No Money

South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint, Beiruth Kingdom

Rafael, a patrol guard at the Fortress Checkpoint. He impatiently watches at the rooftop of the fortress when suddenly he heard some buzzing noises.

He searches were the noises coming from and saw the upcoming magic beast. He immediately orders his comrades to prepare for battle. The magic beast stopped in the middle of the track, and Rafael was surprised at the group of men wearing black robes coming out from the belly of the magic beast.

"Halt! Who are you? What are you doing here? What are you doing in that magic beast" Rafael nervously stated at the approaching group while pointing his crossbow.

"Not this again. We are travelers from a far country, and we are here to cross the border. The magic beast you are talking about is a kind of carriage" One of the Black robe's explained. It was a woman's voice. Rafael frowned at the suspicious group who came out from the magic beast.

"I've never seen that kind of carriage in my whole life. Okay, I believe you but you need to pay a toll fee worth of twelve silver royals to cross the border" Rafael smile wickedly as he lowered his crossbow at the suspicious group.

"Holy shit El-ti we don't have any money or anything that we can pay to the locals" One of the black robes replied and now it was a male voice.


UN Expedition Team, Festina

"--- or anything that we can pay to the locals" Private Vasques replied to the Lieutenant. He realizes that they didn't have any local currency in this region.

"How can we cross the border if we don't have money to pay?" Sergeant Satsuki asked.

"Should we call the Headquarters again?" Sergeant Nicholas suggests to the group.

"What if we sneak in the dark? They detect us, can they?" Doctor Elmidor whispered to Lieutenant Rina.

Lieutenant Rina figuring how to cross the border. She's picking in two options. The first option, she will call the headquarters and ask for financial help, but she remembers that they also don't have local currency. The second option is they will sneak in the dark, but they need to leave their armored jeep.

"What am I supposed to do" Lieutenant Rina frowned.


Plains of No Man's Land, Colony Ship Solum, Governor's Office

"Good day G-22 natives... I mean citizens of Roginia Empire. I'm the Governor of the Solum Colony, Governor Steven Smith." Governor Steven bowed to the two locals out of respect.

"I am Stewart von Guenot, Commander of the Fourteenth Griffon Squad" Commander Stewart introduced himself to the Governor.

"I'm Rank 6 Knight Elena Silvering." Elena also introduced herself. The two also bowed to the man in black clothes. It was identical to Ambassador Jonathan.

"Let's get straight to the business, what is your purpose coming here in the Solum Colony?" Governor Steven gives them permission to sit down and ask seriously. The two immediately sit down on the sofa.

"We want to build diplomatic relations with the Solum Colony. You will allow to live and build anything on this land in exchange for your Iron staves." Commander Stewart answer in an arrogant tone. It was a bluff no one really owns this barren land.

"You mean our guns exchange to live here? Interesting, but I will not accept your request." Governor Steven replied.

"What do you mean? "Elena asked in a controlled tone. The two were surprised at the Governor's answer. If you think about it, their offer were good enough.

"Our weapons are top secret. They can't be exchanged for simple land. Even if we agree, you will not be able to produce and understand our weapons" Ambassador Jonathan replied while listening to the three.

"If not, please give the legacy back to us" Commander Stewart held out his hand.

"Legacy? What are you talking about?" Governor Steven replied. He was confused in sudden events.

"Are you kidding? You made this Iron Castle using the Legacy, but you didn't know what it is? The legacy is an artifact left after the Age of -----" Commander Stewart's speech stopped when the door bang opened. A breathless soldier entered, when the soldier calmed down he immediately gave the bad news.

"Governor Steven urgent news, Festina is currently engaging in a battle at the North-East they asked for reinforcements. The estimated number of enemies is about four thousand. Festina also protecting some High-Value Target" All eyes in the office widened in surprise.

"Call Major Tae-Joon for immediate response and make sure that the High-Value Target will be protected." Governor Steven immediately orders the soldier. Meanwhile, both Commander Stewart and Elena didn't know what to do.