The betting poll

Mike was sweating like crazy he knew that if he chose wrong then he would lose all his money and be penniless in a different world. Looking back at the two men who were brawling in the ring of people Mike could not help but question what to do.

Mike knew that he had made a bad choice by thinking that this new world was similar to his roleplaying games and now he is paying for that mistake. Suddenly a thought appears in Mike's head and he gets an idea that might make or break his ordeal. Taking a look at the two men fighting inside the ring Mike stares at them intently. Before long Mike feels the same sense of unease, but this time a dice appears in Mike's mind eye (Def: the hypothetical site of visual recollection or imagination). This is the first time that this happens since before only numbers have just shown up or the black dice would be rolled from Mike's hands.

The dice rolls around before finally coming to a stop. Then the number appears in his head and Mike cannot help but feel more shocked at what was happening.


The highest number on the dice and the special effect of the dice is that Mike succeeded in what he was trying to do. However, what happens next is something unprecedented for Mike or anyone who has ever played. Mike saw the fight end in the future and who was the winner as it played before him in his mind.

Now anything beyond that is a blur Mike does not know what the crowd would be doing or the bartender, just those two men fighting and the winner standing victoriously. With this in mind, Mike looks once more at the bartender with the champion now seen by him.

"I would like to bet on Rockburst for 10 gold"

The bartender looks at Mike for a bit before nodding his head and writing down Mike's bet on a piece of parchment. Sure enough, Rockburst strikes Daniel in the thigh sending him onto one knee and taking advantage of his opponent being down on one knee does an uppercut to his jaw knocking out Daniel cold. The crowd explodes with all kinds of emotions as some there had lost or won some money from the fight's outcome.

Mike probably was happier than anyone else thereby a good measure. Thankfully Mike did not move from the bartender to watch the fight so Mike was able to get his winnings first. Thankfully Mike rolled a 20 or else things might have gone very differently. Paying the bartender for a room for the night Mike gets a key to a room upstairs. After trudging up the stairs and avoiding a ladder in the hall Mike enters his room.

The room was not that bad it had a bed in one corner and a dresser in the other corner with a small mirror on top. After closing the door Mike closes the door and flops onto the bed to sleep. As he drifts off to sleep the black dice once again forms in his hand and falls from his grasp.


Mike does not have any dreams as he basically has an afternoon nap. When he finally does stir awake from his slumber it is well past dark. Sitting up Mike feels slightly confused as the notifications were open once more.


The system rolled an 8

Mike has regained all health from a long rest

Mike will now take part in a random encounter


'Wait a random encounter?' Mike thinks as he gets off the bed. He heads downstairs and enters the bar area once again.



Hearing the notification sound Mike looks at the notification screen once more.


The random encounter has begun

New quest available


Looking at the quest Mike cannot help but feel horrified by what was going to happen soon.


Random Encounter Quest:

Someone has hidden a bomb in the tavern and it is up to you as a good samaritan to find the bomb before it detonates

Rewards: 1,000 exp and 50 favorability with the owner of the establishment


[Save everyone in the tavern] +250 exp

[Disarm or get rid of the bomb] +100 favorability

[Find the culprit] +1,000 exp and 200 favorability

Failure conditions: Bomb explodes

Time remaining: 15:00 (This is in minutes)


Mike was scared beyond all reason that he just wanted to run out of the tavern and let the bomb explode. However, the experience reward was something that made him want to rethink this over. The favorability thing well he had no idea what it entailed but hey he would not complain about rewards. After considering everything Mike decided to search for the bomb and if the timer reached 1 minute before kaboom than he would book it as far as possible. However, the tasks that give more rewards were going to be a little difficult.

Mike, however, was a roleplaying geek who knew how to cause chaos where ever he went so he took in a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs.


Now with that everyone in the tavern was jolted awake when they heard the word fire and a mad rush ensued to get out of the building.



First task completed rewards will be given after the encounter


Delighted that he completed the first trial with ease Mike takes a look at the time remaining.


Startled that doing one task took almost 5 minutes Mike starts searching for the bomb on the first floor. As he is searching the dice appears in his hand once more and instead of letting it go through his hands Mike instead rolls it.


Mike scourers the first floor of the tavern but only finds an entrance to the basement which did not have a bomb in it either. Going to the second floor mike searches the second floor and since no one was in the tavern now all the rooms were now open. Searching once again Mike rolls another die.


The roll determines all as Mike is searching he takes an extra amount of time and there is still no bomb. Looking at the time once again Mike cannot help but feel a sense of hopelessness.


'Wait a minute why was there a ladder in the hallway before?'

Realizing that Mike looks up at the ceiling in the hallway he sees a string attached to a handle on a hatch but it seems tucked in. Mike is still excited that he found this and runs under the rope and jumps up to reach the cord. He can't reach it.

Even after using 'Dash', Mike can not reach the rope and he does not have much time left. Breathing in Mike formulates a plan on how to get up there. Mike uses 'Dash' and jumps from one wall to the other. Seeing that his plan is working Mike can't help but shout "Yahoo!" while bouncing around.


The time limit is scaring Mike like crazy as he has no idea on what to do if there is no bomb in the attic as well. Mike pulls down on the rope and a ladder falls down. Scrambling up Mike looks at his hand and expects the black dice to appear once more to roll. However, it does not appear and Mike is starting to get worried that he did something wrong or the bomb is not in this part of the tavern.

Once Mike looks up however he sees why there was no dice appearing in his hand. There was no need to search for a bomb as it was right in his face. The bomb was on an hourglass timer that was almost finished. Now that was not the only thing up there in the attic. Despite the bomb that was going to explode very soon the thing that attracted Mike's attention the most was a passed-out goblin lying face down on the floor next to the bomb.

Confused Mike did not have any time to worry about the goblin but the bomb that was going to explode in less than a minute. Without thinking about it Mike grabs the bomb and jumps out the attic window.

Mike gets a notification as soon as he hits the ground and it is probably for him taking damage as he feels that his legs might break in two. But going through the pain in his legs Mike runs as fast as he can to a nearby sewer grate. Mike slides on the ground opens the grate and throws the bomb down to the sewers before closing it back up.


Okay so D20's have the highest number being 20 and the lowest being 1. If you roll a 1 you automatically fail whatever you are trying to and as a result, something bad happens to you. Example: Mike rolling a 1 and getting sent to another world in god knows where. A 20 roll allows you to succeed in the action you want to do no matter what.