Sara looks around nervously, finding herself laying alone in the middle of a dark, deserted street. She had no idea how she got there. There was no other sound other then that of the wind blowing through the treetops on either side of the road. With caution, she heads down the street. Part of her kept expecting something to happen any second, but nothing comes for her. She soon finds herself standing in front of Lexi's house, only it didn't look as creepy or rundown as it was in the present.

The gate in front of her swung back and forth as if someone just walked through it. She pushes the gate on open and walks up the drive. She couldn't believe how everything was so different. Her eyes scan the landscape, landing on the playground. Brightly painted bars make up the outer shell. Two swings were hanging from the middle bar, rocking back and forth in the breeze blowing as if two kids were swinging on them. She could almost hear laughter on the air.

A loud creak brings her gaze to the house. The front door swings upon its hinges, almost inviting her inside. Pacing across the yard, she paused under the oak tree, looking towards the door hesitantly. Part of her felt like it was a trap. Before she knew it she had quietly slipped up to the door. She leans up against the outside wall, peaking around the doorframe into the house. The house was dark, not a sound was coming from inside. She takes a deep breath and, against every nerve in her body telling her not to, slips through the door.

Feeling relieved that the house appeared to be empty she starts looking around, unable to believe what her mind was seeing. The house was still pretty much the same, but everything looked different somehow. For some reason he finds herself being drawn to the mantle once she enters the living room. Her body tenses as she stares at the pictures sitting upon it. Most were of her and her mom as well as a few of her and the girl from her dreams. But it was the picture in the middle that held her gaze. Unable to look away from it, she picks up the same picture that girl gave her and stares at it with wide eyes.

What is this doing here? Did we used to live here?

As she puts the picture back, her hand bumps against a jar knocking it to the floor. The sound of shattering glass echoes through the room.

"Girls I told you once already to go to bed. Now lay down and go to sleep. You don't want me coming in there do you?" A mans voice yells out from somewhere upstairs.

"No daddy."

"We're sorry daddy."

She listens closely, trying to hear if someone was coming to investigate the crash in the living room. But all she heard was tiny feet scurrying across the floor above her. She listens to the slight squeaking as two distinct people climb back onto what she could only picture as two small beds. Despite her body being filled with fear, she creeps up the stairs and turns towards what she thinks was the bedroom the girls voices came from. Her mind was plagued with curiosity. Even though she had a feeling she knew who the voices belonged to, she had to make sure. Her heart slows as she grips the doorknob and twists it. Inside the room she finds the two girls from the picture sitting across from one another on two twin sized beds.

"I can't sleep," the girl on the left whispers across the room to her sister.

"Me neither."

Sara watches as the girl climbs off her bed and makes her way across the dark room to her sister.

"We were really cute at that age weren't we? Of course we never did obey our father very much." A voice behind Sara says.

She should have felt terrified as a hand touches her right shoulder but she isn't. Instead she places a hand on the girls, looking over her shoulder and smiling.

"Why don't I have any memories of this? Or any of you? Why can't I remember anything from my childhood?"

"It seems your memories have been suppressed. But don't worry they will come back."

"But what happened to make me block all of my memories of my past, of you? The furthest memory I have is waking up in the hospital and the doctor telling me I had been in a coma for six months."

Sara's attention is drawn back to the room as she hears the girls giggling. Through saddened eyes she watches them start playfully pushing each other around.

Julie stifles a laugh as she watches one of the girls playfully push the other a little too hard. She makes almost no sound as her body lands on the soft fibered carpet.

"Sara there are a lot of things that happened to us that night. Most of it was because our father never wanted us. He tried to sacrifice us but something went wrong. Somehow we survived that night."

"I wish you could tell me where you are so I can save you."

Julie sighs, resting her head on Sara's shoulder. "Honestly sis I wish I could but in truth I have no idea where I am."

"What do you mean?"

"I was put into a coma the same as you. Somehow you managed to wake yourself. So now you must find me before HE does."

Sara feels her shirt becoming wet and looks over to see tears running down her sisters cheeks.

"Before who finds us? Are you talking about our father or the man from those nightmares?"

Are they the same person?

Julie doesn't say anything. She raises her head, her eyes fixed upon the closed door down the hall from them. Sara follows her gaze, staring curiously at the door.

"Our time is almost up."

A slight noise makes the girls turn their gaze back to the bedroom in front of them. Sara can't help but to smile as she watches the youger versions of herself and Julie climb onto one of the beds and crawl under the covers.

"Don't worry sis, we will be reunited again."

"I wish I could stay longer but I have to go now," Julie gives her sister a quick hug before beginning to walk away. "Don't worry we will see each other again."

"Wait! Julie!"

Julie pauses on the top step, a half smile appearing upon her face as she looks at her sister. "Yes Sara?"

"Can you tell me where I keep going when I fall asleep? What exactly is this place?"

"This place has been called many things, but to us it is simply called the shadow realm. It was made to resemble the real world almost perfectly. It is supposed to be a place for souls who haven't crossed over to wonder around. Until next time Sara."

Julie begins to descend the stairs, her voice trailing back up them as she disappears from view. Sara begins to follow her but stops suddenly. A bright glow peers out from under the closed door at the end of the hall. Her body tenses as the door begins to open.


"Sara come on, it's time to wake up."

Sara hears Lexi's voice entering her mind as strong hands clamp down on her shoulders. She feels herself being shaken gently. Relief washes over her as she feels herself being pulled from the shadow realm. Even though she was glad to be woken, a part of her was disappointed she didn't get to see who her father was.

Could the man trying to kill me and my father be the same person?

