Chapter 2

The flight landed and that was the last of what I saw of Kai.

Or so I thought.

As obvious as it would be, I saw him near the conveyor belt, waiting for his bag. My heart became excited as if a little girl just saw the barbie doll she wanted for so long.

I hopped (not literally) to the belt as well but made sure to keep my distance. Probably, two or three persons away.

I waited for my bag but while doing so, I also didn't forget to glance a few times at him. I mean, you gotta capture as much of Kai as you can because you never know when you will get to see him in real life again, right? Besides, I don't think there's any problem if I look at him from a distance. I didn't even stare which was hard because Kai looked so...captivating. He wore black pants, white turtleneck top with a long black coat and a black hat and mask. Now imagine seeing Kai like that in front of you... Pretty alluring, huh? See, if you can't handle such coolness by just imagining, then how can I resist while he's just a few feet away from me?

Though, I must admit it was risky of me for giving my attention to Kai because one of my suitcases was about to pass by me. Fortunately, my reflexes came in handy. I took a quick big step and with all my force, pulled the case towards me with a heave.

Guys, please. Curse my sister, will you?

This time, I fixated my gaze on the belt and waited patiently. It pained me not to look at him but guess every moment has its limit.

Another of my suitcase was making its entry. I readied myself since that bad boy is gonna weigh a ton and I would need all my strength to pick it up.

As the case got nearer, I walked up to it and picked it up, but failed. The suitcase was somehow heavier than I thought. As though Cherry came and added a few extra things.

I tried again before it tried to get away from me, however, ultimately, I was no match for such rock like thing.

Seriously, what's in there?

Everyone, you know what to do, right?

I thought of letting it go and try again on the next round or maybe call someone for help but unexpectedly, my suitcase was picked up by a fair, perfectly prolonged fingers.

Immediately, I looked up to thank the person but froze.

He looked so handsome...He looked like someone. His hood covered his slightly-seen messy hair and he wore nerd glasses that suited him decorously.

"T-thank you..." I stuttered, still pondering who this guy was. He appeared familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on the picture that was distorted on my mind.

"No problem." He smiled and BANG! his beam gave him away. However, before I could react, he turned around and left in a hurry.

How could I not recognize him?!

His completely perfect height, his broad smile that would wrinkle his dark brown eyes and his accent. His accent was the biggest hint yet, why couldn't I recognize him?

Damn...I wasn't dreaming, was I?

I looked down and saw my suitcases near my leg, so I wasn't dreaming. Or we could reason that I was dreaming but somehow, I gained some sort of power and picked up the case myself?

Sorry...I'm talking too much...let's just say I wasn't dreaming, and it was all too damn real.

Is this day lucky for me or are the stars just playing a joke on me?

I was still in a trance like-state when suddenly, my phone began ringing. It jerked me out of the little bubble that I was flying in.

I picked up the call.


"Where are you?"

"Just got my cases. Hey, can I ask you one thing?"


"Why are they heavy?! What did you dump in them?!"

"It's all your stuff, don't blame me.", I got the 'don't blame me' attitude from my sister. Should 'a known.

"Anyway, where are you?"

"About that."


"I can't come."


I shouted just a little louder but my voice kinda echoed, making heads turn towards me. I quickly apologized to everyone who were impassively waiting for their luggage and turned around to whisperingly yell at Cherry.

"How can you not come and pick me up?!"

"I'm busy with your work. There are some adjustments to do and I'm needed here."

"But how am I supposed to come alone? I don't even know which hotel we are booked at!" I whispered and trust me, it's the hardest thing to do. Whispering and yelling don't go together. The other party, a.k.a onlookers will think you're choking when in reality, it's just you straining your voice to keep low so as to not disturb the others.

Well, you're welcome people who are strangely looking at me! I'm being considerate here!

"You're not a kid, Ari."

"I know I'm not a kid, but I don't know the address, dammit!"

"I will send you the location."


"Try to be independent for once."

I mockingly acted her sentence in annoyance.

"Then, I'll be going now. Someone's calling me."

And she disconnected the call before I could even whisperingly yell her a 'See you later, traitor!'

Wow...I gotta calm down.

I gotta control my anger and keep the beast inside me caged.

There was a cute ting on my phone.

As assured, Cherry sent me the exact location of where I had to go. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my suitcases and headed to the exit.

Having no choice of my own, I had to walk a little more to the front to grab a taxi.

The address said, 135 West 45th Street, Shanghai. I showed it to the kind-looking driver and he drove.

Shanghai was such an unworldly place. The lights, the skyscrapers, the high-end malls and restaurants, it's like living in the quixotic sin.

I forgot to capture any pictures since my gaze were diverting from one window to another. Even the individuals walking on the street looked as if they just came out of the salon to go to a celebrity party.

I probably oohed and ahhed a lot because the driver looked amused and asked if it was my first time in Shanghai. Of course, it is my first time here or else why would I look at one of the guys and compare him to Zhu Yilong?

The driver stopped at the exact location. He was kind enough to tell me that, "There's a donut shop a few blocks from here. I suggest you go there." He had an old country accent. I then asked "Why?" and you know what he said? He said, "Because it's donuts."

