
Prince Edward woke up from the bright light. He was inside a large, wide chamber. He remembered it, this was the Beiruth Kingdom's Royal Palace.

Prince Edward noticed a large number of Nobles smiling in front of him. He also noticed that his brothers and sister were also there watching him. Then there's an old man wearing a gold crown on his head - sitting on a throne while holding a long scepter symbolizing his high-status.

"Congratulations my son, you're finally fifteen years old, you are almost an adult. I'm also happy with your amazing achievements as you grew. Now, I'm finally announcing my Crown Prince! Edward Albeit von Gustav-Beiruth!"

The old man declared Edward as the crowned prince while giving him a gentle smile. This old man was none other than Beiruth Kingdom's King, King Wilbert Beiruth III.

Spectators jeered and applauded at the King's announcement but, despite the fun and fancy party, there were three people on the side of the white table who glared at Prince Edward's direction.

"Prince Leonard, Princess Cecilia and Prince Arnold. Your youngest brother got the spotlight again and was even announced as Crown Prince" Prime Minister Zelioth looked at the three siblings and drank his two hundred years old wine from a high quality wine glass.

"What's wrong with him? Why does father always notice him?" Prince Leonard stomped the floor from his rage "I'm the oldest, yet, why didn't I become the Crown Prince?"

"You're right big brother Leonard! He's just a bastard son from a slave that our Father liked." Princess Cecilia added "But for us? We come from a noble family! We should be higher than him."

"We need to do something to turn our father's attention back to us and not to that slave's son!" Prince Arnold approached the Prime Minister "Help us Prime Minister Zelioth."

"Sure, I already have a plan," Prime Minister Zelioth lowered the wine glass and smiled wickedly at the three siblings.

The applause stopped and the whole place became silent. King Wilbert stood up from his throne and called the four men waiting on the side. These four will be Prince Edward's companions until he succeeds to the throne.

"My son, here are my gifts. They will become your companions until you succeed the throne. Introduce yourselves!"

A woman in knight armor stepped forward and kneeled. Her long green hair was a unique color from the lineage of the Clovers, her skin was white and she has a very beautiful face with a curved body that you wouldn't think she was only at her sixteen.

"My Liege, My name is Ariel Clover, a recent graduate from the Knight Academy and the only daughter of Count Richard Clover. It's an honor to be your bodyguard Prince Edward"

"I'm also honored to be your master Ariel" Prince Edward replied smiling at the very beautiful girl in front of him.

After Ariel introduced a man who was wearing an academy standard robe he also stepped forward and kneeled. His hair was black reaching his shoulder, his face was old and wrinkled but you can still see the excitement on his face. He was holding a book and just by looking at him, you will know he was a scholar.

"My name is Cedric, a Professor from Beiruth Magic Academy. It's an honor to be your tutor Prince Edward." The old scholar introduced himself to the Prince. Edward smiled at the Professor and nodded in acknowledgement to his new magic tutor.

Cedric went back to his original position and another man stepped forward. He was wearing simple leather clothes. He had blonde hair and also knelt down as he introduced himself.

"I, Marcus, will be the personal coachman of your carriages when you have important appointments"

Marcus is only a normal peddler. One day a group of a dire wolf was chasing the King's chariot in the forest when his wagon passed by. He didn't hesitate to help even if it would cost his life. As a reward, the King gave him a position as the Prince's personal coachman.

Finally, the remaining man also stepped forward. It was a cat beastfolk wearing a servant outfit. Prince Edward noticed the large collar around the cat beastfolk neck which was imbued with magic runes. The collar symbolized that the cat beastfolk was a slave. She knelt down and introduced herself.

"My name is Nenya, a cat beastfolk. I will become your personal servant Prince Edward"

Prince Edward's face was confined to the cat beastfolk not because of his disgust but because of pity. No man should become another person's property. Anyone has the right to live in liberty.

After the four introduced themselves the party ended and a light suddenly surrounded the area. A few seconds later, the scene changed.

