Sanitiy of the Sane.

They were gunshots indeed, but I knew it wasn't in our camp but it was still worrying. Everyone jumped out from their hiding spots took a look around to see if anyone was hit. We all stood looking around, then Abe to look to see what had happened. " maybe someone's hunting late at night" Willie said, Willie was an old man his beard began turning gray last fall. Martin shook his head " hardly, no animal or beast never scream like that," I stood by Sawyer as I was told to by Austin who even he was unsure what was going on. "Lydia, come here," yelled Willie. Martin stared at him as the old man made me get on my horse " what are you doing with her?" Willie turn around and shook his head " if that truly was a man or woman, they could be hurt." Martin shook his head " you realize Austin is an allopath too right? why don't you take him." Willie turned around to meet the eyes of his young friend. " I think it's more learning experience for her," I looked over at Austin and he nodded as if he already knew what I was going to say. " I think it's about time," he said then coughing. I nodded as I waited for Willie to get on his Clydesdale, Butch. As we rode out of the peak I didn't say a thing. there were three of us that went me, Abe, and a Native American named Sai. I could almost relate to Sai, he was quiet like me didn't talk to the rest of the gang unless he had to put his input in. so the only time he ever had talked to me is when he came back with a bullet in his arm. " you deserve more respect," He said as I poured alcohol on the infected wound. I smiled " I think I'm perfectly fine though, I feel like I'm respected enough to my comfort." Sai smiled, he pulled his long black hair out of his face. " but you do so much here and get no credit for anything." I shrugged " I'm okay with it actually"

My train of thought had disappeared when the scream we heard came back. Sai pointed in the direction that he heard it " over there" he said. as veered the horses to the left, I began to hear voices and think it's something I rather not wanted to hear. for I was correct about the south, there's only one reason that these voices sounded the way they cause they were cannibalizing on the screaming person. "Keep screaming son no one will ever hear you." I pulled my gun out from my holster and began to shoot the men. One by one they began to ran. Until Sai went and caught the other man who was feasting. We assumed that all of them were dead beside the one that's Sai had caught, who was hogtied and gagged on the back of his horse. I approach the scene averting my eyes in every direction I first then went over to the one that was screaming no doubt about it he was dead. But one of them that was cannibalizing on him was moving I grabbed his hair pulled him up straight to work I could look into his eyes. "What was the reason for cannibalizing this boy." the man didn't answer I then pull my gun from my holster once more and loaded it and put it up to his cheek. "You better answer sir, or this bullet is going in your head." The man just kept smiling and laughing " Then do it damn it." I smiled As I pulled the hammer back to wear it now I can just pull the trigger. then the smiling faded away and the joy from his eyes, " when there is nothing left in the world, you'd do the same." I shook my head and look down. " sir, I'd never do that" I then pulled the trigger as the blood-splattered all on me. I stood up and went over to the other man. I ungagged him and grabbed his hair as well. " now if you're smart enough I'm like your little friend over there you would answer me," the man laughed as he has " I don't have to listen to no god damn bitch!" He said defensively. "Alright," I said. " you chose the hard way." I answered back by putting the gag back in his mouth, I then walked away and then begin talking to the two others. " what are we planning on doing with them?" Sai asked. I cross my arms and kept looking back and forth between the conversation and the man tied to the horse. "Let's bring them back to camp and see what Martin wants us to do with him," Abe suggested, I nodded and then got on my horse. I then began to think about what the man had said before I shot him. I was trying to figure out when would I have even had to think about averting to cannibalism. as we rode the man kept laughing through the gag." Jeez, this is what cannibalism does to you?" Abe said asking me. " cannibalism makes you do a lot of things, I think after that point considering that you would do it I think it would almost make you insane." as we approached the opening at the peak the man fell off the back Sai's horse. " sorry about that sir." Abe said sarcastically as he picked up the man and carried him the rest of the way.