I made my way to the entrance of Hyatt with my back-breaking luggage. The doorman opened the door for me and a bell-boy quickly noticed me heaving and ran up to me, post haste. He placed the bags in the big trolley thingy that I always have wished to ride upon and followed me to the reception.

"Excuse me," I called out to the guy in grey suit who was busy staring down at a long register. He looked up at me and straightened his position.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am. How may I help you?" He threw his best smile at me.

"Afternoon, there's a room booked by the name, Ari?"

"Please, hold on a moment while I check, Ma'am."

I nodded and waited. I tapped my finger on the wooden desk and looked around at the hotel. It was pretty grand and fancy. There was this rich vibe to the hotel that I couldn't help but feel enlivened. As if I already turned a damned millionaire, baby!

Come on, don't lie to me. You have gone to a pricey hotel and thought you were just one of those hot-shots, right? Right? Don't lie.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Yes, there is a room booked by this name," He smiled, "Do you wish to have the key?"

"Yes, please." I smiled back.

"Let me get it for you." He turned around and walked to the desk behind him.

I was scrolling stuff on my phone when suddenly, I heard someone yell, "Jin, why do you do this? You should've picked me up!"

My knees turned weak as I recognized who it was.

It was Kai again! Yes, can you believe it? Cause I can't. Is this a coincidence or what?

"Sorry." The guy with Kai bowed.

"It's okay now...Just that it would've saved my time and energy. If you came I wouldn't have gone to that other hotel." Kai seemed slightly annoyed by the way he talked and restlessly moved.

The guy bowed again, grabbed Kai's suitcases and they both headed to the elevator.

My heart started to unusually vibrate in a pattern. A strange feeling crept over me which I couldn't wiggle away.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," The receptionist called out and I turned to him, my mind still registering the idea of staying in the same hotel as Kai. "Here is your key card. Room 701."

I thanked the guy with a small smile and headed to the lift. The bell-boy told me that he will deliver my cases to my room so that was one burden off my shoulders.

However, I quickly stopped as I saw Kai and that other guy waiting for the lift too. I was at a fair distance, but Kai's intensity reached me like I was just inches away from him.

My heart went haywire. I was having a fangirl sweat and I went totally thoughtless.

There were two lifts, so maybe I could go to the other one, right? Why go in the same lift as his? Would he think I was stalking him if I did? Nah, but I have proof that I stay here...But still, what would he think? Or would he even care? Maybe he won't mind...

I looked at the other screen of the elevator and saw that it was on the twelfth floor.

The sound of the lift doors opening distracted my train of thoughts.

I walked a few steps forward while Kai and the guy went inside.

As silly as it may sound, I waited. Even though the lift was big and empty, and I could easily fit in and stay in the corner until I reach my floor. I still was fighting over my decision though, whether I should go or not.

"Uh...Excuse me, Miss, are you coming or what?" The sudden voice brought me back to my senses. It was the other guy who had called me. Kai was actually busy checking his phone, so he didn't pay much attention to what was going on around him.

I glanced at the other elevator screen again, but it was still stuck on the twelfth.

Having no other choice, I decided to go in.

I pressed the seventh-floor button. What took me by surprise was that the number eight was pressed, which can only mean that Kai is staying on the floor above me...

I was losing my breath and my patience because I was holding myself back from turning around and looking at the idol I love so crazily. I could feel his stillness behind me. I was going to faint when the thought struck me that I and Kai were now breathing the same air in the same little compartment and maybe If I go back a step, I could maybe touch his feet. But, of course, I didn't do that. I won't do such things that would annoy him.

I was getting somewhat dizzy. It was all too much for me to begin with. Encountering Kai and him as well at the belt.

Finally, the lift doors opened, and I swiftly stepped out. The fresh air surprisingly started to make me feel better and clear my fogged vision. Though startlingly, I jerked back a little. Confused, I turned around and noticed Kai holding the handle of my backpack.

"Eh?" I blurted, and he stared at me.

"You dropped your key card." He let go of my bag and picked up the card that was fallen at the bridge of the elevator. A gush of irresponsibility washed over me as I yelled at myself for dropping something so important at such a risky place.

"T-Thank you..." I took the card from Kai's hands and smiled at him. He nodded with a slight curve on his lips too and backed away.

I turned around to leave when right then, out of the blue, I recalled the embarrassing flight incident. Now that I think about it, if not for Kai, I would've created a bigger commotion which wouldn't have been to mine or the mother and son's interest.

I abruptly turned back to him, my mouth ready to blurt out another thank you. Kai looked at me, surprised. His eyes widened just a little as mine did.

"Thank you for the...uh, in the flight..." I said. My words jumbled over my tongue. It didn't come out as I expected it to which was another of my embarrassment.

He didn't react for the first few seconds. The lift doors were about to close but the other guy stopped it from happening so.

Slowly, Kai's expression turned soft but amused, "No problem." He chuckled. His eyes turned crescent as he kept staring at me while still chuckling inside. I couldn't help but chuckle too. Eventually, I bowed and eventually, the lift doors closed and eventually, I had to go to my room.

