Lexi sits down on the side of the tub holding a folded towel in one hand for Sara to dry herself with.

Sara graciously takes the towel from her and wipes the water from her face before she tries drying her hair. Once she is sure she is sure she is as dry as she can get, she takes the towel and cleans the blood from her wound.

"I really am sorry about throwing water on you."

"It's okay, I'm glad you did it."

As Sara lifts her arm, Lexi can't help but to notice the gash. "What happened to your arm? Did you cut it on something when you fell?"

"No… at least I don't think I did…"

A tremor runs through her body, making her shiver as if she is freezing. As she looks at the gash, an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of her stomach. It was disturbing to think whatever happens in her dreams could happen to her in real life as well.

This cut looks exactly like the one I had in the dream. Could it be possible? If so then is that girl really dead?

"Um Lexi did I say anything after I passed out?"

"You mumbled something about not being mistakes, then you screamed out. That's when I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a pitcher of water and threw it on you." Lexi explains, "I think there is a medical kit around here somewhere."

Lexi begins searching for the medical kit as Sara wraps the towel around the cut. After looking on every shelf and even under the sink, she has no success. She was sure it had been in the bathroom. The only place left to look is in the linen closet. There, behind the laundry hamper, was the small red bag she was looking for.

Sara winces as Lei cleans the gash with rubbing alcohol and wraps a bandage around it. She looks up as Lexi pins the bandage together, applying pressure and trying to stop the bleeding.

"Owe, not so tight."

"Sorry," Lexi loosens her grip slightly. "So do you want to tell me what happened this time in your dreams?"

"I didn't see that girl this time. It was only the man who tried to kill me. He said me and that other girl are mistakes and he shouldn't have let us live as long as he has."

"Sara you know you aren't a mistake and we will save this girl, whoever she is. Now I don't know why all of this is happening to you but I can promise that I will stick by your side no matter what."

"Thanks Lexi. Any other sane person would have ran away from me by now thinking I was going crazy or something."

"Even if you are going crazy, you're still my best friend. Nothing is going to change that. We are going to get through this, we just have to stick together."

"i'm glad you are my best friend. I just hope we have enough time left to figure all of this out."

"There is still plenty of time to figure everything out, I promise." Lexi's words make Sara feel uneasy, there was an air about them making her feel like she was hiding something. "Now come on, let's go play on my xbox."

Sara stands up slowly, feeling woozy as she watches Lexi hide the damp, bloodied towel in the laundry hamper. She sways, extending her arms in front of her, barely catching herself on the edge of the sink counter. After a moment to steady herself, she regains her composure and smiles at Lexi.

"Okay lets go."

She nervously follows Lexi down the hall. An unsettling feeling rises in her stomach; a feeling as if she had been in this house before. But she knew better, this was the first time she had been to Lexi's. Her mom never liked the idea of her being at Lexi's. As Sara shuts the door, the room shimmers, changing before her very eyes. She finds herself alone in a darkened room with two twin sized beds separated by a simple nightstand. The only other thing she could make out was a dresser shoved into a corner opposite the beds.

One blink and the room changes before her. The twin beds disappear, replaced by a full sized bed. A small loveseat sits in the middle of the room facing a small dresser with a flatscreen tv resting upon it.Looking around, her eyes land on a glass door partially hid by black curtains. Gentle wind blowing the curtains around reveals a balcony overlooking the driveway.

Why does this room seem familiar?

Before she has time to ponder on the question, a bright glow and loud blood curling screams fill the room. Alarmed she turns toward the source of the commotion to see Lexi playing some kind of zombie slaying game.

Lexi smiles mischievously as she turns and holds the wireless controller out to Sara. "Do you want to play this game?"

Sara's eyes fixate on the tv, watching as zombies close in and quickly devour Lexi's character. Making up her mind as the screen fade to black, she grabs the controller and sits down next to Lei.

It doesn't look too hard to play.

Once the loading screen disappears she finds her character standing alone on a deserted street. Either way she turned the character all she could see was destroyed cars and crumbling buildings. No matter what way she went nothing seemed to be happening.

"What am I supposed to do? I thought there were supposed to be zombies."

"All you do is explore the area. The zombies will come, don't worry. Look for doorways that have been nearly hidden. There are weapons and upgrades inside some of them. Be sure to keep an eye out though, there are well placed traps about."

"That sounds simple enough."

Sara begins walking her character cautiously down a random deserted street.

"I wouldn't do that…"

Lexi's voice trails off as Sara enters an old general hospital. As soon as she steps through the broken doors, the building trembles, an unseen trap is sprung. Chunks of the ceiling fall around her. The doorway buckles and collapses, heavy beams preventing her from escaping. Trapped in the main lobby, she has no choice but to walk aimlessly around, waiting for something to happen.

"Okay, so what am I supposed to do now?"

