"But wait!" Kai suddenly pulled my arm to stop me from dragging him. I quickly looked back at him.
"The airport is an hour drive from here..." The cheerfulness in his face suddenly disappeared and a wave of disappointment washed over me.
"Oh..." I blurted. "I should've known..." I didn't know what else to do. I thought I would spend the last hour with him but...Slowly, I tried to let go of his hand.
"It's not your fault." He said and unexpectedly, pulled me towards him. He stared down at me and I could see sadness floating over his eyes.
I wish I could say the same to him, but I couldn't.
"Although, we could spend the last hour riding together." He gave me a slight smile and stretched his hand to stop a passing cab.
The cab halted and Kai gestured me to go in first. I nodded hesitantly and got inside first. Kai followed and told the driver the location.
As soon as the cab begin moving, the distance between me and Kai was somehow splitting. The more I thought about him confessing and leaving, the more my heart shattered.
Kai's hands were still keeping my palms from freezing. I looked at our interlaced fingers and held it a little tighter.
"If you want..." He said and stopped.
"If I want?" I looked at him and asked.
"I could..." He paused again and I knew where it was going.
"No," I said confidently and smiled. "You can't do that."
He snickered and pulled me closer to him. "I'm happy to get this hour to spend with you though. No regrets."
Well, Kai is right. As the saying goes, 'Something is better than nothing', right?
"No regrets." I repeated and somehow, I felt a little at ease.
As I was staring outside the window with my jumbled thoughts and mixed emotions, unanticipatedly, Kai pushed one of the ear phones in my ear.
A familiar tune began playing and the only thing that came into focus at the time was Kai's eyes.
"In the gap between a deepening day you come slowly,"
There were no words between us to be spoken.
"The darkness skims by and wakes me up,"
I could feel my heart beat pounding at once.
"And across the open window receding away."
His breathless smile took my breath away.
The cab halted, Kai paid the driver and we got out.
I noticed that the airport was super crowded with VANILLA fans and a dozen banners were hovering near the airport entrance.
"The members might be on their way." Kai informed as we stood quite far away from the commotion.
As expected of VANILLA...I wonder what people might think if they saw me and him together...It suddenly striked me that Kai wasn't covering his face which was a big risk factor since if by chance one of the fans saw Kai with an unknown girl then it's gonna be a B-I-G problem for him! I looked up at him and at the same time he looked down at me. I gestured him with my hands to wear the mask.
"It's okay, no one will notice us here." He answered my unspoken question.
Yet, I was anxious. I tried not to show it though. If he says it's okay, then maybe it is.
"Ah, there are the members!" Kai suddenly yelled and I followed his gaze to where a grey van halted.
From the front, a tall, muscular member wearing all black got down. It wasn't hard to make out that it was Cai Yu. A few seconds later, the back door slid open and out came a few members. If I am right, I think there were Sun Ming, Bai He, Xian Wu, Yifan and Teng Min.
"There's another van." Kai informed again, "Can you wait here? I'll be back." He asked and waited for my response.
"Yeah." I nodded and at once he rushed to his members.
I watched the scene from afar and once again, the heart-breaking feeling coldly wrapped me up. The wind was cold, and my palms turned raw.
The cheers of the dozen fans echoed throughout the airport. People who didn't know who VANILLA was, were staring in bewilderment. Some were annoyed, some were in awe.
Kai was helping with the members' bags. While he was talking to Bai He, Bai He suddenly looked in my direction and waved at me.
I was a little confused at first and looked behind to see if there was anyone else, he was waving at. However, when I waved back, he showed me a thumbs up with the widest grin ever. I chuckled and saw that Kai was pushing the trolley towards the airport.
I let out a tiny sigh and crossed my arms tight to my chest since the crisp chills were seeping into my body.
Not a few minutes later, Kai came running back out from the entrance, followed by the shouts and screams of the fans.
He crossed a few obstacles in the way to reach me, and when he finally did; a little out of breath, there was a loud voice that called out to Kai.
Kai confusedly turned around and I stepped to the side a little to see who the known voice was. "Were you waiting for me?" Cheng Yi asked as he slid his white back pack on his shoulder. "Ah, Chengi, you're here. The others are already inside."
