The Fourth Victim (XI)

04:39 P.M. 

Carmela Torres's Residence. 

August 9th, the year 2018. Thursday. 



Nearly 3 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


6 days after Dominador Gomez went missing. 



Carmela didn't even know if she was in debt of something or not, it was hard to explain if she had any sin that she could not remember that was hard to forget. She gripped the body of her kid close to her chest, ready to protect her at all costs when the man decided to shoot her. She was going to die for her child no matter what. She sighed as she swallowed and the tears fell down from her cheeks. 

She was breathing through her lips as she averted her eyes towards Xyrelle, who stood up courageously as he aimed the gun on the man, taking a step slowly forward while deciding on what to say. The man took a step backward while dragging Aunt Martha's body in force while holding it tightly.