Battleship Ares

Plains of No Man's Land, South, UN Solum Harbor

Elena and Stewart followed the Ambassador to UN Solum Harbor. They were amazed at the enormous size of the Harbor, and they saw three huge ships preparing for their trip to the Imperial Capital. They just stood in awe at the three Giant Sail-less Ship with many cannons.

It breaks their common sense in how warship is. It must be called the Monster of the Sea. The warships they saw are the Modern Dreadnought-class Battleship (MDC Battleship) Ares, a Heavy Cruiser and a Light Cruiser.

Elena asks the ambassador why this Battleship was named as Ares, and that name is so beautiful for a metal monster. The Ambassador explained that the name Ares derived from the Greek god, and Ares is the god of war that represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war. The two was surprised they couldn't understand the Iron People why the name of a god would be given to a monster it kinds of disrespect to divine beings.

The Modern Dreadnought-class Battleship Ares are equipped with Fire Control System ( FCS ) for accurate hitting targets, 446 mm gun, a Railgun capable of launching tungsten rods with a target from 200 miles (321.87 kilometers) away, a Heavy metal armor plating, 512 VLS shells capable of Anti-Air and Ballistic missiles defense battlery, 150kw Nukereon Laser, 3 Nukereon Engine, Torpedo, Air and Missiles Denfense Radar (AMDR) and with a speed of 40 knots or 74.8 kilometers per hour.

The MDC Battleship was one of the crucial ships during World War III because of this ship the US won against China when it is attempted to occupy the Korean Peninsula and the Spratly Islands at the Philippines. This one reigns the ocean and the Aerial Attacks from the sea are difficult to attempt at that time because of its quick calculation and destructive attacks. Only fellow Modern Dreadnought-class can only sink another Modern Dreadnought-class Battleships. It can be said that the MDC Battleship is worthy of the name of God of War.

If you look at this Battleship you will think its overkill for the standard of the Empire but the Governor and Ambassador just wants to make sure they have defenses against the Magic Attacks of the Empire. They also don't know the exact amount and strength of their Naval Strength compared to the UN. The Ambassador thinks this may not be enough, so he wants to add an Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear Submarine for their trip to the Empire in case they need Air Superiority, and also fight with Underwater Monsters, but the Governor, and Major Tae-joon didn't allow it and just gave them a squadron of Attack Helicopter and a dozen of Speedboats.

The Ambassador smiled as he felt the tension between the two while staring at the MDC Battleship. They waited for an hour and a half to place all the Supplies and Ammunation to the Warships that they would take to Sierra Torre. It also included the Captain of the MDC Battleship Ares , the UN Solum Navy and two Companies of the UN Solum Ground Forces. When the supplies were loaded, the three warships with Elena and Stewart immediately left while stopping at a station and boarding the entire 14th Griffon Squad left from the Walls near the barren land's forest to Sierra torre.


Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, West Port

It takes four hours to sail the ships from UN Solum to Sierra Torre. All the citizens of the city stop in they were doing when they saw the three big ships. A giant black and two white ships without Sail stop in the middle of the Sea near West Port.

When the people recovered from the shock, they talked about these three strange ships, and the City Patrol guards immediately responded to the panicked people while the others immediately sent a messenger to send the news to the Emperor. The Emperor immediately ordered that preparations must be made for the possible battle against the three ships near West Port.

In the West Port of the city there was a man with a beard shouting at the soldier of the Empire. He is Naval Captain Enrico who was a commoner but due to his achievements in last battle from the sea of the Empire he was given the title to be commander and Naval Captain of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Imperial Fleet.

At his command he immediately prepared the Imperial Navy, Nearly six hundred soldiers of the navy acted to prepare their warships. Their warships are mixture of Wood and Metal while in front of it are three barrels of Stone cannon and Sails with Wind Mana stone in the middle, and it can sail in 5-10 knots or 6-12 MPH if given a boost using Wind spells.

When the preparation of the Imperial Fleet was over, they immediately went to the three Giant ships. When they got close they were surprised to see its pure metal bodies, a large barrel of strange metal cannons and its was a sail-less. The Naval Captain also wondered how this heavy ships could float and sail the seas.

This is probably the biggest ship he has ever seen in his life, and he was shaking his head it was a waste of resources and years just to build this kind of ship. He was sure that it did not come from the Empire or any nation on the entire continent. All he had in mind was who could build such ship and how to fight it that even their newly discovered cannon would not scratch this Monster.