"I know, it's all manager's fault that I'm late," Cheng Yi promptly noticed me and his eyes grew a little wide. "Ari?"
I slightly bowed and smiled.
"What are you doing here? Are you here to see us off?" He asked.
"Kinda..." I chuckled since I didn't really come to see them off, rather, it was cause of Kai.
"That's good, at-least I will get the chance to tell you what I wanted to since a long time before I leave."
"Huh?" Me and Kai uttered together.
Cheng Yi chuckled and took a few steps towards me. I thought he was going to say something as in a 'goodbye' thing but...unexpectedly, he lightly grabbed my fingertips and gently pulled me towards him. My body froze for a second in startle, making it hard for me to control it.
"Oi, Oi, Cheng Yi! What are you doing?" Kai yelled in surprise. He took my other hand and forcefully pulled me back. I bumped into his chest but looked at Cheng Yi in much perplexity as Kai.
Cheng Yi tilted his head and raised a brow.
"Cheng Yi, didn't the members tell you?" Kai asked.
"Tell me what?"
Kai sighed, weaved his fingers with mine and raised it high to show Cheng Yi that we were now together. Cheng Yi's expression was blank; however, he took a step back and lightly rubbed his nose, "Oh..."
"I thought the members told him..." Kai mumbled.
It was hard to figure out what Cheng Yi was thinking right now. His forehead never creased nor was there any kind of emotion that played on his face.
Just then, Vanilla's manager called out to Kai from afar.
"I'll be back again." Kai let go of my hand, "Cheng Yi, don't do anything to Ari." And hurried to him.
"What will I do to her?" Cheng Yi mumbled with a sigh.
As I saw his back distancing from me, I heard soft words that surprised me. "And I thought it was meant to be."
I swiftly turned my head to Cheng Yi but before I could look at him, I was met with darkness and a hard bump on my forehead and nose.
He hugged me, tightly and I could feel the pressure on my waist. "It's a pity I won't be the one to catch you from now on." He whispered and I could feel the defeat in his breath and tone.
I couldn't say anything because I myself was stuck in abstruseness. I didn't know that Cheng Yi liked me too...How could I?
Cheng Yi backed away, "We'll be in touch." He said and smiled at me. I sensed a tinge of poignancy in his thin set of lips.
"Yeah..." I nodded and I would say I would be glad that Kai came right away because I was feeling the awkward aura surrounding me and Cheng Yi. An aura that would make me feel guilty for the crime I didn't do.
"It's time to leave..." Kai said sadly.
"I'll leave you two for your farewell then," Cheng Yi raised his hand for a high-five and I gave it to him. "Bye Ari."
"Bye Cheng Yi." I said.
He walked away towards the entrance with their manager and what made me a little blue was that he never looked back. Not even once.
"This isn't goodbye though." Kai stepped in front of me and grabbed both my hands.
"I know." I said, averting my eyes away from the gloomy back of Cheng Yi.
"We'll meet again soon."
"I know."
"It will be a problem if you come inside with me."
"I know..."
"We would have to say our goodbye's here."
"I know."
"I love you."
I opened my mouth to unconsciously say, 'I know' but stopped when our eyes met. My heart stopped and everything around me paused in its place.
Kai raised his brows as if he was waiting for me to answer. His expression was amusingly eager. I cracked a smile and said, "I know."
He kissed my forehead and as sad as it was to let go of my hands, he let go of it and hastily jogged towards the entrance. However, he stopped halfway, turned back around and sped towards me.
"Your phone!" He yelled and stopped in front of me. "Quick! Your phone!"
"Uh..." I immediately reached for my phone in my pocket but as I was about to pass him, it slipped from my hands and fell on the ground.
"Aish!" Kai clicked his tongue and hurriedly picked it up. "I didn't even give you my number! What if I left? How would we have been in touch?"
"Ah..." I was surprised that he remembered such a thing at such a time.
"Calm down, will you?" I said and got on my toes a little to see him add his number to my contacts. Agilely, he gave me back my phone and hugged me for the last time before running off to where I couldn't reach him even if I wanted to.
He went inside and the automatic doors slid behind him. The glass was too thick to see his figure, but I waited.
I waited until I was sure that he was out of sight.