Defense in Border III

South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint, UN Solum Army

The ground shook and a large chunk of blazing rock came out in human-like shape. The UN Solum Army and Marines fired at the rock, but before the bullets approach the Elemental Golem it's already dissolving from intense heat.

The Elemental Golem breathe an intense fire to the soldiers and guards. The soldiers and guards escape the intense heat but slow ones easily turned to ash.

"Wolf Three to Festina. What the fuck is that?" The F/A - 02 Fox Pilot asked as he fires air-to-surface missiles at the Elemental Golem.

"First Titanoboa and now burning golem?" Doctor Elmidor frowned as he didn't think that after they encounter a big snake, they would also encounter an Elemental Golem.

"Doctor, do you know what is that blazing rock is?" Lieutenant Rina approaches the doctor and curiously asked about the Elemental Golem.

"If I'm not mistaken that blazing rock is a Golem" Doctor Elemidor holds his chin as he figures out about the Elemental Golem.

"How can we defeat that? Our arms are almost useless, even it was hit by fighter jet's missiles it will only regenerate back" Sergeant Satsuki asked the Doctor even she was a Japanese, She was not fond of reading fantasy books.

"Golem can only be destroyed when its core was destroyed" The whole team was surprised at Prince Edward's sudden appearance.

"Prince Edward, where can we find this Core?" Sergeant Satsuki asked. She doesn't know about such things.

"According to my knowledge, sometimes it was in the body, sometimes it's in the legs. It was hidden in various parts of the Golem's body" Prince Edward explained. Lieutenant Rina immediately called the Wolf squadron.

"Festina to Wolf Lead. Find the core! Aim at various parts of the Golem's body over!" Lieutenant Rina gives immediate instructions to the Wolf Squadron.

"Copy that! Do you hear that boys? Let's bombard this fucking rock" The squadron of F/A - 02 Fox bombard the Elemental Golems body with air-to-surface missiles to find its core, but they couldn't find it.

"Wolf One to Festina. We couldn't find the core" The Pilot radioed on his wrist terminal. The Golem suddenly threw a blazing rock projectile and hit one of the Fighter Jet. The pilot was unable to eject due to the sudden events and crashed.

"Wolf Two down! Wolf Two down!" Everyone's eyes widened in shock. Aside from Breathe Attacks they didn't expect it also has Projectile attacks.

"FUCK !!!" Lieutenant Rina punched the Fortress Wall in despair. She's figuring how they will fight this Golem. She searched around when she saw some flickering light near the standing tree.

"Privat Vasques use your binocular at that tree" Lieutenant Rina pointed at the standing tree with flickering light.

"El-ti, I see one bandit holding some glowing object" Private Vasques use his binocular and reports, the Lieutenant grin.

"Bingo !! Festina to Marines. Aim at the bandits near the standing trees." The Marines advanced towards the trees that Lieutenant Rina's talking about. They see bandits holding a glowing object at his right hand.

The Marines didn't hesitate to fire but their bullets only stop before it could approach the bandits. A sparking barrier-like object protects the bandits from the hail of bullets.


South-West Border, Dark-Horse Bandits

The Green clothed barbarians stormed Taruc's place. He brought his underling and chanted.

"Oh, Light bless me with your protection, Barrier". A white bubble suddenly appeared circling Taruc and his underlings.

"Fucking Magic!" The barbarian shouts. "Concentrate Fire!" The barbarians' metal staves hailed Taruc with its shiny little objects.

"Shit! Nothing happens, use RPG and break that fucking bubble protecting the bandits!" Taruc laughs wickedly at the shouting barbarians as the barrier protects him from the hail of bullets which is strengthened by the mana stone he was holding.

One of the barbarians pulled out a metal tube pipe and pointed it at Taruc's place. Taruc was curiously looking at the pipe when it burst into flame.

"ONE ROUND AWAY !!!" Taruc's barrier shook wildly at the barbarian's metal tube pipe. His eyes widened in shock.

"It's fucking working! More RPG's! Concentrate Fire" The Marine Commander continues to orders "Copy that Sir!" More RPG's come out from the Marines.

"ONE ROUND AWAY !!" The Marines fired at once, and the barrier cracked. The bandits look at the golem, but it was futile. The Wolf Squadron continues to bombard the Elemental Golem.

Minutes had passed, the barrier completely crumbles from the rocket bombardment and finally, the bandits were hit by the exploding shells. The Manastone was also destroyed, and the Elemental Golem suddenly stops and collapse.

"Hell yeah!" Private Vasques cheered with his fellow soldiers. The fight lasted for several hours and casualties were staggering. Most of the guards were killed

"Eagle Lead to Overlord. HVT secured. Enemy was neutralized. RTB" The SC - 07 Eagle and F/A - 02 Fox radioed to the Headquarters and RTB. The Army and Marines stayed for a while garrisoning the fortress.


Plains of No Man's Land, Colony Ship Solum, UN Solum Headquarters

Elena and Commander Stewart shocked in owed staring at the large monitor in the Headquarters. They watched how the Iron People destroyed an Elemental golem with their iron bird and metal tube pipes.

"Do you know why we didn't accept your offer?" Governor Steven speak and the two nodded understand what the governor meant.

"We can destroy you even if we want." Governor Steven threatens the two. If the whole colony was in danger he will not hesitate to use their Nuclear Arsenal.

Both Elena and Commander Stewart know that it's still not Iron People real strength. They understand if war broke the Empire will not last long.

"Ambassador Jonathan, I want you to go to the Imperial Capital of the Empire and build this Diplomatic Relation they're talking about. Bring a Company of Marines, a Battleship and two cruisers as an escort in case it doesn't go well ." Governor Steven orders to Ambassador Jonathan.

"Please follow me Miss Elena and Commander Stewart" Ambassador Jonathan knows that the battleship and cruisers weren't only an escort but also a display of power to the Empire. The two gulped their own saliva as they followed the ambassador.