Fourty Four

"Appa!! Appa!" Eunbi chanted while running to Jimin who just sat down at his practise room. He is surprised to see Eunbi.

"My baby! How come you are here?" Jimin asked while hugging little Eunbi.

"Daddy took me here!" Eunbi said to Jimin. Jimin smiled at his daughter and look at Jungkook who was standing there with a smile present on his face.

"Why did you take her here now? Its work time. Right?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Its work time so?. But all works by my order! Huh. " Jungkook shrugged saying that. Actually He wanted to spent some free time with his family today. He also reserved a restaurant for family dinner. But before that Jungkook want to go to Forbidden Corner. Jungmin is on his way here from his school.

These days they are working so hard. So he decided they deserve a vacation. Even its for one day. He knew already that if Jungkook give more days for vacation, Jimin won't agree on it .

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asked to Jimin who is playing with his daughter and laughing together.

"Ready for what?" Jimin asked back without looking at Jungkook. He is busy with his daughter now.

"We are going somewhere! Get ready now." Jungkook said..


"Appa! Daddy!" Jungmin yelled entering the room. This time Jimin looked surprised. He look at Jungkook..

"Oh right. We are going all together. Just wanted to spend some alone time with my family." Jungkook replied to Jimin.

"Really? Where are we gonna go?" Jimin asked with a big widen happy smile. He is happy that he will finally get a day for his family only. They are gonna visit.

"I am thinking of visiting Forbidden Corner." Jungkook said.

"Amazing. Lets go. But First I will go and change." Jimin said before he went to change his dress. As he being celebrity , he wear some tight fit clothes and came back.

"Lets go!" Jimin said coming back. Jungkook look up at him with a smile. But his smile replaced with a frown.

"You are going like this?" Jungkook asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah? Whats wrong with this dress?" Jimin asked back sharply.

"NO you aren't going like this! People will look at you like a pervert!" Jungkook said against it.

"I am going like this! You want to come or should we just go without you?" Jimin asked seriously.

Jungkook look at Jungmin and Eunbi. They also look at Jungkook. Jungkook sighed and said "Eunbi and Min can you two go to the car? We will be back soon!"

"Okay appa. Eun lets go!" Jungmin said. They both went to Jungkook's car leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone there.

Jimin was going to go outside as well but Jungkook shut the door as he was standing close to the door.

"Jungkook! They are waiting lets go!" Jimin said.

"No baby. You aren't going like this! If you don't change quickly, they will be waiting for us like forever!" Jungkook said with dominance lace in his voice.

"Jungkook! Its not that revealing clothes. And people knows already that We are husbands. They won't do anything to me. Lets go" Jimin said. He take Jungkook's hand and went to open the door. But Jungkook pulled him inside of changing room.

"Yah! Leav--" Jimin was shut up by Jungkook kissing him.

"Shut up. I am going to choose your dress. " Jungkook said. When Jungkook went to choose the dress for Jimin, he  start whining about how much he liked the current dress and want to wear it at family moment.

Jimin pouted the whole time while Jungkook is choosing dress for him. Finally Jungkook got a dress for Jimin to wear outside.. Its a simple pure white long selves shirt and a little work with white golden shimmer. He gave it to Jimin after he came back. Jimin just wear it silently and look at the mirror. Jungkook stand back of Jimin and place his chin on Jimin's neck.

"See? You look so beautiful and gorgeous now that I can't take my eyes off of you darling." Jungkook said while pecking Jimin's cheek. Jimin became red after the compilation about him.

"Lets go! Kids are waiting!" Jimin said blushing. The dress is lose but stunning. But not like the other dress he wore before. That dress scream a badass vibe.

Jimin and Jungkook both went to the car where kids were impatiently sitting in the car seat and waiting for their parents to come for real. They set themselves in the car and Jungkook drive the car to forbidden Corner there.


"Boss, they are going to Forbidden Corner. I just heard them talking!" The person said to his so called boss.

"Good Good! Keep it up like these. Inform me all the things you got to know soon. " The Boss replied with dark voice.

"Yes boss!" The person said but the boss already cut him off by hanging the phone on him rudely. Its how their boss is. Always aggressive and angry with others. Even if its nothing.

The boss on the other side..

"What you will do when your families being away from you baby Jiminie? " The boss said with smirk while looking at the pictures of Jimin and his full family on the tables.

"See you soon baby!" the boss said while laughing like a manaic. He will be sure to do something to Jimin  to get revenge of course. Or was he obsessed?


Meanwhile Jeon family already reached at the Forbidden Corner. It took really long time but they finally reached here. It looks scary but fun and unique too.

||For Knowledge about the place||

Place: Middleham, North Yorkshire in Uk

You can go there For a spooky, offbeat and brain-teasing afternoon of discovery.

Little adventurers are encouraged to explore tunnels, mazes, a creepy mausoleum and hidden passages at a large garden where getting completely lost is all part of the fun. In this large folly you have a checklist of things to track down but there's not a map to be found. Children will have a whale of a time solving problems, and grown-ups will fall in love with the garden's wit and imagination.


When they reached at the entrance, Jungmin gasped at the view and said loudly "Woah! Its so nice here though it looks scary but I like discovery so much. Thank you for taking me here. Lets go inside!" He is excited about the place.

Jimin and Jungkook smile at Jungmin's excitement but however the little one finds the place kind of scary. So she went to Jungkook's hand and told him to pick her up. Jungkook took her in his hand and went inside.

Jungmin quickly ran to the first pictures place and look at his appa and told excitedly while making faces "Appa! Take photo of me!"

Jimin takes some pictures of Jungmin. Then they all take pictures together. Eunbi doesn't wanted to get down so she was with Jungkook all time.

They enjoy the time while visiting the places. The garden also. Its truly beautiful. They all liked the visit there. They are tired mainly Jimin so he sat down at a place and told an excited Jungmin " Don't go far away. Stay close to us. I am tired."

"Okay Appa!" Jungmin replied.

Jimin look at Jungkook and Eunbi who was standing beside him. He said to Jungkook " Give her to me. You may be also tired. Rest here for a while. "

"Mhmm. Here" Jungkook give Eunbi to Jimin. They were sitting there. Jimin take out some water bottles from his bag and offer one to Jungkook. And drink another one.

"Jungmin! Drink water here!" Jimin said while drinking water. But he didn't get any response. He started panicking. He look at his surrounding and saw no sign of Jungmin at all...

"JUNGKOOK! WHERE IS JUNGMIN?" Jimin yelled in panic.

Jungkook who get alert the scene. He look around also but didn't find Jungmin. He replied "You wait here. I will see at surrounding. He might be here somewhere. Don't worry. Where he will go!" Jungkook get up and start looking for Jungmin. While Jimin is tensed about it.

What if Jungmin isn't there? What will happened then? No no that can't be happen. He didn't want to make Eunbi more scared than now. So he stayed strong for her.

After searching here and there Jungkook came back to Jimin while being tensed. Jimin can say he didn't found Jungmin. He let his teas falls. Where is his son.

"Where are you Jungmin!" Jimin thought to himself. Hoping Jungmin will come out soon. He is just playing hide and seek with them. But Jungmin didn't came yet.


To be continued...