Farewell and Ambitions

[South-West Border, Fortress Checkpoint]

Two days have passed since the incident at the Imperial Palace.

Inside a dim room with a torch as its light source, was a set of furniture - a long wooden table made of polished oak with wooden chairs on each side. The expedition team had occupied the entire room. As the night went on, they started the discussion about their plans for Aster City. Near the corner of the table was Dr. Elmidor who was having a conversation with Governor Steven using the Wrist Terminal.

Their conversation had ended then Dr. Elmidor glanced at the expedition team while giving a sad expression.

"Sorry guys, but I need to go back to Solum City as soon as possible" He opened the bottle of his favorite cola, and waited for the Expedition team's reply. Everyone was surprised at his sudden announcement.

"What's the reason for your sudden departure?" Lieutenant Rina stood up from her seat and asked the Doctor.

"Governor's order, they obtained a large amount of Mana stone which was given by the Prince, and they also captured one Magic-user" Doctor Elmidor explained as he drank his cola "They want me to study the Mana stones and the magic of this planet with other scientists to increase our soldiers survival"

"How about our job? As your escort?" Sergeant Nicholas asked the Doctor.

"According to Major Tae-Joon, you're still going to continue your Expedition towards Aster City and the higher-ups have a plan for that" The Doctor answered as he read the report on his Wrist Terminal. The rest of the Expedition team also read the reports on their Wrist Terminal.

Lieutenant Rina's only concern was their lack of knowledge about the creatures that they might encounter in the future. The job was supposedly Dr. Elmidor's, but if he leaves now - it might spell trouble for them.

They were seriously discussing when the door suddenly opened and Prince Edward entered the darkroom "Please pack your equipment, tomorrow we will depart towards Aster City".

Everyone stood up from their chairs and nodded to the prince as they left the room one by one. Left inside the room was Prince Edward and Dr. Elmidor who was still sitting on his chair while spinning the empty bottle of cola.

"You're not going to arrange your equipment and go to sleep?" Prince Edward sat on the wooden chair and asked Doctor Elmidor.

"No, I will go back with the Marines to our city and even if I try to sleep, I can't" Doctor Elmidor replied while he was visibly deep in thought.

"This was not only your superior's orders but you have a deeper reason for your actions. Yes?" Prince Edward continues to ask. He was intrigued by the topic.

"Yes. this was the opportunity I was waiting for." said the doctor while clenching his fist.

"This is the only time and the only way to surpass my first and longest rival." The doctor looked at the prince giving a serious and determined look.

"Interesting! Good luck mister scholar! May the gods be with you. By the way, may I know your name?" Pleased and intrigued by their customs, Prince Edward held out his hand for a handshake.

The Doctor reached the Prince's hand and shook it " Doctor Elmidor, Doctor Jayson Elmidor" he left the room smiling and returned towards his assigned bed. Prince Edward was left alone.

The Prince started to walk towards the balcony. The two full moons stood luminescent in the night sky and showered the entirety of the balcony with its gentle light. The light was accompanied by the gentle breeze that looked like it was caressing the Prince. Yet, his expression was somewhat sad with a tinge of fire burning in his eyes. It was as if god was reaching out to him and telling him to cry but -

"I also have an ambition - to take revenge on my corrupt siblings".

The gentle breeze suddenly became harsher and the light started waning - then everything was basked in the darkness.


The sun rose and the Marines stood up from their beds.

"It's already morning? I'm still drowsy" Private Vasques complained as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Everyone laughed at the drowsy private. Then, they began to pack their supply ammunition on their Universal Load Carrier.

The Expedition team went towards Prince Edward and Ariel's rooms while they were still in the middle of packing their ammunition.

"How's your sleep Prince Edward and Ariel? Are you ready?" Lieutenant Rina asked the two with a smile.

"Give us five more minutes and everything will be ready" Ariel bowed and continued packing her equipment and clothes. Five minutes later, Prince Edward and Ariel nodded signals that they were finally done packing.

"Follow us to our Armored Jeep" Sergeant Nicholas said, but he saw the confused looks of the two indicating that they didn't understand what he meant "I mean, follow me to our metal wagons" He only scratched his head

"So that's what you call your Metal Wagon" The Prince asked interestedly and walked with the Expedition team towards their Armored Jeep. Ariel only facepalms at the Prince's actions.

As they walked, they noticed Doctor Elmidor walking along with half of the Marines Platoons heading towards a dozen of CH - 93 Unicorn. They called the Doctor and he immediately looked at them.

"Doctor, are you sure about your decision? You're not going to reconsider it?" Sergeant Satsuki asked with mixed sadness on her face.

"No, but I'm sure we will meet again after my research about this Mana stone and Magic" Doctor Elmidor replied, and he opened his Wrist Terminal and Festina Wrist Terminal suddenly rang "I sent a bunch of literature about fantasy creatures that you will probably encounter. Read that carefully, Goodbye!"

The Expedition team also opened their Wrist Terminal and browsed the literature which the Doctor's talking about. They thanked him. Satisfied, Doctor Elmidor smiles and boards the Helicopter.

"Unicorn One to Overlord. Doctor Elmidor onboard RTB over!" The Pilot starts the Helicopter's rotor and the Marines also start to board.

"Copy that, be careful" The Helicopters flew away towards the sky and the Expedition Team with the two natives watched and wave at the departing Helicopters. When they could no longer see the Helicopters, they also headed straight towards their Armored jeep along with remaining Marines and their Infantry Fighting Vehicles or IFV.

Prince Edward and Ariel boarded the Armored Jeep and sat on the passenger seat. They were facing Sergeant Satsuki and Private Vasques while Sergeant Nicholas was in the driver's seat and Lieutenant Rina was next to him.

The two natives enjoyed the comfortable seat while the two soldiers happily looked at them. Sergeant Nicholas starts the engine which startles Ariel.

"Are we safe? We aren't going to be eaten by this angry metal wagon?" Ariel was sweating heavily and Private Vasques only laughed.

"Hahaha No, it's not angry, it's just the engine that runs the Armored Jeep" Private Vasques explained and Ariel breathed a sigh of relief.

A few seconds later, each vehicle started moving towards the bumpy road connecting to Aster City. Prince Edwards tried to guess how the Armored Jeep was not shaking heavily at the bumpy road, and its speed was constant compared to their carriages. He wanted to ask the soldier, but he just kept his mouth shut and only looked at the scenery.

Lieutenant Rina broke the silence inside the Armored Jeep and asked the Prince "Is there any book about the history of this continent in Aster City?"

"I didn't know. Only nobles could read and afford a book" The Prince only replied sadly "Three years of crop failure, and the land becoming infertile, the former city lords abandoned the city while also carrying their valuable items including books. By the way, why do you ask?"

"We want to know the history of this continent so that we can better understand the culture of its inhabitants" Lieutenant Rina replied

"After the war in Afghanistan, we learned that we can occupy a city or country but couldn't change the ideology and culture of its inhabitants. The only choice was to adjust and learned about their cultures"

"I see" Prince Edward nodded. He didn't know what Afghanistan was, but he still understood what the Lieutenant wanted to convey " How long before we reach Aster City? Using our carriages it will take about five to six days"

"With our current speed, it will take eight to nine hours including breaks, that is if the weather doesn't change." replied Sergeant Nicholas still focused on driving.

Prince Edward and Ariel were amazed at the speed of the Armored Jeep. Five days shortened by eight hours, not even a day! but only eight hours! The two just closed their eyes and didn't want to think about the incomprehensible event.