I Want Your Power

South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint, Beiruth Kingdom

Hour had been passed since the battle at the border. Rafael, Prince Edward, Ariel and Lieutenant Rina gathered in one room to discuss the Incident.

"Who are you?" Rafael was sitting on a chair and immediately asked the mysterious travelers.

"We are the Festina of the UN Solum Full-body Augmented Special Forces, and the group you saw earlier fighting the bandits was the First Solum Army" Lieutenant Rina replied to the guard.

"UN Solum ?? I never heard such city exist. Where is this UN Solum located?" The Prince asked curiously at Lieutenant Rina's claims.

"At the East, a plain beyond the forest. There is where the UN Solum was" Lieutenant Rina pointed out the place they landed a week ago.

Prince Edward wondered what is the place which this woman is referring to him. A couple of seconds passed when suddenly Ariel stoop up from her seat.

"You came from that land? Impossible! That was the No Man's Land"

Ariel was right it was impossible to live in that area. That land was infertile with magic beast and goblins roaming the area. Even a thousand strong warrior try to live there they will not survive.

"If I never seen their forces and strange-ways of fighting. I would not believed what this woman blabbing. I can also use them for my revenge against my stupid siblings." The Prince was in deep thought.

"I want to ask a favor to this UN" Lieutenant Rina looks at the Prince indicating to continue his request. "I want your powers and weapons for a reason I can't tell."

"You want our weapons and power but will not talk about why?" Lieutenant Rina frowned at the Prince unexpected request. "Do you think we will accept it?"

The Prince nodded. He was serious and want to take this kind of power.

"Then, you should not talk to me instead to our Governor" Lieutenant Rina opened her Wrist Terminal and turn on the Holographic Communication Command or HCC.

A ghostly figure of a man in his mid age suddenly pop up in a corner. Everyone was surprised at Governors Steven's projection.

"A ghost ??" Prince Edward and Ariel drew their swords from the scabbard while Rafael raised his crossbow focused on the Governor's image.

"That's not a ghost! Its a kind of communication device that will allow you to talk with a person even with extreme distanced. You are facing now is Governor Steven projection" The natives calmed down after Lieutenant Rina's explanations.

"Good evening, I am Steven Smith the Governor of the UN Solum Colony and I'm glad to meet you." He change his postion and face the sitting Prince. " You must be Prince Edward. I hear you want our weapons and power, is that true?

Governor Steven raised his eyebrow on the Prince request. Two different native were interested in their weapons.

"Yes ! I can give you Land, mana stones, treasures, the whole Aster City or even become your puppet ! Whatever you want as return. I just want to do my plan" Prince Edward replied at the Governor.

"First, what is this plan you are talking about? A plan that you can exchange verything just to succeed." Governor Steven was curious in the Prince hidden plans.

Prince Edward clenched his fist, he did not want to say his real purpose. On the other hand, he also knew if he does not say it he cannot get this Magical weapons of this UN"

"I want to take revenge on my siblings for what they did to me and to my comrades" A tearful answer of Prince Edward.

Ariel knew what's the Prince's real intention but she was just a bodyguard. She had no authority to speak in Prince Edward's decisions. A silence engulfed the whole room when suddenly.

"WAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" Governor laughed hard.

"WHAT IS FUNNY ABOUT THAT?" Prince Edward angered from the Governor's reaction stood up from his chair.

"Nothing, I just found it interesting" Governor Steven smiles wickedly at the Prince.


Plains of No Man's Land, Colony Ship Solum, UN Headquarters

"I want to study this mana stone Prince Edward talking about. Unfortunately, the last specimen turned into ash from the explosions." Doctor Elmidor requested via HCC. Governor Steven nodded while thinking any possible condition in exchange of their small arms.

"Prince Edward, where is this Aster City you are talking about?" Governor Steven asked the Prince curiously.

"Ahead from fortress checkpoint at the North-West, about seven days in carriage." The Prince answered.

Aster City was an infertile land, so the whole Royal family doesn't much care about this area anymore. The city only serves as a defense against the invasion of Empire when Border Fortress falls, because of this, it was also called Border City.

Governor Steven ordered his staff to connect to the satellites and operate the UAVs. Real time images and videos popped uo as the UAV explores the city. He found something and grinned.

"Deal, In one condition! we will take this city plus your mana stones and I will give you permission to keep our arms. I will also make you the mayor of this city. You will obey our law not the Kingdom." The Prince bowed at the Governor Steven's projection and accept his condition.

"Finally, I can my avenge my fallen comrades. I never thought I would just wait a few hours and I can achieve my plans immediately, UN I will forever indebted to you" Prince Edward said in his mid as the Governor's connections cuts.

"Governor Steven, are you sure about this?" Major Tae-Joon asked in confusion.

"Of course Major, this deal is worth it" Governor Steven smiles wickedly at the Major.

"Why you did not agree to the Empire instead in this exiled ? If we give them our weapons they can be a potential threat to us" This question confuses the Major.

"Major, if you see the City area it was full of Resources. Ores from caves, Oil swamp, and Human Resource. We need a lot of people to speed up our production of supplies compared to the Empire which direct order is from the Emperor. Here, it comes from us as we hold the Prince neck until he does his doobie doobie revenge. I know that he will never become traitor, he's forever indepted to us and also know our destructive power," Governor breathe an air and continue" Also, don't forget the mana stone that bandit use! If our scientist study and reverse-engineer that we can use it for our military."

Major dumbfounded from the Governor's calculated schemes.

"What about our arms that we will give? They wage war differently. They're not suitable for hot weapons"

"I already have a plan about that Major. We will teach this natives about modern combat and see the emergence of the new UN city on this planet"

The Governor left the Headquarters and leave the Major on deep thought. He sips his coffee and remind his self that Steven was doing all this for the Colony.

"For the UN"