Rescue Mission I

Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Near West Port, Modernized Dreadnought-class Battleship Ares

A squadron of Ultra Cobra Attack Helicopters and the rest of the Marines are preparing for a rescue mission on the MDC Battleship Ares towards to the West Port of the Imperial Capital. The Rotor of the AH-90 Ultra Cobra can be heard circling and when it lifts, it goes straight to the Imperial Palace to begin the mission.

The AH-90 Ultra Cobra is a UN twin-turboshaft attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement and a tandem cockpit for a crew of two. It features a nose-mounted sensor suite for target acquisition and night vision systems. It is armed with a 30 mm autocannon and machine guns carried between the main landing gear, under the aircraft's forward fuselage, and four hardpoints mounted on stub-wing pylons for carrying armament and stores, typically a mixture of Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 rocket pods. The AH-90 Ultra Cobra has significant redundancy systems to improve combat survivability and like the MDC Battleships, Cruisers, and Tanks it also has Adaptiv Camouflage so that hostile enemies and Anti - Aircraft guns cannot detect it immediately.

The AH-90 Ultra Cobra can only load a few Marines and it can only do Aerial Support, so they sent Three more Platoons to board their Speedboats and Landsea Armored Vehicles to be used in this Rescue Mission towards the Imperial Palace.

The Marine Platoons are Armed with Advanced Precision Guided Rifles that can be switched to PHASR Rifle for disabling High-Value Targets when capture is needed, Side-arm Smart Glock - 98 with Corner shot Function, Universal Human load carrier which is powered by Hydraulic Exoskeleton Suit, Breaching devices and most of all the latest EMS System or Electro-Magnetic Shield System which is installed in their Wrist Terminal.

The new UNS Army are all trained in all kinds of Warfare, especially in Urban and Underground Warfare which during World War III is crucial so the captain of the MDC Battleship is confident even when the time is limited in this Rescue Mission towards to the Imperial Palace.

Meanwhile, the MDC Battleship Ares and its escort Destroyer and Cruiser were only in standby - phase until the Rescue Mission end or when actually needed because it couldn't get close because of the water in the West Port was shallow and its Gun barrels were only focused in support amphibious assault.

One of the Three Platoons that are sent in this Mission is known as Metal Slug Marines because its member's names are similar to the Metal Slug character which is Marco, Tarma, Fio, Eri, Trevor, Ralph, Nadia, and Clark. More than that their number is just like a squad but is equal to a Platoon in coordination and organization duration.

Many Natives are watching them confused by their clothing, weapons, and boats which is floating on land as if still in the water. The Marines ignored it and focused only on their mission.

"Wouldn't it be okay and faster if our deployment was just Para-drop compared to this Amphibious Assault style?" Tarma asked Marco as he prepared their equipment and Arms in Landsea Armored Vehicles.

"Maybe but only Attack Helicopter was sent by the Governor for Air Supremacy and only a few Marines can be deployed by the Attack Helicopter towards the Imperial Palace" Marco replied to Tarma's question while looking at his Wrist Terminal time and functions. "According to the Higher - up The Governor already predict this, so he still sent speedboats and Landsea Armored Vehicles "

When the Marine's LSA Vehicles approached the Inner Wall of the Imperial Capital they already felt the silence and Tension of the surroundings, and all the entrances of the Inner Wall are heavily guarded. The Marines immediately got out of their Landsea Vehicles and talked about how to get into the Imperial Garden without being detected by the Imperial Guards.

The Leader of Platoon C prompted Marco that they find a hidden passage in one of the houses near the Inner Wall and according to their scanner's data at their Wrist Terminal the tunnels are heading to the Imperial Garden which would be the Extraction Point of the Ambassador and Emperor.

When they entered the hidden passage of the house they called the Ambassador and its Escort Platoon's Wrist Terminal but a strange Signal distorted the connection of the HVTs. Marco just nods to all the Marine Platoons, and they're immediately divided according to their designated platoon while talking about their tactics which are Underground Warfare but everyone was calm because they were fully equipped and the Training they had done on Earth was buried in them.

"Area A Clear" The Platoon B radio on their Wrist Watch which is accompanied by Platoon C's suppressed gunfire in the other Area.

"Contact in Area B! Neutralizing! Tunnel guard down Move!" Platoon C reports and it prompts Marco's Platoon A to move forward towards the dark tunnel. Each Platoon moves fast and coordinated as if they have only one brain as they direct the Area B tunnel. Whenever they encounter a guard they quickly shoot it down until they reach a Secret Door that exits to the Imperial Garden.

They came out silently from the Hidden Passage, and they radioed the Squad Leader of the AH - Ultra Cobra that they were ready for their mission to infiltrate the Imperial Castle to Rescue the HVT and the Platoon B parted towards the Mansion, while the Platoon C goes around the Imperial Garden and Marco's Platoon A go to the Back Entrance of the Imperial Castle.