Finally, 9 months later Amina had her baby boy, and Amariyah had a little brother. After that, to say that things went bad was an understatement, Jural decided that he wanted to leave Amina aswell. Amina questioned herself everyday of her life wondering what she had done wrong to deserve all these bad things. Was it just bad luck? Did she genuinely deserve it? Or maybe would things simply get better day by day?
But besides all of that, Amina didn't care about that, all she wanted was to take of her two children. Baby Kyerowe and Amariyah. And that's who this story is about. Amariyah! She was an extravagant child. Well behaved, super intelligent, and extremely gorgeous! When her nan passed away she was completely oblivious to the situation as she was only three years old. But as she grew up she was coming to understand it more.
One day, Amina came home with a school uniform for Amariyah and boy was she happy? She was exhilarated that she would be going to school and socialising with other kids her age.
When her first day came by, she didn't know who to talk to or if ppl would like her, but luckily Amariyah was a very likeable person. When she got used to the school she had quite a few friends and Amina was thrilled to see her daughter happy. That was all that she wanted. Time went by fast and sooner or later Amariyah was leaving school, going forward to secondary school. It was totally unbelievable, and very shocking because it was like the other day Amariyah was a baby.
Secondary school! In people's case, it's seen as the time where everyone matures and gets ready for their life ahead. Realistically, it's a time where the drama starts and u start to realise things. To be honest, it's the time where Amariyah was taught life lessons. Unfortunately, being a likeable person in secondary school doesn't count. In fact, it's more of a reason for people to dislike u and hate on u for no exact reason. Amariyah really got the shock of her life when she joined Linconson Academy. Her feelings for boys rushed in, her body changed, she had seen the real side of girls and life kind of hit hard.
It was all unexpected for her. She really thought that it would all be rainbows and fairies. Year 7 was super messy! She had a big group of friends, and she knew pretty much everyone, but everything turned upside down when she was faced with drama.