If All Were Clueless (VII)

11:41 A.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

September 6th, the year 2018. Friday. 


2 months after Katrina Fajardo went missing, a month after Mina had been abducted, 8 days after Zoey had lost at the secret compartment of Dera Group of Companies and Matthew had been reported as last seen at the entrance of the Manila National Police Station. 





"You doubt us, Mr. Xyrelle Martinez, aren't you?" The one with the cap exchanges a response too. All of them were clueless on who's true or who's isn't. But in this time Xyrelle wanted to be cautious. 

"I apologize for having no respect. I just want to make sure that you are a detective and you are not pretending to be one," Xyrelle whispered with a smirk. He was hesitant to identify their identities. No one could know the secrets behind their heads except them. Xyrelle narrowed his eyes while the detective with a cap turned his head to one side and chuckled.