
If there were any other words that I could describe Arizona, I would but I couldn't. We arrived after the two days of a cold war between gangs that we so happened to get dragged into. We had no wagons, we didn't have the money to get wagons. We only had the horses we rode and anything we could put in the saddlebags and the weapons on our personnel. We arrived in a town called Sedona. It was a small town but it was what Martin called "home" so I guess that is what we had to call it that too.

It had a nice home feeling I can give him that. I could never guess it was a town. To me, it looked like an unfinished expansion ranch. I looked at Martin getting nervous. "Where are we going to go?" asked an old member named Austin. He was a young fellow about my age at the time, he had dirty somewhat long hair and a mustache. Martin pointed out what seemed like a forest. "There is a place there in the forest." I wanted to ask so bad but I guess Sawyer beat me to it. "Is there a clearing in there?" Martin nodded. There is one thing I want to point out. I never had the nerve to talk to anyone except Sawyer. I guess I was the only one I trusted. Though I had to trust Austin he was the one who made me an Allopath. But even then I barely talked to Austin.

Yeah, you could say that me and Sawyer grew up together. We were both found at an abandoned home. I guess that the original leader from what I understood was a guy named Cooper Dowser. Martin was his son. That gang had no name or it was known as the nameless gang, either way, they found us and named us. Sawyer meant "timber sawer" and mine, Lydia means "kindred spirit" but the name meaning still confuses me. Who had the same spirit as me? Austin?, Sawyer?, Anyone? I guess I'll never know. But in reality, Austin was the only one I could trust adultwise. He was the reason I didn't run away when I saw the gang.

When we enter the town everyone stared at us. I didn't get the same feeling like everyone else. Who knew if the town thought of us as slaves or even worst, food… I heard of cannibalism in the south. Heck, I saw it happen, it was worse than watching a gator eat itself. I got nervous I started to pull the reins back so that I could be in the back of the pack. But back then Bird was not there. It was Bailey, Bailey was a dapple gray Tennessee Walker. She was a gorgeous horse and I wanted her back. She neighed almost as if she was scared to. "I don't like this," I said to Sawyer. He looked back as Bailey trotted beside the Shire named Gray. he shook his head. "Me too, but Martin probably has a reason," Sawyer said. I shuttered, I was trembling so badly that if I held my hand out I couldn't make it stay in one place.

I watched all the people in the town staring at us. Bailey was getting anxious and so was Gray. I started putting my hand near my gun. I wanted nothing to do with this town and its problems. Someone ran up and grabbed one of the horse's tail. The horse reared up on Austin. Martin turned around with his gun drawn towards the man. "Sir show some respect!" he shouted. The man put his hands up and slowly backed away from Austin's horse. I watched eagerly with my hand on my gun waiting for the man to make his next move. Martin saw how anxious all of us and made us start moving again. Soon we were there and everyone's anxiety went down except for mine. I stood by Sawyer quietly going over why we shouldn't be here for at least twenty minutes or so. After that Austin walked over to me. I shivered only making eye contact to the ground. "Let's go hunting, I guess you're as nervous as an armadillo be caught in the middle of the road." I nodded and followed Austin to the horses. "I still don't think this was a good idea..." I said quietly. Austin chuckled "At least we are on the same page, Lydia." He said mounting his horse. "Though as everything that Martin does, there is always a rhyme or reason, it's the way Martin was created."

I mounted Bailey and steered her towards the side of Austin. "I know I just don't think we should be here." Austin tilted his head, "Why you say that?" I looked over at Austin as we began to trot. "Well, everyone here looks like mighty suspicious" Austin laughed as we got onto the main road in the area. "And we aren't?!" I frowned "Well, we are a different story altogether." I said looking out for any deer. "Pop quiz Lydia how do you stabilize a broken leg?" I looked up quickly "What?" He repeated himself "Umm...find a way to splint it then make sure that the person doesn't move around too much?" Austin smiled. "Your only half right." He said He then pointed out a pack of deer with a buck that had huge antlers. "Veer left." And we did, we got off the horses and I grabbed my bow for a silent kill. We then got down low enough so that the deer couldn't see us. Then they were disturbed by a man that was standing right behind us. "Good evening" When we turned around I had the bow aimed at the man unintentionally. "whoa is that even legal!" He yelled. Austin the redirected the bow. "Easy Lydia, what's the problem, sir?" The man was dressed very fancily like, he had a top hat on and some tuxedo thing on. It was honestly quite disturbing, "I just wanted to know if you guys were into politics." The one thing I hated and he just said it. Politics.