Rescue Mission II

Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Imperial Chamber

Twenty Minutes before Marines enters the Underground Passage

Prime Minister Roland was just standing in the middle of the Chamber while staring at the gathering of One Hundred Imperial Mages. The Imperial Mages are made up of Elite of Elites magic users throughout the Empire and often its members have an affinity with all the Elements.

Later Elena and Stewart arrived, obviously, they are confused about what was happening in the whole Palace according to the expression on their faces while approaching the Prime Minister.

"Prime Minister, why is everyone upset and many Imperial guards are patrolling the whole palace as if they are looking for someone or something?" Stewart watches the Imperial Mages gathering a lot of Mana stones in the middle of the Imperial Chamber.

"Commander Guenot it's you! As you can see we are collecting Mana stones for massive magic casting because we are looking for the traitors and barbarian creatures who poisoned the Emperor " Prime Minister Roland explained but Elena did not believe in the Prime Minister's explanation and cried out knowing it.

"The Iron People, could not do it especially the close followers of the Emperor. It is just a misunderstanding on both sides" Elena immediately pulled Stewart to look for the Iron People and Nobles, but they were stopped when the chanting of the Imperial Mages suddenly began.

"Oh Void and Light, Give us your power that no enemy can escape, Wide Search Barrier" The magic stones melted like ash at the same time, the whole Imperial palace shone and grew bigger and bigger until the whole Inner Wall was covered which immediately vanish after a few seconds.

The full image of the Imperial Palace, Imperial Garden, Inner Wall, and Dragon's Tower is projected in the center of the Imperial Chamber.

Red dots also appear in moving phase which indicated that it is people when clicked you will see who's that person is.

When Prime Minister Roland clicked on the cluster of red dots in Dragon's Tower he just smiled wickedly. "Bingo!" He found where the Barbarian creatures and loyal followers of the Emperor hiding so Prime Minister Roland immediately ordered the Imperial Mages to mobilize.

"Tell the Imperial Guard and Imperial Army that the Traitors and Barbarians have been located and it was in the Dragon's Tower. Kill everything except for the Emperor while you Commander Guenot and Ms. Elena. Just stay here in the chamber and do not leave."

The two did not say a word even though they doubted the Prime Minister's actions because the Emperor's life depended on it while Prime Minister Roland was sure not to let the two go because he did not want more peopled to screw with his plan.


Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Dragon's Tower

Ten minutes before the Marines enter the Underground Passage

Earl Joseph laid a torn cloth from his dress on the stone floor of Dragon's Tower and the Escort Platoons laid the body of the Emperor asleep.

Duke Carmaine and Ambassador Jonathan are discussing how they can defend the Emperor from the danger in the Palace. They are warry to the sudden light that envelops throughout the Inner Wall for a few seconds.

Clara suddenly heard many footsteps she immediately told the two a about the incoming Imperial guards. "Mr. Jonathan and Duke Carmaine I can hear footsteps that approaching our location".

"Aren't those Rescuers?" Ambassador Jonathan asked the maid Snow-Wolf Beastfolk, and she just shook her head.

"They are too many for the Rescuer and according to the sound of the footsteps, they range about two hundred Imperial guards" when Ambassador Jonathan heard this he immediately ordered his Escort platoon.

The Lead Escort aimed their Assault Rifles near the door and enabled their Heartbeat sensor to locate the approaching Imperial guards as they adjusted their formation, and at the same time, Duke Carmaine and Earl Joseph drew their Swords.

Ambassador Jonathan called the Captain of the MDC Battleship Ares, but someone Jamming the signal of his Wrist Terminal.

"Why now?" Ambassador Jonathan complained in his mind. He didn't think that in this Era, someone could Jam their signal, and then he remembered the light ten minutes ago "Fucking magic".


Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Imperial Palace

"CONTACT! ENGAGING !!" Fio shouted at her wrist terminal in radio mode while firing at the Imperial Guards which patrolling the palace. They already encountered more than Ninety Imperial Guard, but now they are patrolling with someone who's wearing Blue Robe armor which draws out some kind of Mana stone.

This Mana Stone is called the Great stone Barrier. Runes of Light magic "Barrier" are imbued in this Mana stone. It just needs to pour some Mana, and it will immediately cast a Barrier Magic.

"What the fuck? EMS spotted !!" Ralph was shocked by the newcomers who are wearing Blue Robe armor. They also have an EMS System because of this the Imperial Guards are getting closer even in the middle of Heavy gunfire.

Marco grabbed a grenade from his pouch and toss it at the incoming Imperial Guards, and he shouts to his Platoon "Platoon A Retreat !!".

The grenade exploded and hammered the Imperial Guard's barrier as a result, the barrier flickered harshly before it crumbled along with the man wearing Blue Robes who's vomiting blood.

"Platoon A to Cobra One we need cover fire from Air Support. The natives also have Magic shit EMS and they're tanking our heavy gunfire " When the pilot of the AH - 90 Ultra Cobra heard Marco's order from the radio he immediately fired a missile to the Imperial Guards and gave a thumbs up to the Platoon Leader.

"Hell Yeah !!!"