Iron People

Plains of No Man's Land, UN Solum Colony, Governor's Office

"Nine Kill in Action and One hundred and thirty-six Wounded in Action. Major Tae-Joon, why did it take twenty minutes before reinforcement to arrive? A lot could have happened during those hours even the strange green creatures did an unexpected attack. What will I report to the higher-ups? " Governor Steven smash the reports in the table as he talks to Major Tae-Joon.

"Governor Steven I did my best but even if we rush the Marines they need at least five minutes to be battle-ready, ten minutes for fueling and taking off our Attack Helicopters, and another five minutes to arrive in the forest." Major Tae-Joon explained.

"Major, I hope this kind of event will never happen again. Build a fortified fortress in the forest." Governor Steven ordered and Major Tae-Joon salute. "Copy that!"

"By the way Is there any news about the strange green creatures?" Governor Steven asked curiously as he drinks his coffee.

"As of now, Doctor Elmidor is still studying the creatures. He called them Code: Goblin and the leader is Code: Hobgoblin. Compared to Code: Goblin the Code: Hobgoblin has a height of 2 meters and a muscular body. Aside from the physical appearance of these creatures we still don't know much about them yet " Major Tae-Joon answered in the report.

"And this? What is this four-legged bird and is it a human boarding at the top?" Governor pointed the Image of Humanoid creatures boarding at the top of the four-legged bird.

"The reconnaissance drone captured this image while the Marines engaging in combat. We don't know their motives, and the doctor has not seen it yet. So far, there's no news on these creatures." Major Tae-Joon read another report about the image captured by the reconnaissance drone.

"Just continue to study these creatures, and always be alert to other hostile creatures to engage in combat if necessary. For these newly discovered humanoid creatures do everything to have good contacts. We still don't know what else this planet is hiding. " Governor Steven ordered and Major Tae-Joon nod in agreement.


Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Imperial Palace

The Empire Nobles are gathering inside the Palace. Emperor Valencia XIV sat on the throne and watched the ten scouts and one female knight he sent to the barren land kneeling in front of him.

He could not believe the report of the scouts. In the Emperor's mind, it was foolish to believe what the scouts reported. He stared at Duchess Alexandria which standing on the side of the table and speak.

"Duchess Alexandria is the report of these scouts you sent to No Man's Land is true?" The Emperor asked the Duchess. Duchess Alexandria only shook her head at the Emperor's and looked at the kneeling knight for a moment and answer.

"Your Majesty, Even I can't say the credibility of this news but I know Elena she will never lie." Duchess Alexandria explained.

"Iron peoples who can tame a Giant Iron Mosquito that spitting fire, and Black iron staves that emit invisible lightning? That's ridiculous" One of the Noble said, and the other Nobles also agree on his statement. "Yes, that's right " "Do not believe them, Emperor Valencia" "They're just crazy"

"SILENCE !!" Emperor Valencia shouts angrily to the Nobles.

"Elena Silverwing besides in what you saw, what else is there, and why is that place they chose to land?" The Emperor asked.

"Your Majesty, Aside from what I said I didn't see anything else. I hurried back to the palace and deliver the important news. As for the barren land, I don't know why that is the place they landed." Elena explained everything she saw in the barren land to the Emperor.

"M-Maybe it was the Legacy of Gods which left during the Age of Gods. No one can tame a Giant Creature especially a Giant Iron Mosquito. Only a few can tame The Wyvern, and that Iron Peoples can tame a Giant Creature that we never heard?" Earl Joseph explains everything to Emperor Valencia that it was impossible.

"Elena, Commander Stewart and fourteenth Griffon Squad go back to No Man's Land. I'm interested in these Iron Peoples, especially in their black iron staves weapons. Bring me more news about this Iron People." Emperor Valencia order to the Scouts.

"Y-Your Majesty, that's very dangerous. I don't know if we need to continue to scout these Iron People, since we don't know if they are human beings, holding the Legacy of Gods or Demons who plan to invade the whole continent." Commander Stewart convincing the Emperor not to continue scouting the Iron People.

"We can't afford to have a New enemy, since the whole continent is still not unified, and we are currently at war in the other continent which is much stronger than our Empire. I will not allow any excuses. If you don't want to see your head hanging on the door of your house just obey my orders." Those who heard the Emperor's warning turned pale, and just knelt down as salute.

"Yes, Your Majesty" The Empire Nobles said at once.


Plains No Man's Land, UN Solum Colony

A week passed after they settled in the Plains and four days after the raid of the Goblin Army. Concrete buildings, flat roads, hydroponics, And different types of vehicles, solar panels, and other facilities popped up like a bubble as if no battle had taken in this place.

In the North, you can see the Engineers building fortified fortresses, and the trucks are constantly coming to carry cement and bricks. To the West, you will hear the loud noises of the drilling machines mining in the mountains. To the East, you will see the wide flat land for the Airbase while in the South is the built harbor for the UN ships.

In just a week the empty plains are now a resembles a town. If the construction of facilities and buildings continues in just a month, it will look like a small city mixed with concrete and steel. The speed of the construction that will take years now was completed in just a span of a week.

Lieutenant Rina's and the whole 'Festina' are standing in the same room with Doctor Elmidor. In front of them are Governor Steven and Major Tae-Joon.

"I will give you a mission. Pack your equipment, supplies, and ammunition. You will leave for an expedition." Governor Steven ordered the five standing on his front.

"I haven't finished studying the lifeforms we find here in the forest Governor Steven. I'm not ready for this mission." Doctor Elmidor replied while reading a bunch of fantasy books he prints from his lab.

"Doctor Elmidor you are the only scientist who has a lot of experience here and the Festina needs you for this expedition." Major Tae-Joon convincing the Doctor.

"The objective of this mission is to have proper contact with these humanoid creatures." Governor Steven gave the picture of a four-legged bird and boarding on it were humanoid creatures wearing metal armor. The Doctor's eyes sparks in joy and his inner weab came out. If he's not mistaken this four-legged bird is a Griffon like the one in the fantasy story he reads.

"Are they human?" Sergeant Satsuki asked while pointing at the picture of the humanoid creature.

"We are still not sure, but they have a huge resemblance to our species" Major Tae-Joon replied to the curious Sergeant.

"Major Tae-Joon, what kind of vehicle we will use for this expedition. The forest is too dangerous" Sergeant Nicholas asked the Major.

"You will not be passed through the forest instead the river in the east. This river is deep enough for our small ships to pass and according to the captured image of our reconnaissance drone, there's a man-made road at the end of the forest. You will be given an Armored Jeep with a Smart Camo painting. The satellite we set up on this planet are now completed. Use the Wrist Terminal to call the Headquarters in case something unexpected happens or if you have important news to report " Major Tae-Joon explain the details to the expedition team.

"Looks like you planned this mission well Major Tae-Joon" Doctor Elmidor said teasingly to the Major.

"Yes, this mission is important but your safety is still our priority, is it clear?" Major Tae-Joon explained.

"Sir Yes Sir!" The whole expedition team said at once.

The Expedition team salute to the Major and returned to their camp to pack their supply for the Expedition. Meanwhile, the Doctor is deep in thought, thinking about something.

"If my suspicion is true, It seems that NASA did not just discover some new planet but something else." The Doctor smile wickedly.