Green Skinned Creatures

South Roginia, No Man's Land Outpost, Goblin Forest

Elena Silverwing a Rank 6 Knight was ordered to lead the well-known squad in the Empire, the Fourteen Griffon Squad. This squad consists of Ten outstanding members.

They are flying in the air for three hours when they saw an army of Goblins which estimated number about Five to Six thousand Goblins heading in the direction of the Plains of No Man's Land as if it was a tsunami.

The Goblin breeding season has just ended, and they're looking for food but surprisingly there's no food available in that barren land. The Knight is thinking about what's happening here.

"It seems like we found the answer in our questions that's why there're no scouts made it back to the Palace. Look likes they're wiped out by these Goblins" One of the squad's members commented.

"Let's go and follow where this goblins going" Elena replied when she heard something loud.


"What is that sound?" Elena asked one of the members.

"I don't know, Is the plains of No Man's Land are exploding?" the squad member thinking about what was happening in the barren land.

"That is not possible" Stewart replied.

"Let's hurry while you Stewart, report back to the nearest city on what's going on here" Elena ordered her childhood friend.

"But you Elena? You might get hurt?" Elena did not answer and just stared badly at Stewart. Stewart nods in return and goes to the nearest city to report the event while Elena went to the plains.


No Man's Land, Goblin Forest, UN Solum Colony

The Marines are setting up Barbwires in the bunker barricade when they saw a strange creature. The strange creature's skin is green and small as a ten-year-old child with long pointy ears. It's wearing tattered clothes, and obviously primitive because of the spear it holds.

"*** ***** *** ***?"

"***** ** ****" The two strange green creatures are talking about something.

Marines, Scientists, and Engineers are excited in the first intelligent lifeforms they discovered. They didn't expect that they will find intelligent life, so early.

"Lieutenant Rina looks like they are talking about the barbwire we put on. Should I approach them?" Sergeant Nicholas asked the Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Rina nod on her team. She thinks it's a pity that Doctor Elmidor is not here to see what they discovered when they heard the sound of gunshots.

"CONTACT !!" One of the Marines shouted while shooting at the strange green creature when it's daggers quickly slash the soldier in two.

"What's going on?" Lieutenant Rina asked the Marine in a controlled voice.

"Strange green creatures are attacking us. Their number is about Six thousand" The Marine replied while looking at his Wrist Terminal.

"Six thousand? SHIT! Sarge, please call the headquarters now. We can't hold this place we need reinforcement." Lieutenant Rina order.

"Too much interference I can't connect to the Headquarters." Sergeant Nicholas opened his Wrist Terminal to call the Headquarters, but too much interference jamming his signal.

"Why now! Private Vasques, please go towards the Headquarters and request for immediate reinforcements" Lieutenant Rina grunted.

"Affirmative!" Private Vasques quickly run towards the Colony ship.


"El-ti Overlord said we need to hold for twenty minutes before the reinforcements arrive" Private Vasques said breathlessly.

"What the fuck ?? Twenty minutes, why so long our only artillery support are the mortars. Tell the Combat Engineers to dig a trench and Marines to hold every corner of the bunker barricade for twenty minutes" Private Vasques pass the orders to Combat Engineers, and Marines, and quickly went to the bunker barricade to dig a trench.

"Just twenty minutes, we only need twenty minutes" Lieutenant Rina bit her lips while waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. She can't hide her nervousness, they are too outnumbered and unprepared for the sudden invasion of the strange green creatures.


Sky, No Man's Land, Goblin Forest

Elena watched the Goblins' army towards the plains while listening to the source of the loud sound. When she finally found the source, she saw a couple of people holding black iron staves emitting fire. Every roar of the iron staves the Goblins are falling one by one.

"Is that a human? What is that magic that can fire as strong as lightning?" Elena asked the member of the squad, but they could not answer and just shook their heads. A mixture of amazement and fear enveloped the entire squad in the events, they currently watching.

After twenty minutes of observation, they heard another strange noise, and it didn't come from the people holding the black staves, but in a big metal like a mosquito.

"What is that?" Elena asked the member of the squad.

"A big Iron Mosquito?" Another one member of the squad pointed out the four dots floating in the air with a mosquito-like sound. It approached the invading Goblins, and suddenly burst something.


"Hunter Lead to Festina reinforcement arrived" Twenty minutes later four Apache Attack Helicopters arrived at the bunker barricade.

"Festina to Hunter One Help the Marine ground forces around the forest they're engaging with strange green creatures" Lieutenant Rina order to the four Apache Attack Helicopters that arrived.

"Copy that!. Hunter Lead to Hunter all ready your machine guns and hellfire missiles we will feed these creatures with lead and leave some for Doctor Elmidor to study" The Lead Pilot of the Apache Attack Helicopter radio.

"Roger that!" All four Apache Attack Helicopter move to help the Marines and neutralize the strange green creatures.


Five minutes have passed, and only Goblins remains can be seen. The entire Fourteen Griffon squads turned pale, and even Elena couldn't speak and sweat coldly. Minutes later, a Metal Beast arrived with a man on board.

First Iron Mosquito that emits fire? Black Iron staves that roar invisible lightning? Metal Beast with a man on board? What else ?. Elena can't take anymore this is too much information for her.

"The Emperor needs to know this as soon as possible." The whole squad quickly left the forest to deliver important news.