
Nine o'clock in the morning we touch down on Kuala Lumpur International Airport. My first impression for this country?  HOT  humid and the temperature was hot than summer in England.

"So what now Eddy?" Rory my husband asking standing beside me.

"Well I've read some magazine on board and i think we need to catch a plane."

"What another fly?"

"Well yes... look here is the place i want us to go.."

" Sabah? Wow the island look good"

"It is isn't it called Sipadan Island, apparently its a one of the most famous island in the world."

"Well in that's case...no thank you...." he  said while hand me back the magazine.

"Huh? Why not?."

"If the island is famous as you said..don't you think there's must be some people from where we from there?"

His words struck my head with me  open mt eyes wide realizing it .

"Oh my Heaven... why did i didn't think of that!"

"Never mind..lets see where we can go from here.... "i grab my I pad  surfing the internet looking for place that okay for us to spend time.

"By the way Eddy we need to exchange money., and we need cash no using card for the entire time we here."

"Yeah i manage to cash out about five thousand Dollar before we departure from Vegas.."

"That's great Eddy i have another Seven  thousand .. it can last us a while i guess."

I keep surfing as we sit in the private  lounge. Sitting beside me Rory ordered some club sandwich for us. While having our breakfast i manage to find a few destination that we might like.

"Here look at this place, "i hand him the Ipad showing him the place I've found." The place call Kuala Penyu.. still in Sabah and its have a beautiful secluded island and its on the county Side so we doesn't need to worried about us being spotted there."

"Yeah the place is quite nice.. but i want a road trip...can we like erm.. rent a car and hit the road or something... like just be where the wheel took us?" I said again.

"I'm not going to some roadtrip without destination with you. What if we have to deal with some unfortunate situation? Or we lost ? Nope... no thanks.."

"Fair enough... then how about we buy some map and hit the road and we make pitstop where the the tourists goes.."

"Yeah that could work... well are we decided going Sabah?" I ask Rory demand his conformation.

"Yes... Sabah it is!"

"Then we need to go in about half in hour.. lend me your passport i need to book us the earliest flight. "

The flight landing at Kota Kinabalu Internation Airport three hours later . The flight takes two and half hour from Malaysia Capital city Kuala Lumpur.

The air was less humid and fresh as well. internet said Sabah was the second largest state In Malaysia. If it is what they said it is then three week on road not going to cover all the part.

"Lets go rent some nice car. " Rory nuged me to the nearest car renting office.

We end up renting jeep with remote roof. Quite a nice car if i may add.

"I will be the first driver "

"Sure.. we need to get to the hotel first.. i need some sleep and buy local map."

"Where to?"

"Just follow the gps direction."

We drive in silent while Rory keep clicking his Nicon D500 Camera. He took few picture of me driving as as well.

Reaching the hotel after get confused by the road makes me took a deep breath. Never tought driving on  foreign country can be really challenging.                

We sign in into our room and get our self freshen up.

Cutely with his action, Rory deposit himself into the bath room after me. Digging my backpack just to realize i have no clean clothes.

"Rory..do you have extra shirt i can borrow". I ask standing at the bathroom door.

But no respond. I knock again just to hear a faint  grunt inside.

"Rory are you alright ?" I almost turn the knob to enter when i heard him.

"Yes Eddy... why?"

"I wonder if you have shirt i can borrow, i have no clean shirt left"

"Yeah... help your self up.. its in my  baggage"

"Are you sure you alright?..do you need me to get you anything?"

"Yes Eddy i'm okay.. "

"Call me if you need anything yeah"

I running his bag to find my self a shirt and found one. Before i've done put on the shirt, Rory came out from the bathroom with frow in his face.

"Are you alright?" I ask him..wonder if he was sick or feeling any discomfort.

He took a seat on the chair opposite me.

"I'm alright.. just peachy "

"Can i get you anything? "

Shook his head and walking to the bed. We rent two queen bed room so we doesn't have to share bed.

He slump his body and close his eyes and before i realise he already snore. Well it me and my self then.

I pick up the map we brought earlier at the airport and. Study it on my bed. Circle a few spot we can go. Kinabalu mountain range, Ranau, Kundasang, Native village, Semporna seem nice.

I end up circle almost twenty place all over the state. I wonder if three weeks will be enough to cover all the places.

Land on my back i turn my head to Rory bed. Looking at the guy i married without me knowing. He seem in peace whenever he were sleeping. I got this nice cute freckle on his cheek. I wonder what his original hair colour is it red? If it is i know he can be heartthrobs.

I lost in his present. I don't even know why am i felling this towards another male. Never in my life i feel close to another male in my entire life. I have my fair share on women and one night stand. But never involve in male. Never tought about it really.

But something makes me not regret being married with Rory. I close my eyes trying to picturing naked male, male abs male face , male genital . Nope! Not in slightest make me feel anything. I'm felling horror vomiting just to think about it.

I close my eyes try to get some rest. When we wake up, its another battle.

I feel a little shook on my body.

"Ed..Eddy wake up.. lets have some breakfast and walk around here."

Open my eyes to see my handsome husband in front of me smiling at me with his greenish eyes.

"Hey there stranger husband good morning."

"Hey there...come on wake up Prince"

I sit up and still fuzzy when Rory hand me a glass of water.

"Come on we're going to let this party started!

I chuckle by his enthusiasm.

"Yes.. lets hit the road!"