
Makin my way up to the arrival hall. A struck of nervous impact my chest. I wish Rory would be here but i knew he had his own battle to fight for.

I still remember the kiss we shared livid . The taste ,the bliss the felling when we  both got carried.

Sighing as i walk out. I saw Sandy standing with four more palace guard at the entrance. When they saw me a sign of relive was clear on his face. They get on my side in matter or second.

"Ohh my dear prince... i wish i can smack you once" Sandy said with evil grin. "But its okay i bet The King have more better punishment for you so i'm good"

My body stay stiff as my jaw hang low. The King or better yet my dad. Shit..shot... fungessss!

"Hey Sandy how about if i gone missing for lets say a year?"

"Ohhh hooo my prince... don't even think of step one foot from the palace from this day. The king might not have your head on the plater but mine i most worried about. "

I might be a prince but the King, the King is the most worrisome figure. I need plans.

Ah... mum... mum can help me.

We exit from side entrance trying to shake off swarm of reporter outside. Just one of my foot outside the flashes of camera welcomed me. Mic shove infront of me.

"Prince Edward is that true you married to Rory Falis?"

"-when was the wedding?"

"How did the palace react to this?"

"Are you been gay all this time?"

"Is this some publican stunt?"

"How your marriage life so far?"

"Are you aiming to be succeeded King? "

"Are you going to adopt kids?"

"My prince...."

"My prince..."

All the flashes the question the rumble makes my head fuzzy. I stay in the middle with Sandy and four Palace guards making way to the limo waiting for me.

As my bum meet the lather seat. I left hugh sigh. I'll never get customize to this crazy stuff.

As we reaching the palace gate i got nervous. I really wish Rory were here. I saw my sister Elizabeth with my mum waiting for me at palace door. Standing side by side with emotion i can't decipher.

the car stop. My heart beat beating out my chest. Sandy look at me with evil grind of his.

"You know if you have told me your plans from beginning I might had conjure some cover story or plans for you absent but no. You choose to ignore me.. i don't have any idea where you are and your self don't respond any my text and call so your Highness break a leg... literally and figuratively."


Sandy brush me off with evil chuckle. I bet he enjoying all of this. He went out from the other site and rushing to mine open the door for me.

This is it.




"Smile" Sandy still with his grins.

With my force smiled i stomp my feet on the ground. Heading to where my mom and my sister waiting for me.

"Hey mum "

"Uh uhhhh don't you hey me mister"

"At least can i have a hug?"

Elizabeth run to my arm with sweet smile she always had.

"I miss you Eli.. are you being good?"

"Yes. But you... you might have anger the Lion my brother"

"I did have i?"

"Yes you did mister...." my mom cut in. Giving me warm hug.

"Now lets us face the calamity, off we go!" I said with fake brave face.

My mum slap my arm lightly as both of them guiding me.

Walk down the hall past my room and dining hall we arrive to massive door of my Dad office.

My sweat was draining like faucet. Light tap on my left arm where Eli stay.

"Work with me.. just act on my cue"


"I got your back brother just work with me. Go on i will be with you in a minutes i need to do some preparation"

Tugged by mum i knock three times as signal it was family.

"Enter" i heard my dad voice. Ohh boy....ohh boy help me!

I push the knob as i give my self all the courage i have left. My dad was sitting on his chair with prime minister working on some issue i don't know.

He  elevat his view to mine.

"Ahh Edward... " he said with stern voice. I swear i had a little pee on my pants. "Have a sit Edward ill have your head in a minutes. Meanwhile enjoy your free time left as i had some thing importance to settle."

I glib and glob my saliva hearing Dad. Ohh Heaven help me..

I took a sit on reception couch in front my Dad table.

My feet keep shaking as i waiting my death sentence. After half an hour of dribing my self. The King finally walk and take sit in front of me with my mom beside me. She haven't talk since we get in here. She just holding my hand giving me reinsurance.

"So Prince Edward fancy to tell me what is in the Hell And Heaven Happen before i cut your head?"

