Wendel's Memory Test and Quests

Mike flipped through the new book and as he was he asked Abbey to make sure that this did not hold anything personal to Wendel or anyone else. This time it was just some tax records of the guild from 5 five years ago detailing what the guild had been purchasing and a general list of goods in a sort of storage area within the city. Still, Mike has Abbey memorize everything that he read while flipping through the book, and once done he places the book down.

"Alright what did the guild spend 1,000 gold coins as of today 5 years ago?" Wendel asks as he picks up the book and flips to a page

'Abbey if you could please help me out'

"Sure thing bro!"

"On this day 5 years ago the guild spent 1,000 gold coins to purchase a large amount of oil, wine, wheat and yeast, wooden planks, and to act as some payments for some guild members completing a few requests. There was also a side note on that date saying that the wood was used to repair your house as well as a few others, the oil was used to light the lanterns in the building meant to last a month, and the wheat and yeast went to your family to use for your fathers baking I presume," Mike states

"Well color me impressed however this is just the beginning now let me see how well your memory is," Wendel says as he moves to another page


For the next few hours, Wendel would flip to a random page of the book and have Mike recite what was bought or sold by the guild on specific dates. Mike answered all of Wendels questions and made sure to mess something's up from time to time just to show that he was not perfect. By the time Wendel finally closed the book Dike was fast asleep on the couch as he was still sitting up snoring quite loudly, while outside the sun had already set and it was dark outside. Mike was tired as well but since this was something he needed to do to get a class to better help his future he persevered.

"Alright Micheal I must say you have surprised me, while you were able to remember the majority of everything in the book I never expected you to do that, so I will write a letter of recommendation which may be able to get you some help on getting in since I know someone," Wendel says as he leans back into the couch

"Thank you, Wendel," Mike says

"Your welcome it is my pleasure to help a member of the Royal Wizards whether it be an apprentice or member, now come back tomorrow and I will give you that letter for ya,"

"Thank you. Oh hey, Dike is it alright..."

Mike sees that Dike was asleep and he did not notice that since he was too engrossed in answering Wendel's questions and getting help from Abbey. Still, Mike tried to wake up Dike by using one of the milder methods to wake someone up. He slaps Dike in the face.

With a loud "Thwack!" Mike fully slaps Dike in the face.


Dike was in a peaceful dream he was in a lovely meadow surrounded by wildflowers having a lovely picnic filled with all his favorite foods. He was about to dig into the feast that was in front of him but before he could he feels a sharp stinging pain on his cheek after a loud thwack that is heard throughout the meadow that sounds like the wrath of god sending thunder down below. Through the pain Dike opens his eyes only to see Mike standing in front of him with his hand about to come in for another slap to the face.

"I'm awake!" He yells while shielding his face in a panic

The room goes silent.

"Oh..." Mike responds as he brings down his hand for a moment

Still, he slaps Dike in the face once again and since Dike was not expecting it he gets slapped in the face once more.

"OW! Micheal what was that for I was already awake!" Dike shouts

"That was for leaving me in that alley to fight those terrible assassins, you are supposed to help teach me and not throw me to the wolves!"

At that Dike cannot help but shut his mouth at what Mike said and now he starts to feel a bit guilty at what he did earlier today.

"Anyway Dike should we take a quest while we are here I mean I need the mone- more experience fighting," Mike says

"Alright then. Wendel, you got any quests that he can do?"

"Hmm? Ah, I think I know exactly what quest he can do" Wendel says as he picks back up the book and it changes once again to become a different colored leather book just with less fanfare than last time.

Wendel flips through the new color book for a bit before he stops at a certain page and hands the book to Mike.

"See anything you like?" Wendel asks

Looking at the book Mike can see that there are a few quests that he can choose from on this specific page. There are three quests in total but looking at them Mike sees that they are nothing but a waste of time after Abbey translates what kind of quests they are. That is until he sees his system deliver some prompts to him.


New quests pending host approval

[Herb collecting] (Expand)

[Exterminate Wolves] (Expand)

[Investigate old abandoned farm house] (Expand)


Seeing that the system will also give him rewards for doing quests Mike cannot help but feel happy as he would be technically be paid twice just for doing one quest. So without further ado, Mike accepts all three of the quests from the system to make them official.


[Herb collecting]

Collect 20 [Fallow Herbs] in the forest and bring them back to the guild for completion

Herbs collected: 0/25

Rewards: 40 exp

[Exterminate Wolves]

Exterminate 15 wolves in the forest and bring back their pelts for proof of completion

Wolves killed: 0/20

Rewards: 400 exp and 1 small mana potion

[Investigate old abandoned farm house]

Investigate the old abandoned farmhouse at the edge of the Eastern forest for any suspicious activity and report it back to the guild

Suspicious activity: ???