"There is a shotgun behind the front desk. Simply pick it up."

Lexi masks a grin as Sara rushes her character to the desk and picks the weapon up. She knew what was in store for Sara's character. She finally lets the grin spread across her lips as zombies begin coming from every direction.

Sara, not knowing what else to do, begins turning her character around in circles as she shoots at them. She doesn't stand a chance however. No matter how many zombies she kills, more and more keep coming. Soon they close in and devour her. With a single gurgled scream the screen turns black. While waiting for a new screen to load, she lets her eyes drift to the glass door. She couldn't help but find it odd that the sun was sinking behind the trees already.

It can't be that late already can it?

"I didn't think it was this late already. What time is it?"

With a quick glance to her nightstand, Lexi can clearly see the glowing numbers on her alarm clock. "It's almost 7:30. Do you think you could spend the night?"

Something inside Sara was telling her she shouldn't stay the night. Even though her mom had kept her away from Lexi's house for so long, she couldn't see the harm in staying one night.

"Yeah it should be alright. I've still got to call my mom and make sure though."

Together the girls walk into the living room where Lexi reaches Sara the phone. She quickly dials her house number and waits patiently for her mom to answer. After nine rings without success, Sara starts to hang up when a faint voice comes through the speaker.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Sara sighs as her mothers words slur through the speaker. It's all she needs to hear to tell her she had been drinking.

"Great, you're drunk mom."

"Who is this?" her mom repeats, sounding rather hateful.

"Mom it's me, Sara. I'm calling to say I will be staying at Lexi's tonight."

Before her mom could object, she ended the call. She hated talking to her mom while she was drunk.

"Well that's taken care of."

"Great, let's get you something to wear so you can take a shower."

Once back in Lexi's room, Lexi walks to her dresser and starts pulling out some clothes for Sara to wear.

"Lexi shouldn't one of your parents be home by now?"

"Here you go, these should fit. As for my parents, they are working the late shift so they won't be home until late tonight."

"Okay, I'll go wash up."

"You will have to use the downstairs shower, it's the only one that's working."

Lexi leads Sara to the downstairs bathroom, turning the light on before getting her a clean towel and washcloth.

"Thanks Lexi."

"No problem, see you when you get out."

Sara waits until she can hear Lexi playing her Xbox before turning the water on, deciding to take a bath instead. While letting the tub fill with hot water, she sits her clothes on the edge of the sink and strips. Once the tub is full she climbs inside, letting the warm water wash over her. She sinks into the tub, letting her head rest against the back of the porcelain tub. The water calmed her; her eyes begin to close. Everything is peaceful until a hand gently touches her shoulder. She jumps, freaking out thinking Lexi had come into the bathroom.

"What the…" she cries out, flinging her eyes open quickly.

As she begins to calm, she can't help but smile at the girl she had been dreaming about.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to warn you," the girl says in a weak voice. "I am sure you have realized that whatever happens in your dreams can also affect you in the real world as well."

Sara nods, exposing the bandage around her arm. A sudden thought pops into her mind as she looks at the girl.

"If he can harm me, he can harm you as well, correct?"

"Yes he can harm me as well."

Flashes of the girls shirt drenched in blood as she falls fill Sara's mind.

"You were laying on the ground, lifeless. How can you be here?" A sudden thought pops into Sara's mind. "How am I supposed to save you if you are already dead?"

The girl lifts her shirt slightly to expose her stomach. "Here take a look at this. It's true he nearly killed me. But thankfully someone found me in time and saved me."

Sara gasps as she looks at the stitched knife wound. "Why would he do this?"

"He wants to get rid of us. Tell me, what has he said to you?"

"Only that we are mistakes and he shouldn't have let us live for as long as he has."

"He believes we are mistakes because we are special. And he won't stop trying to kill us because of what we can do."

"What do you mean because of what we can do? What makes us so special?"

The girl smirks at the puzzled expression forming across her sisters face. "We are powerful."

"Please you have to tell me everything."

"Sara I promise I will tell you everything soon, but I have to go now. I hope we will see each other again." she begins to fade away as she speaks. "Goodbye for now."

Sara quickly raises up in the tub. "Wait…"

She reaches out but the girl has already faded away. She feels herself being pulled from the dream like state and flings her eyes open. She can't help shivering from the frigid water she was now sitting in. Hurriedly finishing her bath and dressing quickly, she heads back to Lexi's room.

"I feel better." Sara yawns slightly as she flops onto Lexi's bed. "Thanks for the clothes, they fit rather nicely."

"You're welcome, do you want to try this new game out?"

"No that's alright."

Sara just stares blankly at the tv, her thoughts drifting back to what the girl from her dreams had told her.

"Are you sure?"

"How are we special? What is really going on?" Sara whispers to herself, her mind spinning with questions. "I wish you would just tell me everything."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry Lexi I was thinking out loud."

