Bad Luck

The man began to walk slowly towards us. He inspected everything on me and everything on Austin. "You are allopaths right?" We didn't say a word. I wanted to raise the bow at him, it was pretty obvious he came here to rant his problems to a random stranger. But Austin wouldn't have it, he was stalling to make sure that the man would leave but he didn't. "Out hunting are you?" The man asked. Austin shrugged. "We were until you startled the game." The man looked up in shock. "Good heavens I'm sorry you two." At this point I started to get nervous so I started to tug at my braided brown hair. Twirling it, twisting it back and forth. Until I got up and whistled to get Bailey's attention and telling her to come over. The man then inspected me again. "Aren't young ladies suppose to be close to their mother's and follow everything they do?" I looked back at him with a stern expression. "Six feet underground?" I hissed. The man got closer to me which made me feel very uncomfortable. "Oh so you do talk, y'know a lady shouldn't be out hunting." I started to charge at him before Austin grabbed me trying to pull me back. He wrapped his arms around my stomach. "Pardon us sir we actually have to go into town." The man backed away "Ah yes..."

I then mounted Bailey and clucked my tongue and took off. I didn't know where I was going but when Austin caught up to me he said "What the hell was that Lydia!?" I shrugged and didn't answer. "Now you don't answer?" I shrugged again. When I finally got out of the view of that bastard, I started to slow down. As Austin made it to my side he noticed how much I was shaking. I never like bringing up any of my family members in my family seeing they're all dead, it something I've learned to keep it to myself. It has always felt like a bullet in my skull that you can't get rid of. Just the constant pain and agony, that never tired it self out. "I know you miss your mother...But think of it this way." Austin said as he tried to make me smile by what he said. "you wouldn't be able to meet us." I nodded "True." Austin chuckled. "You speak now huh?" I shrugged Bailey slowed down to a stop. "We need to get food c'mon" Austin said as he began to gallop again. I quickly followed behind but enough at the sense that I didn't pass him up.

I had been spotted the herd of deer that we had lost and pointed into the direction of where they went. Austin nodded and steered the horse to the location. We then got off the horses a decent amount away from there where the herd was. I pulled the bow from the saddlebag and began to creep up on the deer. Austin then gave the signal Halt and I did. He then got into position and then pointed at the two that I should hit, the buck, and his doe. I first had aimed at the buck because I knew he'd be the fastest and if I took him out first and be easier then it is the doe because she'd be so distraught. When I let the full force I had pulled back on the bow the arrow went quick like a silent gun. If those would ever be made. the buck went down where I shot him but the doe stood confused later to only realized that she'd be next, I grabbed another arrow from the back and shot her I had to shoot her again because where I had shot her when she moved it hit her thigh. She tried to limp away until I shot her other side of her hip and she went down. She was still moving when got over to them, so Austin had to slice the throat. I headed over to the buck and squatted down over it. "May I borrow that?" I said pointing to the knife. Austin tossed it over. I started to cut off the antlers so that it would be easier to take them to the peak. When we loaded them on we saw a gang of about twenty people riding along the road. As every gang does, they were running from something only to realize what was following behind them was the police and a riot now. All knew that it wasn't our gang. After all, we didn't have that many people because most of them had died in the war between our gang and the Mountian Smokers. If I was being completely honest I don't think that I will ever like anyone from the Mountain Smokers they for always trying to chase us down for no reason. but when we saw that gang pass we knew it was time that we had to leave this area.

When we got back to camp Martin was sitting In a campaign tent that everyone put together. let me told him what we had seen he looked at us like we were both crazy "I wouldn't worry too much about that we have bigger things do we have to do." I tilted my head and looked at Austin. even Austin was confused about what he was even talking about. " sir what do you mean bigger things to do?" Martin left " you have no idea do you well I guess because you were out hunting, we're planning on robbing that town on the Lakeside" I shook my head finally the first time that I had ever talked to Martin " this doesn't sound like a good idea sir" He looked at me in shock because I hadn't talked to anybody in a while "You're bloody Irish?!" He said he almost said it disapproving. "We have a bloody Irish woman?!" Austin laughed " you didn't know she was Irish?" Martin fell back in his chair. " not really she never talks" I looked over at him with a glance but then I made it known that I was not a threat I lowered my head down. " shouldn't we get to know them first before we do anything to make it almost a surprise" Austin said. Martin. Nodded "we could do that but that means we have to stay here longer" I shuttered at the sheer fact of staying here longer, and it wasn't only just me that shuttered Austin did it too. "No thank you, sir, this place is sketchy and I don't like it," He said crossing his arms. Martin laughed "That's we are gonna do it quickly." If I didn't keep my mouth shut about these people then we would have made the biggest mistakes of our lives " sir" I said real quickly " if we do it really quickly then they'll be on our tails until we die." I said with a bit of edge. Martin looked over at me perhaps he was considering what I was saying. but then he dismissed it off until later " we will worry about this later now go on go chill it's been a long day." we both nodded I went over to Sawyer so I could talk to him for a bit. Sawyer was over by his version of a tent what consisted of two sticks and the blanket holding it up. He looks up when he saw me " did you catch dinner?" I laughed and nodded he smiled and patted right beside him for me to sit. "Did you hear about what Martin was talking about?" Asked Sawyer I nodded " I don't agree with it" Sawyer smiled and laughed " already sixteen it is already thinking smart?" I playfully hit his arm he laughed when I did it too. "No it's not that, something just doesn't seem right about this place" he nodded as the conversation turned serious. "Just think that Martin wants us to call this home I don't know what to believe anymore."