"Erm... dad you see...ermmm" i pause trembling on my vocabulary. "Erm.. you see i went to Sandy Sister wedding at America.. that night we went to Sandy brother in law Bar and I'm having few drinks..."

"Just a few are you sure lad?"

"Fine.. a lot... so i went high and when i woke up... i was on Rory bed and we happen got married when we both wasted..."

"You what now?... how can you be so irresponsible Eddy?!"

"I know dad i am sorry"

"Now we need to clean your mess like always!.. get divorce today"

"We can't..."

"You can't or you don't want to?!"

"We erm... apparently we may or may not had signing some agreement for stay married for a year.. any validation of this agreement will cost us our entire fortune."

"You moron fungdesss!! What have you done! One day Edward just one can you please give me rest!"

"I am so sorry dad" 

"Now you are..." before he finish up the door opened wide and Eli come in sobbing. With confuse

"Daddy..."still sobbing..Eli coming in her worn out make up. I glance to her with rising eyebrow. She wink at me and i realise she were planning something. I get into big brother character on switch.

"Hey there Eli.. what happen?" I said with fake concern..

"I...i.."sobbing" i need you come with me" Eli said grabbing my hand towards the door.

"Eli i need to talk to our dad"

"Noo... daddy can Ed come with me please daddy"

Dad hand rubbing his temple sighing while my mom rubbing his back.

"Sure sweetheart... you may go Edward."

"Thank you daddy" with out any delay i was being drag out from dad library.

"You owe me big time" Eli said when we reaching my room.

"Ohh Eli thank you so much".. Eli always been my savior. She literally can get away with anything as long she bat her eyes.

We take seat on my bed and mum come in after few minutes.

"Eli... you girl will be your dad death one day.. " she said chuckling

Taking seat with us in bed "so Eddy tell us about husband of yours"

"Yeah Eddy when will we can meet him?... "

"Ahh both of you.. i know you both were big fan of him.. "

"We are..."

"Well to tell you honestly he was the most fun guy i ever meet. He was honest with his opinion. Kind with his action, sweet by his gesture. And he laugh on my stupid jokes... he was much more then the silver screen tell us he be.. he like his coffee black with two cube of sugar. He snore... yes he snore but not loud. He has this cute gesture when he saw something he like or didn't like.. he..he.. " i stop when i saw both of them looking at me weirdly

"What?" I ask perplex.

"You never talk about anyone with this enthusiasm and happy tone" mum said while Eli nodded as agree

"Well he not like the other I've been dating after all... he is a guy that's first.. and his honestly is the most fair point of him he wasn't fake his emotion....Ohhh maybe i was excited, well he is my husband after all."

"You know you need to introduce him to the high council soon right?"

"Yes i know but i don't want to drag him into this life where he can't do what he like"

"Yeah i know but at least it only for a year right?"

"Yeah it is.."

"How about you give him a call..ahh noo make it video call i want to see his face" Eli giving me her puppy eyes.

Lost in battle "fine.. i will call him"

I reach my phone calling him on video. After few ring our call get connected.

"Hey Rory" i said as i saw him. He is on his bed sleeping i guess.

"Hey there" he answered with his raspy voice.

"Are you sleeping"

"Yeah Eddy it two in the morning what else I'm doing.."

"Ohh i'm sorry just calling to see if you alright. "

"Its okay... how about you? Did we get you into trouble? Do i need to smack someone head?" He said with his sleepy face.

I laugh on his funny face. "Gracios no.. need you smack no one Rory."

"Glad you okay Eddy.. hey..Ed i'm sorry i would like to talk but i need to get some rest i have a long day tomorrow. I call you tomorrow?"

"Sure.. yeah..yeah... by the way my mum and my sister Elizabeth say Hai."

"Yes.. send them my hug and kisses i will present my self in nice manner next time.. bye Eddy"

"Bye husband"

I heard he chuckle before he cut the call. I don't realise i smile so wide until i heard Eli  cough.

"You are smitten"

"Maybe i do"