Sara shakes her head, turning towards the glass door, not wanting Lexi to see the tears in her eyes. Raindrops patter against the pane, streaking down the glass like the tears she felt running down her cheeks.

"Oh… okay," Lexi knew Sara was keeping something from her, but she doesn't pry. "Do you want to pick out something to play?"


A loud slam in the driveway interrupts Sara. The girls jump with surprise. With shaking hands Lexi slides the glass door open a little and peers out at the driveway, surprised to see her mom's car parked in it.

"What time is it?"

Sara looks at the alarm clock beside the bed. "It's nine o'clock, why? Who's outside?"

"My mom. It's odd, she normally blows the horn when she pulls in. She is probably in a bad mood. Come on let's get downstairs."

Lexi rushes to turn the game system and tv off before heading downstairs. The girls make it down the stairs in time to see Lexi's mom step through the front doorway. With her hands full, Lexi's mom kicks the door shut with her foot.

Lexi can't help but to notice the grim expression on her mom's face as she takes a bag of groceries from her. "Mom is everything alright?"

"Yeah I just had a really long day at work," her mom replies, sitting the groceries she still carried down against the counter before walking over to the fridge to get a soda. "I guess it's good that I got more the other day."

Lexi looks towards the front door, noticing her dad hadn't come home with her mom like usual. "Mom where's dad?"

Her mom looks at her and sighs. "He had to work late tonight so he won't be home until tomorrow morning."

Lexi sighs. "I was hoping he would be home to meet my friend Sara. She is going to be staying the night with us, I hope that's okay."

"Of course it's fine. It's nice to finally meet you Sara, I'm Emily. Now if you girls will excuse me I have to put these groceries away and make dinner. Why don't you two go watch some tv while I fix something for dinner."

"Alright mom."

Lei gives her mom a quick hug before her and Sara head into the dining room where Lexi grabs the remote and turns on the tv. She flops onto the couch with Sara, flipping through the channels in search of her favorite one. Cartoon Network. She smiles as her favorite anime fills the screen. Fairy Tail.

"I've never watched this show before."

Intrigued by the show, Sara sits on the edge of the couch, her eyes never straying from the screen. It doesn't take long before her nose suddenly becomes overwhelmed with the heavenly scent of freshly baked pizza. Her mouth begins watering as the scent of savory sauce, melted cheese and perfectly crafted pepperonis filled the already delicious smelling room. Finally the faint smell of baked bread topped it all off, making the house smell like a bakery. Her stomach rumbles, begging her to eat some of that delicious food she smelled.

"Come and eat girls."

"You are in for a treat, come on you will love my moms homemade pizza."

Lexi flashes a smile to Sara as she turns off the tv, jumping up and running into the kitchen with Sara following eagerly.

Sara couldn't grab herself a plate fast enough. She quickly grabs a few slices and begins to dig in.

"So Sara do you live close by?"

Sara quickly swallows her food and looks up to see Emily sitting in front of her.

"I live on Willow creek. It's actually not to far away from here."

"Do you live with both parents?"

Sara nearly drops her pizza. Why was Emily asking her this stuff.

"Sadly no," Sara pauses, a sigh escaping her lips. "It's just me and my mom. I don't really remember if I've ever met my dad before."

Why did I just tell her that?

"Do you have siblings?"

"No, I don't think so…"

Sara forces herself to stop talking. She felt uncomfortable telling Emily all this stuff about herself. Emily's last question brought flashes of the girl from her dreams to her mind. Trying not to think about the girl, she turns her attention to Lexi for help.

"Mom what's with all the questions?"

Thank you. Sara mouths, glad Lexi had interrupted.

"I don't know, just curious I guess." Shaking her head, Emily picks up the plates and takes them to the sink. "Alright girls, I think it's bedtime."

A feeling of deja vu washes over Sara.

"Alright mom," Lexi gives her mom a quick hug. "Good night."

"Good night sweetie," Emily places a gentle kiss on Lexi's forehead. "Good night Sara, it was nice meeting you."

Sara just smiles, not really wanting to talk to Emily. The girls leave the kitchen and make their way back to Lexi's room. Lexi grabs a pillow from her bed and takes a cover from her closet before starting towards the couch.

"Since you are the guest, I'll sleep on the couch. You can sleep on my bed."

"Actually, can I have the couch? I was hoping I could watch some tv before I fall asleep if you didn't care."

Lexi looks at her for a moment, a strange smile forming across her lips as she reaches Sara the extra pillow and cover.

"That's fine, I don't mind. Good night."

"Good night Lexi."

Sara grabs the remote and turns the tv on, lowering the volume as Lexi turns off the light and crawls into bed. Sara puts on one of her favorite shows but after a few minutes she feels her eyes grow heavy. She tries to fight the sleepiness but her eyelids keep getting heavier and heavier. She slowly lets herself slip into unconsciousness.