Chapter 9

"You're like the sun that burns the sight and the moon that gives me life."

Kai recited and my eyes gradually widened as I recalled the words tumbling in my mind. He looked at me with a comical smile and recited more.

"You're the air that holds me tight and the thunder that shows the light."

No way...That's the poem I wrote for him on VANILLA fan-board...he remembers it and moreover he has byhearted it?!

"You give me life but darling, why the sacrifice?"

My eyes widened and I could only stare at him as he sang my poem in the exact same tune I had thought while writing it. The melodic voice was perfect for such deep words. It was almost as if he was calling me to a deathly hollow, but I wasn't hesitant to follow him.

"I try and follow you everywhere, I don't care, please, take me somewhere...anywhere."

"And the day you come to take my soul--"

I suddenly placed my hand on his mouth and stopped him from speaking no more. He amusingly frowned his brows and let out a faint chuckle.

I took back my hand and looked away from him before speaking, "Don't continue..."

"Why not?"

"It's---It's embarrassing..." I clenched my fist beside me to try and calm the redness that was overlapping my frozen ones.

"It's beautiful." He whispered.

I turned to him and he smiled. "Your poems have made me fall in love with you."

My heart stopped for quite a few moments before it pumped and came back to its sense. I was in conflict with some many emotions that I didn't know how to react or even change my expression. I was still, except my thoughts were jumbled and were blabbering to each other.

Does that mean that Kai read each and every of my poems that I posted on the fan-board? I wish I could ask him, but my lips were shut tight.

Nevertheless, he continued. "And then, one day, you stopped posting."

Ah, now that I remember...I did stop posting. It was because I had gotten so busy with writing and stuff. I wanted to post one but for some reason I couldn't.

"Why did you stop posting?" He asked.

"I--uh, got a little busy..." I smiled nervously.

"Yeah? Well, your poems did give me life."

"Don't exaggerate..." I slightly pouted.

"I'm not." He laughed.

"Then what next?" I asked curiously, a tone of eagerness tingled my tone.

"You know how you have the tiny star next to your name?"

I bobbed.

"Guess what?"


"One day, I went to the bookstore and found your book. The same name with the same star. Can't be a coincidence, can it?" He smirked.

I airily gasped.

"And then you might not know but I did come to your book signing once."

I gasped again, this time a little louder.

"Not that I was stalking you or anything, though," He assured. "The things I had to do to find you. And then finally, I did. In the flight. I saw you and I don't know but everything around me changed somehow..."

"Changed? As in?" I raised my brows expectantly.

"An insignificant one."

"Tell me."

"Can't describe it." He playfully glanced over.

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. I mean, an idol falling for a fan? Is it really that easily possible? I had no words to share with him except my bashful glances. My heart began beating like loud drums and electric guitar. His stare and his smug look made me want to ask him again and no matter how many times I ask him, I don't think I will ever get it. "But why me?"

"Why you?" He repeated and I nodded.

"Because you seem special."

Special...? Boy, I don't think so. I confusedly brooded. What makes me so special? The answer he gave me isn't fitting for what I asked for.

"Why me?" I asked again.

He paused for a moment. His expression was in between pondering but also knowing the right answer. I waited eagerly to know what he was going to say but instead, I was left with another question hanging over my head. "Why do fireflies only glow at night?"

Huh? Is that supposed to be an anagram? What is he even saying? However, before I could ask him any further questions that would with no doubt give me strange answers, Kai's phone rang. This was the only time where I could look away from him and breath normally. My hearts been paining (In a good way) and the more I think about Kai and how he came to like me, the more my pulse rises.

"Ah, Dai Ah, yes, I'm here."

"Don't worry, I will be there on time."

"Got it..."

"Yeah, bye."

He then disconnected the call and glanced at me.

"That was quick." I commented and he only let a tiny smile.

"I have to leave for the airport." He said, disappointment was heavy in his tone.

"Oh..." I straightened myself a little and just looked at him with a cloudy mind.

"yeah..." Kai sighed and examined my expression.

I didn't have anything to say. There was a sudden heaviness wrapping around my heart and everything turned so dull so suddenly.

I wanted to say something, anything to break the ponderousness but it seemed that whatever words I learned from my childhood was forgotten and vanished.

"Say something." He said.

"Uh..." I breathed.

"If you don't want me to go--"

"No!" I squeaked.

"I mean, you can't do that..."

"Of course, I can't..." He sighed.

"When do you have to leave?"

"In an hour."

"So, we have another hour to spend, huh..."

"Another hour, yeah."

"Alright." I placed my can at the foot of the bench and got up, leaving Kai in a confused state. I took a deep breath, turned around to him and extended my hand in front. He stared at my palm for a while before looking up at me with a raised brow. He tilted his head and I gestured him to take it or go home.

He chuckled and placed his hand in mine; the warmness once again spread over, melting the tension and the uneasiness in my nerves.

I tightly grabbed his hand, turned around and started dragging him. "Let's go."

"Where to?" He asked in surprise. The wind began to blow strongly.

"To spend the remaining hour with me."