daddy!" Jimin replied.

"Good for you then.. Enjoy it." Jungkook said and placed one hand on Jimin's hard members.  after a little more sucking his nipple , Jungkook again went for Jimin's lips. Its an addiction for him. Jimin's soft plump lips. He likes the feeling when there lips met together. His lips are just drug to him.

Jungkook moved to Jimin's member and give him a blowjob. Jimin then said "Daddy I want you inside of me! Pwease"

"Wait for your daddy baby boy." Jungkook said and leaned to kiss Jimin again. And remove the cloth from Jimin's eyes. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and look at Jungkook. Jungkook smiled at him and kissed again.

"Would you like it rough or want me to prepare you?" Jungkook asked Jimin..

"Whatever Daddy wants!" Jimin replied to it.. Jungkook smirked at Jimin and said "Okay don't tell me to go slow later. I will go rough on you pretty baby!"

"Yes Daddy. I want you!" Jimin said.

Jungkook just take a condom and placed it at his own members. Even he wants Jimin to get pregnant , he can't risk Jimin's career too. So he will go with safe sex.

"You said me to go rough on you.. Don't complain baby.." Jungkook said. Jimin was about to reply when Jungkook just thrust into Jimin at once after teasing Jimin's hole. Jimin let out a scream.

Jungkook did wait for a moment for Jimin to adjust. And then start thrusting a little quickly.

"Aw Fuck! Daddy!" Jimin moaned while Jungkook kept thrusting into him. "Ahh-Ah" Jimin kept moaning time to time. After some minutes of thrusting, Jimin felt himself going close to orgasm.

"Daddy I am gonna Cum.." Jimin said.

"Wait for daddy too Baby.." Jungkook replied while thrusting. He isn't close yet. After one or two minutes Jungkook felt , he also going to cum..

Jungkook now start thrusting a little more quickly. And reached Jimin's prostate. Jimin is crying and moaning at the pleasure he is getting. After Not more than 2 seconds they both cum at same time. Though Jungkook came into his condom while Jimin's cum is on his belly and some also on Jungkook's body..

Jungkook let himself fall beside Jimin and spread his hand and Place Jimin's head on Jungkooks hand.

"I was never attract to anyone how I am attract to you Jimin. How can you trap me into your attraction baby?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin shrugged and said sassily "I am born like this. Prettier than others. What I can say about that!"

"My sassy little queen! I can see Eunbi is going to like you too. Though I will make her prepare for box--"

"No don't finish that. You may prepare her for karate but not boxing. She will look like manly when she is supposed to look pretty and strong!" Jimin protest.

"Okay okay.. " Jungkook said quickly or Jimin will give him another talking lesson. Jimin is pretty scary when he gets into that character.. After resting for a while Jungkook take Jimin to clean themselves. He also changed the bed sheets.. And finally fall asleep after eating something.


To be continued....

This is another smut chapter I wrote. I can't write it good. But also hope you like the chapter.. Lets not say anything about it..

OMG! I wrote it! 😲😶 Okay I will go now.  Thank you..