She’s Out There

I awoke suddenly from my dream. Shaken awake by the dark nightmare that made my body tremble. I remember running through the forest, playing with the other pups of the pack. The sky light blue with the sun peaking through the trees. It was mid afternoon on a hot summer day. We ran together, to the little lake by our pack house, like we normally did. I am the future alpha, so I not only lead the pack, but I also drop to the back, letting my beta take the lead. I needed to make sure my weaker pups were keeping up and not falling behind. However, this time when I turned to signal my beta, I would be giving him the reigns; he was gone. I skidded to a halt, turning all the way around to check my pack. They were gone all of them. I tried mental linking all of them, and nothing came back. Suddenly, the forest changed. Nothing looked familiar. The trees were taller, darker, and more bare. The sun no longer shining and clouds rolling across the sky.

Readying my stance for trouble, the realization hits me. My pack is gone, and I'm now in an unknown land. All of a sudden, a very light sound comes from my right. A female voice,so soft it's barely there, blows through the wind. I ran as fast as I could to get to her. It wasn't a voice I recognized, but what if they knew of my pack? I ran for what felt like forever. My body ached, and my thirst was overcoming. When finally, I stumbled to a small dark cave. The cries drifted out. The closer I got, the loudest the cries became. Fumbling into the cave, ready to help whoever was wailing so, the crying stopped.

Panicked, I looked around. It was dark, but I wasn't worried because wolves have pretty good vision. I still couldn't see the girl, but I could tell she was still here. I could hear her breathing. Coming to a split in the cave, I thought to myself, "Where is she?" Taking a chance, I stepped to the right.

Heading down the right side tunnel, the breathing slowed and steadied. Know I was on the right path, I pushed forward to come to a wall. Oddly enough, it wasn't just a dead end but a wall made of boards and nails. It was apparent that the girl trapped behind this wall needed me. Shifting easily, I reached up. Wedging my strong hands between the wood and the cave wall, pulling the wood and nails free. Cautiously, stepping into the room.

It was a sad excuse for a room. A table filled with books and a chair to sit in. A small grooming area and a bed, if you could call it that. On the walls hung little decorations for dried leaves and plants. The only light was a couple burned down candles around the room. A little shuffling sound grabbed my attention. Scanning the room, I found her. Curled up into a small ball in the corner of her bed asleep. Her hair was beautiful yellow. Her skin pale milky white with no sun kisses at all. She was tiny. Reaching over, I slid a strand of hair from her face. "Who are you, little one?" As I spoke, she stirred a little, but it didn't seem like I was the one to disturb her. A quick, sharp sound of wood scraping the floor made me turn in time to see a large man enter the room. Standing over the girl protectively, I eyed the man. Stalking forward, he didn't even seem to notice me. However, that's when I saw the knife in his hand. As his hand came down, I threw myself in front of the crying girl. Even though I didn't know her, I knew she didn't deserve this fate. The knife came down, and I woke up.

Running my hands over my face, I couldn't get her soft green eyes out of my mind. I was drenched in sweat from a dream. Never in my life have I felt anything so vivid as this dream. Father said as my mate came into her own, I would feel her, and if she was too far, I would connect mentally. If this beautiful girl was my mate, she was in grave danger.

Getting up, I rushed to the bathroom to wash off my drenched body. The hot shower felt amazing on my cool body. Standing under the water washing my body, all I could think of was the young girl and the fact that she could be my mate. So pale and fragile. After I found I was just standing in the water, instead of actually showering, I rinsed off quickly and headed down the stairs for the pack house.

The pack house was a huge dwelling, where all the young wolves lived once they came into their power and started their training. The alpha and his Luna lived in a large house behind the pack house. Instead of going to the dining room for breakfast, I headed straight to my Alpha, needing his counsel.

It was still early. The sun was just coming over the mountains. The bright yellows and pinks lighting the sky, breaking through the clouds and darkness of the night. The walk to Alphas house wasn't long but felt like it took a lifetime. It's a beautiful walk the Luna made sure of that.

