
"Lets play a game." I said as we finished our little dinner. After silent dinner we both lost in our thought. I don't know what to do right now. All of this become so fuzzy so fast. How am i gonna get trough all of this for a year? Well i don't mind to take a break from those glamour world. But i really love my job, maybe for a few week.. but a year without any activity is not an option. Its not the money i seek.. Good Lord only know how much money i have. And how do gonna stand with him when i am not gay at all. Everytime i look at him i didn't feel anything i just like I've been staring at a stiff pole or a rock. Nothing arouse me.

"Sure what game?"

"We had this game called twenty question.. we ask any question in turn and both of us have to answer to the same question,"

"Yeah sound fantastic why don't you go first, show me how's done"

"What your favorite colour?"

"That's will be royal blue.. no..its not because I'm a royal or soever"

I chuckle "never cross my mind... mine will be black.. your turn "

"Well erm... tell me about your family"

"It's always been my dad, my brother and i... mom was out of the picture since i was ten"

"Oww... what happen to your mom?..."maybe he see discomfort on my demior "it's okay if you don't want to talk about her.. "

"Noo... its okay.. she left one day just because she can't handle being poor anymore.. we live in the poor neighborhood when i was little.and my dad..he was my super hero ..my dad works three job to keep us feed... but she was from elite family so she didn't get used to being tight on money...and one day she just vanish with a note..since then my dad work and provide us with everything he can.."

"Wow... i am so sorry Rory..i..."

"Don't be its not like it was your fault."

"I got three sibling my Sister and me at the middle and my baby sister... my dad as you know King Hazrilen Montegro.. and my Mom Queen Dessee Montegro. We stay in the Royal Castle in London."

"What's your dream Edward?... please don't tell me its world peace!?...."

He laugh "Heaven no.. but aren't we all dream about world peace?.. my Dream was to travel all around the world in backpack.. without any worries with my love one..just two of us.. how about you Rory is being a Movie Star is been your dream?"

"Naaa not really... my dad was diagnosis with cancer when i was thirteen... the chemotherapy cost us so much money... then one day i saw this fliers for auditioning of some part in the movie.. i just swing it and maybe Lady Luck smile at me.. i got the role and all thing happen one to another and here i am fifteen years later."

"Are you sure you want to do this Eddy?...i mean our marriage."

"Honestly i don't know what to think of do at the moment... my head still fuzzy still full with the worst scenario i can possibly imagine... "

"Fair enough... i don't think i can do this myself.. i mean i don't feel anything about you at all..."

"Then what do you suggest we do Rory?"

"How about we just keep it secret for a year... just pretence we never meet and after a year we just annulled it and be gone with our life....." honestly this solution have been in my head since this morning.

"Well if you told me that before i called my mum and before you had talk to her.. maybe we can do it your way..but since she already knew and talked to you i don't think that gonna happen"

"Ohh why is that?"

"Well i bet ten pounds half of the Council already knew about us and the press will be in frenzy chaos by tomorrow and the next day we will be in every channel tv and radio and most of the newspaper... so yeah... can't make it secret now"

My jaw was wide open making O gesture. Speachless with all of that. "Wow really?"

"Yeah really..." he took a sip on his tea. Act as all of that wasn't a big issue.. well i know that since its happen to me occasionally.

I slum my back rubbing my temple.. i seem do that quite a lot today... rubbing my temple.

"Then i don't think we can attend Sandy sister wedding"

"Yeah speaking of which... how did you end up at the bar last night and did you come to attend the wedding as well?"

"The groom Willin is my business partner we have been friend since i was kids.. and the bar is one of the business we partners on.."

"Ahh i see... so if you didn't show up will you be in trouble?"

"I guess at some point yeah.. but I'm no importance...i'm not even his best man or anything.."

" then how about we escape from here..."

"You mean?" I rise my eyebrow try to read his face.

"I said we gone from here before any reporter or anyone catch us here tomorrow.... we will be gone before the storm..." he said excited.

"where are we going with your plan?"   

"How about we took few weeks off the grid?... we can go travel anywhere we want... where on one know us...."

"Us u mean as both of us as you and me?...what are this honeymoon?"

"Well if you want it to... yeah" he said perplex..

"Well that's not a bad idea at all i mean. I don't have any schedule for a few weeks.. i guess yeah.. why the hell no..."

"You saying?"

"Yes... lets do it.... lets go"

He jump from his seat excitedly with huge smile on his face.

"Okay...okay erm.... we need to pack our bag.. lets meet here in half in hour" he said heading to the door.

"Okay lets do that.. "

Edward....Eddy what did you talk me into.... i sigh as i make my move to my bagged..stuff all my things and change my clothes.

Not before long Eddy come down to my floor with his backpack.

"Is that all your belonging?"

"Well i was planning to buy everything i need here anyway"

I shook my head as we walk to the elevator. We end up at the airport half an hour later.

"So my husband where to?" I ask Eddy

"How about Asia?" He said after few minutes of tought.

"Where about?"

He scrolling his phone before answering my question .

" Malaysia"

"Where is that?"

" here " he hand me his phone. Let me look what on it.

"Malaysia?.... well never been there but yeah why not"

Just like that we end up sitting on the plane to Malaysia. I never did something like this before. I've never a spontaneous type of person. Everything must be plan and done according to my plan. But in just a day i my life turn upside down. glance to my right where my newly husband siting looking to the flight attendance who explained the common flying rules.. yadaaaa...yadaaaa all of that.

"Is this count as eloping?" I ask Eddy when we steady in the air.

"I don't know but if we think of it..it seem so..."

"Yeah... how long we going to stay in Malaysia?"

"Well maybe few weeks? Two ?"

"Make it three..,i don't want to come back to that chaos so soon."

"Sure three week will give them plenty of time to calm down.."

"I need to inform Damian and you need to inform Sandy as well..we don't want our little eloping become huge kidnap series aren't we?"

"But if we tell them they will tell the other and that's basically why we're doing this so no one can know where we are.."

"Just tell them we're okay, we need a break  and will be back in three weeks and not to worry.. don't tell them where we are.."

He nod and pull out his phone typing as i did the same.. after i sent the text to Damian i switch off my phone throw it in my backpack and grab Eddy phone as well switch it off and dump it at the same place as mine.

He look at me perplex but tone it down when i give him smile .. well its now or never..

We talking all night during the flight we covered much more topic on our self.. i get to know him better and he knew be better.

Yeah..i'm married man.