The man screamed while Abe laughed. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride sir." As we arrived to the opening of the camp everyone stood in shock on what we brought back. We brought the man to the center of the camp where Martin was. The man started to chew on his gag I decided to kick his leg out to where he was now on the ground. "That," Abe said to Martin. "Is what the screaming came from." Martin was inspecting him for wounds. "But he's not hurt." Abe laughed "glad you figured that out, sir he ate the person that was screaming." Martin had a big smile going from ear to ear. "Well I'll be, this little boy is a man eater?" He said as he got closer. My eyes rested on the two as a smile grew across my own face. The man nodded as Sai took the gag off. He licked his lips. "And you look very tasty..." I slapped the man across the face without a second doubt. Everyone stood back in amazement. I crossed my arms and waited for Martin to continue his interrogation. "My friend here" he said pointing towards me. "Maybe a woman but she's fiercer and more interested in ripping you shreds just to see your insides." Part of that was kinda true, I found the human body to exciting. But fierce? I'd have to pass on that part specifically, because I'm not fierce, not even a little bit. Before too long I found myself sleeping by the tree again not evening remover the rest of what had happened that night. Though, it was obvious that the man was tied to the tree with chains and a gag.

He kept trying to get my attention but I wouldn't have it. As soon as Austin came over is when the man left me alone. Austin sat right beside me and watched the river that could be viewed. "Your training is almost done." He said quietly. I looked over and tilted my head, "what do you mean Austin?" I was now in his gaze. "I'm not gonna be here forever Lydia." He then started to cough into his hand, when he pulled his hand from his mouth red speckled all over his hand. I looked up at his eyes and his face. How had I not realized it before is another altogether. This man was dying from the untreatable. He was dying from the red plague as we called it. But I'm pretty sure the scientific name was tuberculosis, or whatever it was called he had. "Your dying..." I said quietly trying to cover my tears that we're trying their best not to roll down my cheek. Austin frowned "well when you put it like that it makes it sound worse." He lifted my chin "I have one dying wish that I want you to have." I blinked some tears away "What is that then?" He stood up. "Release my horse, and send me down the river." I nodded. Then the draw was held for the plan I surprisingly had apparently had gotten chosen. Martin was displeased but i didn't really give a damn. Austin was the only thing I cared about now and his dying wishes.

It was two weeks later when he died peacefully in his sleep. It was almost ironic really. He was laying in his homemade tent with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. When I went to get his horse, it was gone, nowhere to be seen. He must've let it go the night before. When everyone got up to find the older allopath dead with a smile, we did as he told us. Sending his body down the river was the most saddest thing I had ever done. Not only was everyone disappointed and grieving, Martin had decided that today was the day we robbed the people and go home. The cannible boy shook his head. As we packed our things up onto the horses. " you are making a mistake," he said towards me. I looked over as I loaded some of the canteens I brought with me. "Sir, I'm not the one who's making the mistake." I said as I loaded up on the horse. "Martin, what about man eater?" Yelled Willie. Martin looked over at the boy. "Kill him." He said coldly. The man screamed "Why what did I do?" Dave's laughed. "What's the reason for keeping you alive?" The man was trying to think quickly. "I know...I know....oh ah I know the reason about the one gang the huge one." All of us stopped, Martin got closer to the boy. "What's your name boy?" The man tried to stand up but the chains and the tree wouldn't allow him. "James Patton sir," Martin was clearly flirting with danger, he lifted the man's chin. "You tell us this stuff right now or Davey here will put a bullet in your skull like Ms. Lydia did to your friend." I had my gun now pulled out of my holster. The man began sweating, "A-Alright, the man in c-charge his name is Big Bob. H-he runs this whole town, he's got a-a crew of thirty six men." Everyone stood back in amazement at the hearing of the number. "B-but I can help," Martin smile. "Like we'd ever trust a man eater." The man shook his head violently, " I didn't eat that boy sir, I stopped cannibalizing a-a long time ago."

Davey spat on him. "Bull shit" I said pointing my gun at him. "I saw where that man was, and you had blood all over yah!" The boy looked over at me then at Martin. "But I had no blood in or by mouth did I?" It was if the tables had turned. "I don't know sir." Martin then went to one of the horses and grabbed some sort of mask. It had a metal playing front with chained straps and leather that lets it be held on. He threw it on the ground "put it on now" The man did as he was told and slid the mask on. We watched him put it on. Martin The turned to me, "tighten the mask Lydia." Like an obedient dog, I did as I was told. And stood by the boy. Martin then nodded and told Davey to unclip him from the tree. Davey turned at the alpha of the group wide eyed "really sir?" Martin then got close to Davey and said "have I seem to stutter boy?" Davey shook his head. "No sir." Then Martin pointed to the tree and with small movements with everybody watching Davey walked over to the back of the tree and with a sudden clunk the man could move again. I for one though, never thought I could trust a man who is now nicknamed "gun boy"