Defense in Border I

Southwest Border, Near Fortress Checkpoint, Beiruth Kingdom

Sounds of galloping horses can be heard in the midst of emptiness. One carriage rushes towards the Fortress Checkpoint. The carriage body is full of cuts and arrows protecting its passenger from the bandits attack.

Prince Edward Albert von Gustav-Beiruth, the Fourth Prince of the Beiruth Kingdom was inside the rushing carriage. He was accompanied by most trusted guard Ariel Clover and the coachman Marcus.

The tension inside the carriage was rising as they chased by three hundred bandits. They only can do was pray to their god, when they felt something hit the carriage.

"Marcus, what's happening?" Ariel asked the coachman in a confused tone.

"The road is too rough, and the bandits were already approaching at high-speed." Marcus replied. "Hold on, I will cast some spell. Oh, Wind blesses us with your swiftness. SPEED UP!" Marcus cast a wind spell, and they slowly feel the increasing speed of the carriage. Prince Edward was holding his sword tightly when their carriage suddenly overturned.

"Cough Cough Shit!" Prince Edward and Ariel came out from the carriage wreck full of dust and coughing. They were lucky that they only got bruises and scratches. Unfortunately, Marcus body was covered in blood and no signs of life. His neck was struck by an arrow.

"Prince Edward hurry! Leave me here and I'm going to protect you. Your life is my priority" Ariel said as she pulled her sword at the approaching bandits.

"There's no way I can leave you here. Ariel, there's too many of them. We're already close to Fortress Checkpoint." The Prince pulled Ariel's hand and ran towards the Fortress.

"Not only you framed me that our father will hate me and exiled towards Aster City. You even dare to take my and my followers life. You will all pay!" He curses his siblings in his mind, pledging that he will take revenge for what they did to him.


South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint, UN Expedition Team, Festina

"I'm sorry, we don't have money to pay." Lieutenant Rina embarrassed said to Rafael.

"Sorry, but you can't pass here." Rafael replied as he shook his head.

"Help!" The two interrupted when they hear someone calling for help. Everyone searched, and they saw both man and woman covered in blood and scratches.

The man's face was familiar and beautiful. His clothes were fancy and the sword he was holding is well-made. He was obviously from a Noble family. On the other hand, the woman was also well-groomed. You can figure that she was some bodyguard from her huge solid steel plate on her body.

"Please help us, the bandits are pursuing the prince!" Their eyes widened in surprise when they find out that the Prince is one they're facing.

"Bandits you say??" Rafael asked. He saw at least three hundred black robe men riding their horses.

"Hurry! Enter the Fortress! You suspicious travelers, do you know how to fight? If yes, you help" The whole team nod to the guard, and immediately prepared their weapon.

"Festina, get ready to engage! Sergeant Nicholas, drive the armored jeep. Private Vasques prepare the machine guns at the top of the armored jeep. Sergeant Satsuki you and I will cover fire" Lieutenant Rina orders her team, and she approaches the doctor and handed her MP5-AS and spare magazines. "Doc, join us".


South-West Border, Dark-Horse Bandits

Not from far away, the boss of the bandits Taruc smiles as he stared at the fortress. He's holding the head of the coachman from the wrecked carriage they were chased.

"Master Taruc, according to the scouts the Prince entered the Fortress. It's estimated that ten to thirty guards are guarding the Fortress. There's also five black robe people and one magic beast." The scout reports to Taruc.

"Kill everything in the fortress and take this strange magic beast you are talking about. Bring the Prince's head, we will hand it over to his siblings" Taruc orders his underling.

"What less than fifty people can do to my three hundred underlings, and another four thousand to come." Taruc licked his lip. He smiles wickedly as he fantasizes about the promised wealth and castle.

"You heard what the Lord Taruc said. Don't leave anything just the magic beast. FOR WEALTH!" One of the bandit's member boosts the morale of his comrades.

"FOR WEALTH !!!!" They rode their horses towards the Fortress while Taruc only watched the incoming massacre.


"They will here soon, prepare your weapons! Crossbow squad, make sure your crossbows have arrows. Spear and Sword squad, chant body enhancements. This fight will not be easy." Rafael orders his comrades. He watched the mysterious travelers kneel and ride their carriage.

Magic is divided into six elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind was the simplest and basic elements. Light and Void magic are special. Light magic consists of Healing, Illumination, and Barrier magic while Void magic is Enhancement, Body Modification, and other magic that do not match the first five elements.

"Oh, Void bless us your strength. STRENGTH-UP !!" The Spear and Sword squad chant their body enhancement for the upcoming battle.

"Festina, Fire at Will!" Lieutenant Rina shouts her order. It was followed by gunshots while Sergeant Nicholas drives the armored jeep towards the bandits.

"Eat Lead!" A mixture of bullet tracers and Armor Piercing rounds fired by the Machine Gun held by Private Vasques. When the bullets hit the horses and bandits they fall like papers. The bandits were startled at the magic beast emitting fire, killing their comrades.

"FOR WEALTH !!!" The bandits continued the attack towards the magic beast while Private Vasques keep shooting.

"WOOOHOOOO DIE BITCHES !!!!" Sergeant Nicholas shouted, enjoying the ride inside the armored jeep.