Defense in Border II

South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint, UN Expedition Team, Expedition Team Festina

"RELOADING !!!" Private Vasques reload his Machine gun and resume firing. The bandits are screaming for help as the bullets tearing their muscles. It was a one-sided massacre.

Rafael's eyes widened in as the group of suspicious black robe keep firing their black iron staves to the approaching bandits.

"SHIT !! It's not yet over?" Doctor Elmidor frowned at the incoming bandits. They number about four thousand men approaching the fortress like a wave.

"If this continues, our remaining ammo will not be able to last. We need to call Headquarters for reinforcements" Lieutenant Rina open her Wrist Terminal and called the Headquarters.

The comm tech was confused at the Lieutenant's sudden call. She explains that they need immediate help and the comm tech ran to convey the news.

When the comm tech returned, he was accompanied by Governor Steven,Major Tae-joon, Ambassador Jonathan, and two unknown people.

"Sir, we need immediate reinforcement here at SE 06832 11500." Major Tae-Joon nodded. He orders the UN Solum Airforce for a quick response.

"Lieutenant Rina, please hold. Reinforcement will arrive in ten minutes" Major Tae-Joon replied and the connection between the two cuts.

"Sargeant Nicholas, status report!" Lieutenant Rina looked at the two soldiers who came out from the armored jeep with full of arrows

"El-ti, the armored jeep fuels has run out dry. We have 2 belts ammo remaining on the machine gun" Sergeant Nicholas replied as he checking the supplies

"What about the MP5-AS and Rifles? Do you have RPG or anything we can use to hold the Fortress for ten more minutes?." Lieutenant Rina asked figuring how to hold the fortress at the incoming four thousand bandits.

"We only have remaining twenty-five spare magazines for MP5-AS, forty magazines for M4 Carbine, ten claymores mines, seven RPG shells, twelve frag grenades and two shells of Nukereon barrel for PMR-1" Sergeant Satsuki tally the remaining ammo and supplies.

"Good enough, please hold this line until the reinforcements come. We only need ten minutes" Lieutenant Rina orders. The whole team nodded.

"Roger that!" The whole team saluted at once while Prince Edward and Ariel stared at the black robe travelers with mixed fear and amazement.

"Everyone listen! We will also not fall behind this group. All squads prepare for the next attack!" Rafael boosts the morale of his comrades. "GAAAHHH" all guards on the Fortress shout their battle cry.


Plains Of No Mans Land, Solum Colony, UN Airbase, Sky Carrier - 07 Eagle

"Rotors turning" The Pilot said to the Ground Crew using their wrist terminal while checking the gauges and temperature. "Temperature is all green! Eagle One to Ground crew are we cleared to take off?"

"Eagle One, you are clear to take off" The Ground crew replied. "Skies are clear and windy coming from South-West"

The interior of the SC - 07 Eagle is a mixture of an internal combustion engine and a nukreon engine. The sky carrier has mobility and speed over distances that don't require immediate refueling.

The three SC - 07 Eagle flew into the air. They were accompanied by Wolf squadron consist of twenty F/A - 02 Fox. The Marines are quietly waiting inside the sky carrier.

"Eagle Lead to All Carriers, heading towards SE 06832 11500" The three SC - 07 Eagle and squadron of F/A - 02 headed straight towards their mission area.


South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint

"Crossbow Squad. FIRE! Spear and Sword Squad. HOLD YOUR FLANK !!" Rafael keeps monitoring the battlefield. The guards were tired in the all-night battle while the expedition team is almost no ammo left.

Prince Edward and Ariel also watching the battle when they heard something. They looked at the dark sky and saw a giant bird.

"Eagle Lead to Festina. Do you hear me ?" The SC - 07 Eagle Pilot radioed at his wrist terminal.

"Festina to Eagle Lead. Loud and clear over!" Lieutenant Rina looked at the incoming SC - 07 Eagles and F/A - 02 Fox towards the battlefield. The whole team breathed a sigh of relief while Rafael and Prince were stunned at the approaching giant bird.

"Eagle Lead to All Carriers. We will begin the operation! Para-dropping in 3 2 1 Go! Go! Go!" One by One the Marines parachute dropped from the Sky Carrier. When all Marines dropped, they immediately threw a flare. The bandits were startled at the sudden light.

"Fox Lead to All Marines. We will begin firing in fifteen seconds. Please leave at distance of two hundred meters in 15 14 13 ... 4 3 2 1 OPEN FIRE!" Air to Surface Hellfire Missiles and Bullet Tracers are can be seen at the battlefield as the wolf squadron fired at the bandits.


"What are these guys?" Prince Edward wondered with a mixture of fear. After the raining men, they were accompanied by sudden light and iron bird emitting fire. He couldn't comprehend what's happening.

"El-ti, I'm Seargent Bruno of the Marine Corps. This is your spare ammo and fuel" A man in green uniform approach the black robe group. They immediately take the box thing with a grin on their faces.

"Whole team, come on let's give some lesson to these bandits" Lieutenant Rina grin at the large amounts of supplies. " Roger that!" The whole team refuel and reloaded their arms and return to the battlefield.


South-West Border, Dark-Horse Bandits

Taruc couldn't believe what he saw. He was about to get the Prince's head when the Iron Birds with no apparent reason suddenly fired at his underlings

"Impossible! I'm very close to the promised wealth. I was already rewarded with a big castle if were not with this iron bird ass. You, go take my mana stone staff and give it to me right now!." Taruc point in one of his underling to get his staff.

"Master Taruc, as you will" The underling quickly take the staff from the tent and gave it to Taruc. The staff was colored in red with a big Mana Stone at the top.

"Oh, Fire and Earth please lend me your lowly servant. ELEMENTAL GOLEM" The earth shook wildly and large burning stone suddenly appeared in front of Taruc.

"KILL THEM! NO ONE WILL BE LEFT ALIVE WAHAHAHAHA" Taruc ordered the golem. The golem went to the fortress and start killing the guards. "Now, can you fight this golem?" Taruc said in his mind.