Luna, my mother, is a tall, elegant woman with long chocolate brown hair and dark hazel eyes. She has a gentle soul with love for all and connects deeply with nature. The walkway lined with stepping stones created by young wolves in her honor. Wild flowers on either side of that path in an array of colors. Her favorite of them all were sunflowers. They were everywhere. You could find her out here daily, taking care of her beloved flowers. Even though we have grounds keepers. She's so connected to the earth. She said once gardening helps to settle her worried mind and soul. Being Luna hasn't been easy on her, but she cares so much she happily excepted the roll.

Rushing up the steps for the Alpha house, I stroll in not bothering to knock. Knowing my leaders are already up and eating breakfast. The old butler came to the foyer as I entered. He bowed his head to me as a show of respect. "Young Alpha Adam. Good morning. Your parents are in the diving room. I will have the kitchen bring you a plate." He has always been an amazing man. Treating me like a son.

"Thank you, Charles." He bowed his head slightly again and left the room. Turning to the right, I walked into the dining area to speak with my alpha. Both of my parents looked up in surprise, not expecting me this morning.

"Adam, I am so happy you're joining us this morning!" My Luna stood up and came over to me, embracing me in a warm hug. "My son, what is the matter? Something is weighing on your mind."

I couldn't help smiling at her, as she always knew something was wrong. Sometimes, even before I knew.

"I need fathers and your advice."

Father finally spoke up. "Come, son, join us for breakfast, and we shall talk." He motions for me to sit to his left. As soon as I sat down, a hearty plate of food is sat down in front of me. Piled with eggs, sizzling bacon, hash, and a biscuit. It is mouth watering. However, my stomach is in knots from my dream, and I don't think I have an appetite just yet. Picking up my fork and pushing the food around some but not taking a bite, Father places his hand on my arm. "Tell me what has happened, my son."

I dove right into my dream, not pausing to examine the looks on my parents' faces. When I was done, my mother showed mixed emotions on her face, and my father looked just plane happy. Confused, I wait for one of them to speak. "My son has finally connected to his Luna; it is a great day indeed." Father was ignoring the terrible dream and just focusing on the young girl I connected with.

"But father, she was being killed in my dream is it too late. She's trapped in a tiny room suffering badly. If what I saw is true, she could be dead." My hand shook as I said the last word, my heart cracking from just the thought.

My mother was the next to speak. "You had a vision of your little Luna." She looks so hopeful yet sad. "She does seem in danger, so it's important to find her and fast."

"But I have not felt her presence. In the dream, she smelt like mint chocolate. She couldn't see me in the dream. It was like I wasn't there. How will I find her if I can not feel her? Sense where she is." frustration and panic starting to set in.

"Adam, a mate can always find their beloved. You need to center yourself and focus on her. Her look and smell. Your instincts will point you in the right direction." Father pauses for a moment. "Was there any land markers or scenery that could make finding her easier?"

Pausing, I take a moment to think back to the start of my dream. The strange forest I didn't recognize. Just a forest but seemingly darker, more menacing than the stunning woods I grew up in. "The woods seemed darker, like there was something bad just around every corner. The cave I found her in was dark and damp. The door, she was behind old and rickety. However, I have not seen the place in my dream." Father thought for a moment. Working through his thoughts and thinking of the lands, he traveled as a young wolf searching for his Luna. He had said my mother came from a distant pack. He had dreamt of her when she hit mating age. He found her searching for him as well. "I know of a dark forest, but wolves don't live there. The witches made sure they no longer come around. Maybe it would be a good start to get closer to the location." Father always had a sharp mind and remembers everything. "Now that we have a slight plan eat. Calm your worrying mind, and let's focus on what we can do."

My mother is more emotional in her nods of approval. "I know it's hard for you, son. Your future mate is in danger, but you must relax. After breakfast, head out to the old willow, slip off your shoes, and center yourself. Enjoy the earth and focus your thoughts on the girl. We will find her." My mother patted my hand and went back to eating her breakfast.

Now, with a bit of a plan, I feel a bit less scared but still anxious for my little daisy in the dark. Finishing breakfast, I kiss my Luna on the cheek and head out to the old willow, where I often found my mother enjoying nature and her thoughts. Please let this bring me closer to what my wolf needs.