The whole place was dark but his Father was still in front of him. His face was no longer smiling but full of anger.

"You disappointed me, Edward, I gave everything but this is your payment in all I've done?" King Wilbert stomped the end of his scepter on the floor.

The King was angry and full of hatred for Edward. The three siblings only smile foolishly on the side. Their plan was successful. Finally, a way for Edward to be exiled from the Palace. On the other hand, Prince Edward has no idea what's going on.

"Father, what do you mean by that? I don't remember doing anything wrong"

"Pfft ... don't fool us, Edward. You killed Professor Cedric and Nenya right?" Prince Leonard replied suppressing his laughter.

"You're right big brother, it's a pity that those people were killed by their own master" Princess Cecilia added to the fire and opened her big black fan to cover her face.

"What do you mean by killed? Prince Edward will never do that especially to his companions" Ariel couldn't stand the unsubstantiated accusation and try to approach the three siblings but Prince Edward quickly went in front of her and spread his arm. The Prince stopped her even though Prince Edward was also confused and still thinking about what's going on.

"SILENCE !!" Everyone fell silent at King Wilbert's loud cry "Shut up Leonard and Cecilia. Edward, from now you are no longer part of the royal family. I will also remove you as the Crowned Prince. I will banish you towards the Barren city of Aster out of respect from your achievements"

Prince Edward was speechless, his brain was buffering trying to connect everything. He only nods to the king - he could not object to the king's order. Ariel on the other hand was still furious at the Prince's siblings.

When suddenly, the surroundings lit up and the place changed again. Prince Edward was now standing in a room while Marcus and Ariel were preparing their equipment in their journey towards Aster City. They also finished mourning the three bereaved loyal subordinates.

A few minutes later, they overheard someone talking outside and laughing. According to the speaker's voice, it was Leonard and his siblings.

"I never thought Edward's brain would be so narrow to never comprehend what was happening"

"Well said big brother Leonard, the Throne is now yours" Princess Cecilia agreed to her older brother.

"Most of all it's nice to see the faces of her subordinates while dying while trying to protect their master hahahaha" Arnold laughed hysterically.

A sudden pulse of electric charge struck Prince Edward's whole body and his ear twitched. Marcus and Ariel tried to stop him but he quickly opened the door and punched his two older brothers.

"You fucking animals! You will pay for both Professor Cedric and Nenya." Prince Edward's gaze darkened with rage. He punched his brothers in the face until both their face and his hand bled. Every blow is a mixture of resentment and anger.


Ariel and Marcus returned to reality at Cecilia's shout. They immediately went towards Prince Edward and took him away but before they could stop him, he slapped Cecilia hard on her face.

"Shut up bitch! You'll pay! I'll be back here and avenge my comrades."

The Prince could no longer control his anger. From the gentle and thoughtful Prince to a wild beast who wanted to devour his prey. Prince Edward cried.

Suddenly, the whole place became dark. Prince Edward felt a tap. He opened his eyes and saw Ariel's worried face as she tapped the prince to wake up. He fell asleep on the Armored Jeep while traveling

"Prince Edward, are you alright? Why are you crying? Looks like you had a nightmare." Ariel worriedly asked as she checked the Prince's body.

Prince Edward didn't notice that he was crying as he dreamed. He immediately wiped it with both hands and smiled at Ariel.


Ariel knew the Prince was referring to Marcus, Nenya, and Professor Cedric but she didn't continue to ask. She also mourned for her comrades.

The Armored Jeep stopped at a wide Plain in the middle of the forest and the Marines jumped from their IFV and signaled that they would take a break.

"Come down here, we will cook our lunch" Lieutenant Rina invited the two. Prince Edward and Ariel both nodded.

"Thank you, we're going down. Let's go Ariel" Prince Edward grabbed Ariel's hand and pulled towards the Marines who were setting up their cooking wares.

"Ahh .. Ehh .." Ariel just nodded and blushed at the Prince who was still holding her hand.