"I can't believe we're already haven't been here even a day in and he wants to rob it," I said. if there was one thing that I always had viewed Sawyer it was that he was like a brother to me. but that short brown hair in that tall body, and pale blue eyes, I'm surprised he hasn't picked up a girl yet. although I don't think I'll ever have feelings for him because I'm just not that way. The more we talked the more social I began to be until Martin came over then it was all shut down. " you guys need to go to bed we're getting up early" we all looked at him confused " What do you mean by that?" Sawyer asked as he stood up. " I mean we're robbing tomorrow." I shook my head and looked up at Martin. " This really isn't a good idea sir don't you think we should get to know them first?" I could tell in Martin's head that he was considering it but he wanted to get out as much as we all did. Martin shook his head " to be honest I've been going back on that, I mean, don't get me wrong, it doesn't sound all that bad but all of you want to get out of this hellhole so bad." I stood up and got very close to Martin " didn't you listen to us when we said that there was a new gang there." everybody in the camp froze and they all looked up at Martin. " you mean the one that had twenty of them? I think we can take them" he said very enthusiastically. Davey then stood up and said, "Martin, I'm Gun-ho for anything, but since we lost almost half of our gang, I don't think it's smart to take on another one and lose another." Everybody can tell that Martin was considering leaving. " all right" he said getting on top of the wooden platform that stood in the middle of the camp. " here are our choices" he said as he pointed to me " we can listen to the young Irish girl, start to know the town and then rob them or." he said pointing to himself " we can go my way and just do it tomorrow." Nobody said anything to object. " All right then the cook is going to pass around his hat you grab a piece of paper and you right who you like and then we will decide from there tomorrow in the morning," Martin said as he pointed to the Cook who had his hand extended outward with a hat.

But if I was being truly honest, I don't think the cook deserved to be there, he said he had so much to live for. He was a fat man for that with long chops of grey beard, all he ever wanted to do was to have a family and all that. it was honestly sad that he considers this a family you never settle down with a woman or had kids of his own. some of us begged him to leave so he can have a life of his own because most of us didn't have anything to live for not at all. As his arm extended as he walked his belly moved and jiggled every time. he was wearing that white apron he always does and those black gloves that were cut at the first knuckle of the hand. when everybody had voted we find out tomorrow and even then I don't want to know. And then went over to a tree and just laid down against the trunk had nothing else to sleep with what else was I supposed to do. When I began to drift off to sleep I was then woken by Abe. A healthy Abe as a matter of fact. "Do you have a shawl that you can cover up with?" I looked up at the nineteen-year-old boy with jet black hair that was always slicked back with some sort of grease. I shook my head. He then walked away and I closed my eyes and tried to sleep until something was tossed over me. I jumped straight up without even realizing what had happened and I freaked out Abe. " Are you ok?" He asked as he got closer. I nodded, I looked beneath me to see what had been thrown, it was a red and blue shawl. Picked it up and tossed it over my shoulder and laid down again. Abe smiled " I never knew you were Irish," he said sitting down beside me. I nodded " everybody forgets that." I said looking down.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked I nodded " I guess, I mean I keep hearing rumors around camp and everywhere else that it's bad luck to have an Irish in your gang." Abe shook his head " no it's actually a wonder because you get to learn about the different cultures of them" I smiled. "quit trying to seduce me it's not working sir" I said Abe smiled and stood up " well it was worth a shot" I laughed " if I was being honest I don't think anybody would take me hand in marriage because I don't act like other ladies." Abe smiled. "Just be happy that no one is trying to force you into an arranged marriage." I smiled "For now I guess." Abe then walked of to go to his homemade cot. Then I drifted off into sleep only to be woken by gun fire and screaming.