Chapter 39: Savage 2

His happiness couldn't be described, his hopes and excitements were all so obvious through his sparkling eyes. 'She was his at last' he thought, she was his he confirmed as his hands roamed her waist full of satisfaction. His animal side was waking up uncontrollably. His wild instincts started to push itself through his control to claim what was granted to be his. His eyes shone brighter than before as his wolf fought for control to welcome his new found mate. His teeth changed drastically into a bunch of a monstrous incisors, canines and molars. Bit by bit the black vines started to spread through his face and down to his neck.

As he went into her juncture grazing her flesh with his sharp mouth begging for her skin to break. He wanted to mark her, in fact he needed to mark her. As a half wolf driven by instincts, he was at the verge of losing himself if he didn't do it as soon as possible. As a werewolf their animalistic side at the age of shifting where their transforming ceremony are held, the young men and women start to look for their mates from the moment they link with their wolves. In matter of words, their life goals won't be power nor glory nor riches but finding their mates.

The higher you are on the ranks the stronger this urge will be. Until sometimes they could be driven by madness from the despair if they couldn't find their half by the first five years. This case were just rare yet, there were some who were mentioned that went berserk and almost annihilated their packs. They went rogues losing any signs of rationality as their animal side gained the anger and the jealousy towards the others. Having the same questions repeated inside their heads like a song or a lullaby; where is our mate? Why they have one and we don't?

The more the days and the years went by the more these questions intensified pushing them with every seconds into the edge of insanity. It wasn't a matter what if they resist and save themselves and maybe find a replacement, no it was a matter of when. It wasn't a theory that they may or may not lose their minds if they weren't able to find their mates. It was a fact, which this kind of wolves' society suffered from no matter what era or age they lived on.

Xavier wasn't an exception, he also suffered his fair side of this coin. For years he caged his urges and desires to destroy and kill. He only was buying his time for the moment he went kaboom and killed as many as possible before he killed himself. He knew and everybody knew with him, why wouldn't they stop him? Simply because there was no one who were strong enough to face him and live. Even if they combined forces they weren't able to stop him and the power that stood behind him. He was a smart man, and he was so prepared for the moment of betrayals.

And this is why, during Xavier's reign and with the growing danger he presented towards the empire as he wasn't able to find his mate. Countless coup d'état appeared through the years, many dared to rebel and claim that they were more powerful and had the right to gain the thrown. However, and for their disappointment Xavier didn't get defeated. He resisted on holding on until his last breath, and finally he won the race.

Elisabeth, delicate hands pushed Xavier with all her power as the pain she felt when he bit her neck started to intensify. She drove him away, when he shoved himself on her more growling angry due to her struggle. His craving wanted his teeth to be buried deep onto her to mark her and claim her, where she stood ignorant of his desires and fearful of him.

"Let me go" she begged "just let me go" she demanded as tears filled her crying eyes.

"No there is no way out sweetheart, your place is where I stand" he answered, as his head rose and faced her glaring and growling challenging her.

She really tried to fight him back. She mastered all her power to push and shove him away yet he didn't care as he pulled her up and through her over his shoulders. To walk out of that cave with a mile wide smile, emerging out of that arena victoriously.

"Let me down" she screamed now as she kept hitting him using her arms and legs.

"No way" he responded as if he was the one with the brains. "As soon as I put you down you will jump up running away" he further explained, laughing at her cynically "I am a man who don't fall on traps for three time on a row, I learned my lessons thanks."

His words were decisive enough to nock her out speechless, but she stubbornly yelled "but I didn't tell you to follow me"

His reply came with aloud bang in the air as his smack over her hips echoed through the entrance of the cave as they started to emerge onto the wilderness.

When he hit her she felt humiliated, furious and powerless as his violations kept increasing and her not able to stop him. Her only solutions that were left, was for her to surrender her fate on the hands of this savage man who she hated the most.