If All Were Clueless (VIII)

11:41 A.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

September 6th, the year 2018. Friday. 


2 months after Katrina Fajardo went missing, a month after Mina had been abducted, 8 days after Zoey had lost at the secret compartment of Dera Group of Companies and Matthew had been reported as last seen at the entrance of the Manila National Police Station. 




"It has been a week, Mr. Martinez, I hope you're doing okay," Lieutenant Lirio spoke up as soon as the moment the two had vanished. He licked his lips as he walked a little, the pain unfathomable, and slunk down on the couch to extend his knees much further. 

He moved it with difficulty as Xyrelle sighed, asked immediately what his business was, "You know, if you will ask me about what happened that day, I'm sorry, I want my mouth to be sealed shut."