If All Were Clueless (VI)

11:23 A.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

September 6th, the year 2018. Friday. 


2 months after Katrina Fajardo went missing, a month after Mina had been abducted, 8 days after Zoey had lost at the secret compartment of Dera Group of Companies and Matthew had been reported as last seen at the entrance of the Manila National Police Station. 





Protecting someone you love was not easy. 

Xyrelle sighed as he was the one who started the conversation, "What do you need? I declined to answer questions from the detectives themselves the day before yesterday. I do think I will also do that for both of you." 

He was not declining because he doesn't want to be interrogated about what happened to Zoey Cortez right at that moment. Inside that Dera Group of Companies, there was a secret compartment that only a handful knew. And look where it got them. Everyone was injured.