
Damn, I'm running late! I need to be at the airport in fifteen minutes and it's all Cherry's fault that she didn't wake me up! It's her fault if I miss my flight.

"Ma'am, we're here." The driver stopped the car and I paid him. The driver was kind enough to help me with my suitcases. Immediately, I ran to the counter as fast as my legs could take me. I kept cursing under my breath because the suitcases were heavy and blazes, I didn't even know what's in there. At least Cherry could have taken one with her…

"Good evening, Ma'am." The lady at the counter smiled at me.

"Evening." I smiled back.

"Where are you headed to?"


"Ah, you're right on time, Ma'am. We were about to close the counter."

"That's good to hear..." I sighed and tried to catch my breath.

"Your passport please."

I gave her my passport.

"Do you have any luggage, Ma'am?"

"Yes, two."

Post-haste, I placed both my suitcases on the belt. The lady gave me my boarding pass, "Thank you and have a safe flight."

I smiled back and headed to the business lounge leisurely.

However, some strange suddenly happened. I noticed that there was a lot of chaos going around behind me. A group of girls were screaming and yelling and there were a lot of security guards trying to keep them away from...someone. I couldn't see who it was since the view was blocked by the dozens of maniac gals, but I couldn't care less. I mean, I was curious to see the celebrity, but I was getting late for my flight, so I decided to bury my inquisitiveness and walk away. Gradually, as I quickened my steps, the screams were dying in a distance.

I still was mad at Cherry for making my day tireless. Nevertheless, I still needed to inform her about my status. Or else she might get angry and an angry Cherry is never good for your heart.

Ari - In the lounge.

JieJie- Ok. Did you eat anything yet?

Ari - Nope.

JieJie - Then eat something.

Ari - I will.

JieJie- By the way, are you ready for tomorrow?

Ari - I'm nervous, but yeah. You know me.

JieJie - Hm, I'm sure you'll do alright, though.

Ari - Yeah, I'm sure too...

Right then, there was the announcement for boarding. I drank some water and then headed directly to the flight. My seat number was 9A. I carefully ambled to my seat and noticed that there wasn't anyone besides me. I breathed a sigh of relief since I don't really like any neighbors (That's because I feel a bit uncomfortable, that's why) and settled down.

Ari - In flight.

JieJie- Ok, message me once you land, I will pick you up.

Ari - Yeah.

JieJie - Get some rest and don't watch too many movies.

Ari - Aye aye.

The air hostess arrived at my seat and asked me if I needed anything to drink. I opted for Coke. She placed it on my table with a smile and left with a smile. I don't think I can ever be an air hostess considering how I would have to keep smiling all the time for the passengers. It's pretty tiring.

JieJie - Have a safe flight then, I'll be preparing for your book signing event now.

Ari - Yeah, I will meet you in 5 hours or so.

I turned my phone to airplane mode and plopped it in my bag. As I was adjusting myself in my seat, I noticed that someone (A guy) was already ready to take the seat beside me. I was a little disappointed but guess it can't be helped, huh.

I couldn't see his face since he was wearing a black cap and a mask. Although I must admit, I liked his outfit.

The air hostess then came to the man and asked him if he needed anything to drink and surprisingly, he said Coke. I always apprehend that people who choose Coke have good tastes and senses. Cause, damn man, who doesn't love Coke, right? It's the one thing that can make anyone happy.

After a few minutes, I suddenly started to feel a little humid. I removed my jacket but that didn't help. So, I got up and adjusted the air conditioning button. It was a little better now. I don't know, maybe I was feeling nervous for tomorrow's book signing since it's my first one after my book release or maybe I'm just a bit tired from all the running. I tried to calm myself down by slowly breathing in and out.

However, what could make me feel better was writing something. It's a good and less tiring meditation. I took out my journal and pen from my bag and opened my bookmarked page. I had already written a line yesterday and it went like this, 'He stared at me with wide eyes, his face just inches closer to mine.' That's all I had got but I think it's a start.

I played with the pen as I pondered over the next sentence for my romance novel. The distraction was indeed working but suddenly, my pen slipped from between my fingers and fell on the base. I quickly looked below at my feet but couldn't find it. Then I looked at the man's feet and there it was, right near his boot heel. I could've stretched my leg and pulled it towards me but there was a chance of my feet touching his, so I thought of asking him instead of doing something silly.

"Excuse me..." I called but he didn't hear me because I couldn't hear myself. Why did my voice become faint so suddenly?

"Excuse me." I tried again, this time louder and surely, he looked at me.

"Yes?" I noticed his eyebrows raising.

"My pen fell near your feet." I pointed at it.

"Ah, your pen?" He repeated and looked down. His voice was kind of heavy but also pleasant to the ears. My heart pumped just a little. "There it is." He bent forward, picked up the pen, and handed it back to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I smiled, he nodded and the both of us leaned back on our seats.

The flight was now ready to take off. And my anxiety was reaching its peak level. For some reason, even writing couldn't take the edge off.

Annoyed at myself for taking unnecessary tension, I put back my book and pen and decided to listen to some serene serenade while sipping my fizzy Coke.


The air hostess began bringing the meals. I was truly glad because my stomach was growling like hell. I didn't even have the time to eat breakfast because of Cherry. Grr...

The air hostess once more came to me with a smile and opened my tray to place the food.

"Enjoy Miss Ari." She said, and I was a little surprised since I didn't expect her to say my name. Or there's a one percent possibility she knows who I am. Hah! That felt good, though.

"Thank you." I grinned back, and she left.

I saw that the steward had come with the man's tray. He placed it on his table and the words he said made my heart stop and my breathing fade away.

"Enjoy your meal, Mr. Kai."

Wait...did I hear it, right?

D-did he just say...Kai? can't be...

T-there are many Kai's, right?

It can be someone else...


And then slowly, the mysterious face was revealed. The man had removed his mask, exposing his refined jaw, his perfect set of lips, his carved nose, and his enthralling eyes.

Eh... really is Kai...

Vanilla Band's Member Kai!