She blinks several times as she looks around confused. It takes a few moments before she remembered she was at Lexi's. She yawns, stretching along the couch as she raises up. The bright blue light from the tv screen blinds her. It takes a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the light.

"Ugh, what time is it?" She asks, noticing it was still dark out.

Lexi doesn't have to look at the clock to know the time. "It's almost six o'clock."

A smile sits upon her lips as Sara raises on up only to shake her head and lay back down on the couch.

"It's too early to be up."

Sara groans as she crawls out from under the covers. She wished Lexi would have let her sleep just a few more minutes.

"I'm always up this early." Lexi smirks, seeing that Sara is still tired. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good," A sudden pain in her lower stomach makes Sara realize she needs to use the bathroom. "I'll be right back."

Sara leaps from the couch, running across the room and flinging the door open, desperate to use the bathroom. As soon as the door swings open, she finds her path blocked by Emily.

"Good morning girls."

Deja vu washes over Sara as Emily smiles and walks away.

Lexi quickly gets out of bed and hurries out into the hall, beginning to follow her mom downstairs.

"Alright, let's go get some breakfast." Lexi pauses, noticing Sara wasn't following her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I've got to use the bathroom. I'll be down soon."

"Alright, hurry up though."

She waits until Lexi is downstairs before walking on down the hall towards the bathroom. After quickly using it and washing her hands, she heads back towards the stairs only to stop in front of Emily's room. The door creaks as it opens.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I took a quick peek inside.

She pushes the door on open, curious to see what was on the large bookcase reflecting in the mirror she could see. Stepping through the doorway she couldn't help but to look around astonished. It seemed Emily had kept this room as original as she could. There was an old oak dresser pushed against the main back of the room with a heavy oval mirror sitting upon it. Towards the center of the room, a four poster bed stands, its dark curtains pulled shut. But the main reason she entered the room is to her right. A large hand carved bookcase full of dusty, leather bound books was calling to her. Distracted by the bookcase, she almost doesn't notice the shadow passing over her.

She looks behind her and shrugs. There was nothing behind her. She returns her attention to the bookcase once more, surprised to find herself reaching for one of the books. It was as if the book was drawing her to it.

"What are you doing in here?"

She jumps, startled by the voice behind her. She hesitantly turns around, her body trembling but there is no one there.

"There is no one there," she mumbles to herself.

"Sara get out of my room this instant."

That voice though slightly hoarse was so familiar to her. It sent chills down her spine.

"Close your eyes and you will see him."

She hears Julie's voice in her mind. As her eyes close she becomes enveloped by a heavy darkness. Once her eyes open again she can't help but let her lips curve upwards, finding herself standing in front of her younger self.

"I'm sorry daddy, I was looking for Julie. We are playing hide and seek."

The girl slips a book behind her back quickly, hiding it from view.

"You know you are never allowed to be in here." the lights flip on quickly, blinding Sara with bright light. "Go find your sister and come down for breakfast."

Sara turns around once her eyes adjust to the light. She wanted to see who her father was but the man is already gone.

"Where is Julie hiding?"

Is it possible? Can she really see me?

She turns back around, looking down to see the younger self looking up at her with hopeful eyes. "I'm sorry but I don't remember."

Not sure if the girl even heard her, Sara watches her younger self leave the bedroom looking disappointed. Filled with curiosity she follows her back into the other bedroom, watching as she slips the book under the mattress before running off. Wanting to see which book her younger self hid, she walks into the room and lifts the mattress.

"The mystical world of magic and sorcery. A contemplation of hexes, curses and charms throughout history." She reads the title out loud and raises an eyebrow.

Why in the world would I have read this book?

She places the book and steps out into the hall only to become encased with darkness.

"What are you doing in here?" Emily's voice rings through the darkness, pulling Sara from the shadow realm. "This is my bedroom."

Sara quickly turns as the darkness disappears, finding herself staring into Emily's angered eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just that your door was ajar and I noticed the bookcase and was curious."

"No one is supposed to be in here."

Sara takes the hint and leaves, heading downstairs to where Lexi is standing, leaned up against the entry way to the kitchen waiting for Sara so they could head to school.

Lexi looks up as her mom walks down the steps, an angered expression resting upon her face. "What's wrong mom?"

"Nothing sweetie. Now run along, you don't want to be late for school do you?"

Sara looks around for a clock, feeling confused about how much time had gone by.

How could we be late for school? I was sure I was only in the shadow realm for a few minutes.

Lexi reaches down and scoops up their backpacks, giving Sara hers as they walk towards the door. "No come on Sara we need to get going."

As Sara reaches for the doorknob, the door swings open nearly hitting her. Her heart leaps from her chest as she jumps back startled. She looks up at the man standing in the doorway terrified.

NO! It can't be!

Fear begins to creep along her spine. She didn't want to believe what her eyes were seeing. The man who was haunting her dreams lately was suddenly standing in front of her, blocking her escape.

"Sara!" he whispers, his lips curling into a wicked smile before turning to Lexi. "Good morning sweetie, who is your little friend?"

Sara shivers as fear takes a hold of her. "This can't be happening."

Sara looks from Lexi to Emily but neither of them seem to notice the hateful glare or the odd look on his face when he saw Sara.

"This is Sara daddy." :ei tells him, giving him a quick hug. "We have to go to school now."

Sara can feel the mans eyes following her as she slips past him and walks down the driveway. She stops about halfway down the driveway and turns to wait on Lexi. She shivers as her eyes lock with the mans.

I'll see you soon Sara!

The unspoken words cause Sara to tremble, watching as he turns towards Emily and kicks the door shut with his foot.