Chapter 40: The Room

In a place unknown hidden somewhere where the eyes can't reach, set few men over a round table facing each other. They wore luxuries black robes along with cloaks covering all their shapes. They set calmly some with a cup of wine on their hands, were ones had coffees fearing the influence of the liquor on their minds. Their faces where behind some golden masks protecting their identity and their families names. Leaving only their mouth for the open, to move and drink when they wished for.

The place where strange, old yet clean. The room was part of an old castle that took place through the curvy land of a high mountain. It looked over everything, yet nothing can look at it. Under a couple of layers of a well hidden spells the shapes and moves of the wind were controlled enough to not let the secret out. Hiding well under powerful work, the truth was on the reach of hands however it was far from the eyes so it can see. Trees swayed, animals jumped and hunted, sky rained and sun that shun. Everything looked normal, still the place was strange.

Over that room, it was the same. Thick red curtains covered the windows so no one knew was it day or night outside. The place was pitch dark like a tomb making sure the little dirty secrets of those inside wouldn't lick out nor reach the ears of those who shouldn't. The men set with prestige, every move they had were calculated and preserved. They had their diner in silence earlier and now they had their drinks, still in silence, but this time with a bit of patient. From the overall image they looked like dark kings sitting over their thrones but over a closer look they bodies gave the signs of their fear and disturbance.

"Why we hadn't a word yet? Why?" one on the right took the first word and asked.

His hands were on the table touching the glass of wine, perhaps he was one of the ones that were brave enough to drink; something that explained his bravery for this night. No one answered him. Some gave him a look and some just continued with their drink. Yet they were the same as him, they had the same words he had but not his courage.

A man that set on the center, looking like a leader because of the space he had a round him.

"The eyes have sent their words, it seems he called for his army to go there" He answered with composure.

"Didn't he take enough already?"

"He did he took thirty at first and now he is dispatching more to the field." Two more took their chance to share what they had at hand.

"But are we safe?" he questioned "are we secured enough? Is the package safe?"

No one had the courage to answer that because no one knew the situation there. Since Xavier entered the packs land all communication between them had disappeared. No one had a clue, no one knew the range of their losses.

"I don't think he went because of us, I mean no one knows what we have there how could he?" another tried to reason and put a bit of hope into their despair.

"Well that's true I don't think he will care to go so deep into nowhere, perhaps we can be lucky"

Their words of reassurances broke the walls of doubt as the scared voices started to regain some of their former pride and trust.

However a loud bang intercepted their little victory dance. "How much stupidity did you men had? Can you please explain" his angry shouts resounded onto the room "the moment that man got out of his den, it meant only trouble to us"

"That girl is all what we needed we can't losses her, do you understand? No matter what we do she needs to stay under our hands the moment something changes on the plan it only means our end. Nothing more nothing less"

He boomed so loud and with authority all ears had the urge to bow over their resistance.

"That's true, something must had happened already since even the alpha wouldn't respond." "Let's wait for further words this is our only option now, when things calm down our vision will be clearer" a man with an older voice interrupted, breaking the awkward moment.

"Send a word to A tell him to prepare himself" the leader ordered "under all means if the girl is discovered, he needs to get her back"

When he finished his words a shadow at the corner moved with the speed of the light. Even before you could comprehend the fact that he was there at the first place he disappeared, carrying the words his lord had gave him.

"Hopefully that bastard didn't go there or else we are doomed"

"If we don't get her back, they will kill us all" his words reminded them of the consequences of their failure.