Rewards: Varies on Information gathered


Seeing the rice rewards that he would get from the system just by itself Mike looks at the rewards he would get from the guild if he were to complete the quests he just took from the system. In total Mike would get 5 gold coins for completing the Wolf extermination and Herb collecting quests, but the Farm Investigating quest had no set payment so Mike asks Wendel why there was no price for that.

"Well for these types of quests the guild only pays for information that is actually worth the attention or if it is something that needs to be dealt with but if the information is actually good and creditable then I will give out the payment that I deem is acceptable for the information received" Wendel explains

"Well then I would like to do all of these three quests," Mike says

As Mike says that the book trembles slightly as now below the quest it says pending completion by Micheal Bridlington F rank adventurer.

"I am now an adventurer?" Mike asks

"Yes you are currently one now however due to you choosing a Learner class those who see your class choice will say pending as well for now"

"Why would people want to see my class?" Mike asks

"Sometimes certain individuals will look for specific adventurers in the guild with a specific class, background, or set of skills. Another reason would be the yearly check-in by the royal family to make sure all is right in the guilds in the big cities," Wendel explains

"Oh well, will it be a problem if my class is under pending for a long period of time?"

"It should not cause any problems since there are plenty of those in similar situations like yours so as long as it does not take a lifetime then you will be alright"

With that Wendel stands up from the couch and stretches a bit before picking up the book. Both Mike and Dike take the hint also stand up knowing that they should probably leave the guildhall and head back to the inn since it is already night. After bidding farewell to Wendel they start walking back to the inn and into their respective rooms and fall asleep once their heads hit their pillows.

When morning comes Mike opens his eyes and gets up from the bed before stretching. He opens up the system and immediately goes to the Prize Wheel to do his daily spin. The wheel spins around and while it does its thing Mike goes to change his clothes and follows his early morning routine. Just as he is finishing up his routine the wheel stops and Mike gets his prize.

It was a pair of magic boots that made him run a bit faster as long as the boots mana crystal was charged up. Thank god it already came with the crystals and was charged unlike the crappy toys and items back on Earth where he would have to buy the batteries as well in order to get what he got to actually work. Still, it was a good business strategy to get more profits for those in the business. Putting on his brand new boots Mike leaves his room.

Entering the tavern Mike gets free breakfast from the innkeeper and sits down at an empty table to enjoy the meal. As Mike is eating Dike also comes downstairs in the same clothes as yesterday but for some reason, there are no wrinkles visible on them. Still, it was something that was not that major to Mike so he continued to eat as Dike paid for his own meal and walked over to Mike and sat with him.

"Morning" Mike says as Dike sits with him

"Morning Micheal" Dike replies as he starts to eat as well

Both had a similar meal of sausages, eggs, a piece of fresh bread from the bakery, and a drink of their choice. It was simple but Mike had made a breakfast sandwich out of the sausage, eggs, and bread which was similar to a fast-food restaurant breakfast sandwich that he used to have a lot in his youth but this one was significantly better as there were no preservatives or other harmful stuff put in it.

Seeing what Mike was doing with his meal Dike could not help but be curious about what he made with his breakfast do he also follows Mike's lead with his breakfast and copies him. After taking a bite of the sandwich Dike immediately likes the strangely satisfying breakfast sandwich. The innkeeper also noticed what Mike had done with his food and seeing this got the inspiration to copy what Mike was doing and make it a menu item. That was how the first breakfast sandwich was made in this world and how it would become a popular item everywhere around the world.

Mike however was oblivious to how his small little action would change a lot of things in the breakfast spectrum but he would not really care as there were still all sorts of stuff he could make that would be able to upset the balance of the food in this world. Still, Mike was still trying to think about how to best complete the quests that he is now doing. Of course, it would be easy for him to keep all of the wolf pellets and the herbs in his system inventory as they would be easier to carry and also be a lot fresher. However, it would be troublesome to explain how he carried everything back in a single trip. The wolf carcasses would probably be a lot harder to carry since they are going to be heavy and he does not know how to skill an animal so if he were to try to gain the skill it might take a bit to get it.

So Mike asks Dike for a bag for the herbs and if he knows if there might be any hunters in the city that he could meet up with. Dike gives Mike an old bag of his to use for the quest and tells him that he can find a hunter at the hunters guild in town. Since the adventurers guild in town had a string of bad luck a bunch of smaller guilds that were a part of the main guild popped up so that the various adventures would have someplace to go besides Wendel's house to take quests and get paid for completing quests. After Mike is done eating he tells Dike his plans of having a hunter help him out with the wolf hunt quest and herb gathering quest before he leaves following Dikes directions which he gives before he leaves.


Alright, Author here I realize that the boots did not have a description so here.

Magic running boots- Uncommon Grade

Increases the user's speed by 30%

Uses the magic crystals for energy (Rechargeable)

Mana per boot: 100

Mana consumption: 10 mana per second

Description: A pair of brown boots that magically fit the size of any medium-sized humanoid creature

Remarks: Nice Air Jordans

(Also do you want me to have the system put funny remarks for the items that Mike gets?)