The elven seamstress

"Yes... I am a human"

Mike was currently underneath a lady who flew out the door of the supposed clothes store. She was also petting Mike but once she realized that she was on someone in the middle of the road while strangers were watching her act the lady became flustered.

"I-I am so sorry here let me help you up"

The lady gets off of Mike and he gets pulled up by the lady as she also stands up. Now that Mike is finally off the ground he sees that the lady who came flying into him was actually an elven lady. She wore a bright green dress that looked tailor-made as the frills of the dress had golden accents on them which did not look like anything from before. Of course, now that bright green dress was smudged with dirt now that she went tumbling in the street with Mike.

Her face was like that of a regular elf with high cheekbones, a hint of red on the cheeks, blonde hair, and bright green eyes. Now since Mike was a nerd he knew that this woman in front of him was probably over a hundred years old and that she probably belongs to some kind of race of elf. However, Mike was still entranced by this beauty in front of him as she was probably the only girl he has met with outside of his roleplaying games.

Brushing the dirt off of himself Mike cannot help but wonder why this lady came flying out the door and tackling him in the process. The lady seeing that Mike wanted to ask questions about what had happened hurriedly grabs Mike's hand and drags him through the open door. Once inside she closes the door, locks it, and turns around to face Mike.

"Erm...sorry for... well that," She says while looking down at the floor, blushing, and scrunching the front of her dress.

"Well I can say without a doubt that what happened to me is not the worst thing to happen today"

"Really your not mad at me or going to report me to the guards?"

"I don't see any reason to get the guards involved in this alright" As Mike says this he turns around and begins to look at all the clothes that were out for people to buy.

"So why did you come flying out of here?" Mike says as he holds up a medieval brown shirt to inspect it.

"U-um well I saw you coming down the street and well... you looked like my fluffy teddy bear" (The part after the ... is mumbled)

After hearing this Mike is slightly startled on the inside but his mind he was formulating a plan to turn this little accident into something good for him.

"Excuse me, Miss I believe that I have a proposal that might intrigue you"

The lady perks up at this and pays close attention to what Mike was saying, all trace of embarrassment was gone now and replaced with the look of someone getting terms for a deal.

"How about as compensation for you crashing into me on the street I get two sets of clothes and since I no more need of this um... suit I will sell it to you for a reasonable price"

The elven lady does not say anything or show much of reaction as she ponders on the deal. For Mike well, the feeling of unease comes back and this time two numbers appear in Mike's head.



The number 15 gets highlighted green while 2 turns red and disappears leaving 15 in his head. Mike feels elated as his chance paid off. In roleplaying games, players were able to get an advantage on dice rolls which would give them a second chance. Getting advantage means you roll a die twice and take the better number (some games do lower is better some do higher). To get an advantage it depends on what you want to do (Ex: Want to get money from noble by using incriminating evidence against them you can get an advantage for that roll to make him pay up) and Mike's bet on the teddy bear suit paid off. The lady is done thinking and flashes a bright smile at Mike.

"I accept your proposal Mr um... I never got your name"

"Oh my name is Michael Bridlington I recently came to the city and you are?"

"I am Silvia Edgeworth and I own this establishment here"

She reaches out her hand and Mike kisses her hand. At this, she pulls back her hand and is immediately flustered once again.

"What are doing?!"

"What is this not what you do when the hand of a beautiful maiden is put forward"

At this Silvia blushes even harder that now her ears are turning red with her face.

"U-um well yes but that is usually during formal occasions not at regular places"


Mike pulls back his hand and just grabs some clothes that look like they fit and finds that there was, in fact, a small changing room to use. Once inside Mike picks some clothes but as this is a medieval world underwear is not that comfortable. So what Mike was wearing underneath his bear pajamas was probably the only piece of comfortable underwear on this planet. Walking out of the changing room Mike was wearing a brown shirt and pants with an exact set of clothes in his inventory. Miss Silvia was patiently waiting for Mike. When he got out she came forward but her eyes were on the bear pajamas in Mike's hands.

"Okay how about 5 silver for this suit," Mike says

Silvia was surprised at this low price as in a game Mike once played made it so most NPC's had almost no silver except for the rich, famous, or story important people had it. Unfortunately, Mike was thinking that the game and this world were similar and this was not. In actuality, Mike was asking for change that anyone would find in the household of a farmer.

"Um... sure you have a deal just let me go get it"

Silvia goes to the back of the store and Mike waits for her to return. When she returns she has a small pouch which produces small little clinking sounds as Silvia moves to Mike. They hand over the agreed items and after Mike says farewell to Silva he leaves the store.

Mike is back out on the street and he feels happy that now no one is giving him strange looks as he walks down the road. As Mike walks back down the road he spots what he is looking for. An inn.

The inn was the first place that actually had a sign with words on it. The sign was shaped like a shield and within the shield, there was a tankard with froth on it. Below it was the words 'The Drunken Knight Inn' and as a testament to the name, there were guards hopefully off duty drunkenly entering and exiting.

Shouldering past the guard's Mike enters a rowdy tavern brawl. A man was in the middle of a brawl with a tall dwarf.

Now the dwarf still was barely reaching the man's waist but both of them were still beaten up pretty bad. There was a crowd around the two and the people were either shouting bets or words of encouragement for either of the two. Looking at the two of them fighting Mike was surprised to see that he got information about the two.


Name: Daniel Rockburst

Race: Dwarf

Level 6

Class: Gun Fighter

Occupation: Guard

Stats: Unknown

Skills: Perseverance, Tavern Brawler, and Tough [Target has more skills but they are not using any more]


Name: Rodric

Race: Human

Level 4

Class: Fighter

Occupation: Guard Captain

Stats: Unkown

Skills: Lucky and Resilient

'If the user wishes to view stats of a being they must either be in a battle with the being or have a significantly higher level than the being'


Looking at this Mike felt grateful for the system as he would be able to tell a difference in power between him and others in the future.

Seeing the fight was going going to not end any time soon Mike looks for the bartender. Seeing that the bartender was the one taking the bets Mike moves towards him. Seeing Mike coming towards him he flashes a grin.

"Well hello there young man who would you like to place a bet on"

"Actually, I am wanting to have a place to stay tonight"

"Oh alright then how many beds and we have a package where you pay a bit more and get meals included"

"One room please and I would like that meal plan"

"Alright that with be two gold"

At this Mike visibly pales as he asked for 5 silver from Silvia.

"Um how about one silver"

The number 4 appears in Mike's mind.

"Look kid I don't run a charity here if you don't have enough money then scram I got bets to take"

"U-um than I would like to place a bet"

"Alright than who will it be?"