I stood where I was for quite a while; hearing my heart beat frantically. Before I knew it, I was taking little gasps of air while searching for my room number. My hands and legs were numb from extreme excitement.

I finally found my room 701 and inserted the key card. The green light indicated me to go in and I did.


The clock was ticking 1:46 am and Cherry still didn't come to the hotel from her work. I messaged her, but she was last seen online half hour back. I even tried calling her, but she wouldn't pick up.

She did mention that there were minor changes to my book signing but being out until this late is jeopardous.

I was extremely tired and sleepy, and my brain and fingers weren't functioning well to continue my story that I had been writing for the past two hours.

I placed my laptop beside me and stretched my arms. I was willing to wait for Cherry and then go to sleep but I doubted I would stay awake because of my heavy lids that kept closing.

Minutes passed by and I was now getting annoyed.

The only thing that would keep me awake for a little while longer was Coke. So, I grabbed my wallet, wore my jacket and headed out, unforgettably keeping the key card with me.

I thought of going to the store near the hotel but fortunately, there was a board stuck to the wall saying, 'Soda machine near the stairs.' And a directional arrow was drawn pointing towards the fire exit door.

I scurried to my objective and was filled with joy when I saw the brightly lit soda machine waiting for me near the stairs.

However, there was already someone near it. A tall, thin guy whose face was white. Literally. I got scared for a moment until I realized that it was just a face mask.

Who even comes out wearing a face mask at night? Doesn't he know weak hearted people might die if they see him so suddenly?

He was holding a few cans of iced coffee and a few vitamin bottles, but he was still punching more numbers.

I waited patiently.

The guy bent down to pick up his last can which was Coke.

"Hm?" He tilted his head and stared at the can for a few seconds.

I already lost my endurance.

"Excuse me," I called out and he surprisingly turned to look at me. I jerked back upon seeing his masked face and smiled hesitantly. "Are you done with the machine?"

He looked down at his coke can and then nodded doubtfully, "Yeah..." He moved back a few steps and I moved towards the machine.

I inserted the two cents and punched in the number for Coke. 3-11.

The sound of the can fall at the bottom made me absolutely delight--Wait a minute...did I punch in the wrong code?

Instead of getting Coke, I got an iced coffee.

"What the hell...This is not what I wanted, machine." I sighed and decided to waste another two cents.

When just then, the masked guy from before called out to me from halfway of the stairs. "Excuse me, do you not want the iced coffee?" I have to mention that his accent was pretty cute. The way he couldn't pronounce the words properly because of the face mask was funny.

"Yeah, I actually wanted Coke."

"Ah, if you want, I can give you my Coke."

"Oh no, it's alright. I will try again."

"In return, you give me the iced coffee," He raised his brows. "I didn't want the Coke but guess the machine has a slight fault in it."

"Is that so...?" I thought for a moment, but it was just a friendly exchange of cans which neither of us wished for, so I agreed.

I took the Coke from him and gave him the iced coffee.

"Thank you." He said, and I replied the same.

We both then parted ways with faint twitters. I opened the can and took a long sip that instantly shot my eyes open. I admitted for the hundredth time that Coke is the best soda. It gives me such happiness just to drink it.

Do you guys feel the same too?

I searched my pocket for the key card but couldn't find it. My heart thumped once. I then searched my wallet in case I kept it in there unknowingly.

However, my heart thumped once more.

I couldn't find it. I don't remember keeping it in my pocket or in my wallet. I had it in my hand the entire time but where is it now?!

Damn...I lost it again!

How can this happen?!

I turned around and went scrutinizing the floor the way I came from; to the stairs. The key card is white so it's identifiable on the blue carpet which was a good thing.

No luck in the hallway so the only place it would have slipped from my hand was near the soda machine. I inspected the entire area near the machine; also touching the ground in case I find it but to no luck.

This time, I definitely lost it...

"Why didn't he say before that he wanted Coke...And why am I the only one coming to get it? Plus, shouldn't you sleep after you put on the mask? Why can't they--eh?"

The masked guy from before came down from the stairs while complaining about something or someone but halted mid-way when he saw me.

"Hey, have you seen my keycard somewhere?" I suddenly spilled, and he confusedly looked at me.

"Key card?" He asked.

I nodded and started scanning the place again.

You know the feeling of losing something important and then getting tears in your eyes as if you're just not a responsible girl and that you're no good on your own? Well, there we go. That's just how I frickin feel.

"Ah, so this is yours?" He took out my key card from his jacket pocket and showed it to me. "I thought of giving it to the reception--"

"It's mine!" I snatched the card from him in relief and thanked him a few extra times than needed. After all, he saved me from paying the hotel for the loss of a key card...and from getting scolded by Cherry.

He laughed nervously as I wiped my almost watery eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine. Thank you again."

"No problem." I think he smiled because the mask shifted a little from his lips.

"Then, goodbye." I turned around to leave, clenching the key card as tightly as I could.

Finally, I could breathe normally again. I inserted the card, hoping it was mine.

And Voila! There was the green light.

I jumped a little before entering my room.

If not for that masked guy, I would've had to sleep outside the room until Cherry came with her spare room key...