
Few day since i got back to my appartment. And those few days was have been a hell ride for me. I try to lay low and staying at my home few day. But today i have to get out since i have few interview and photo shooting for HTv Magazine.

While i was just exit my bathroom i heard my phone ringing knowing who is it. I put the video call on stand as Eddy Face cover the small screen. As i put him on speaker i went to the closet.

"Hey Rory"

"Hey there Ed."

"How are you today?" I grab new brief navy colour jeans and white top. I put Eddy up so he can see what I've doing.

"I'm good Eddy. "

I let go my towel not minding if Eddy saw my naked body as i put one leg in i heard a high note girl shrink from Eddy site. As i turn to Eddy i saw a girl behind Eddy with Eddy trying to cover his Screen. His face already red bit, i was shocking almost tumble on my feet as i hurried to slip into my boxer.

"I can die in peace now" the girl said slumping her body on the bed behind Eddy.

"Hey Eli ever heard of knocking? What are you doing here get out!" I heard Eddy arguing with the girl.

"Fine.., fine... nice to meet you Rory i am such a big fan." She blew me a kisses.

I just smile shyly.. speechless. Before long i heard door opened and closed.

"I am so sorry Rory "

"Really Ed? You don't even realise she was there? What if she saw my front?"

"Hey in my defense.. even i don't expect you to be naked... "

"Ahh whatever who is she anyway?"

"That would be my baby sister Elizabeth"

Just nodded i grab my shirt put it on me as i went to the mirror. Taming my hair.

"Where are you going Rory?"

" i have few interview and one photoshoot."

"Oh okay.. make sure you get some lunch yeah?"

"Sure.. ohh yeah.. if they as me about us in the interview can i told them we married?"

" i think all the people in both our country already know that we are married.. unless they have been living in a cave."

"Then i take that is as a yes."

"Yes Rory you may tell them anything.. but maybe you want to alter a few about how me meet and how did we end up married."

"Yeah you right we cant simply said we got married when we wasted."

"Any idea for the cover story?"

"Just lets say we have been in relationship in past year and decided to settle down.. we meet on Gala and we click so fast"

"Yeah let stick on that"

"I need to go now.. talk to you soon okay Eddy?"

"Yeah.. but before that.. i need to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"I need to introduce you to my family. Do you have any free times soon?"

"I will check with Damian and get back to you as soon as possible.. bye"

Before Eddy say anything else  i cut our chat. I so late.

I run down the hall clicking the elevator button repeatedly as my action will make the the things run faster.

As i walk closer to the entrance. Cameras shutter sound resounding in my ears. Flashes blinding my eyes. As on cue Damian and my bodyguards Danny and Sulli  come to my rescue. They make way for me to my car.

Two minutes walk become five in this swarming zombie of reporters.

We made it into car and be on our way to my first tv interview for the day.

"Damian do i have any free time anytime soon?"

"Wait a let me check it for you." He rumpage on his Ipad. After few minutes he look back at me.

"You have two days next week on friday and saturday.. do you have any plans?"

"Yeah Edward need to come meet his family."

"Oh meeting the Royal i see..then in that case you can have the entire next week....i can clear all your table."

"That could be nice thank you."

"Say Rory are you okay with this?"

"I don't know Dami.. its still feel surreal.. "

"Then what your plans?"

"Just swing it i guess bear it for a year and get divorce next year with no string attached"

"Let me know if you need my help with anything okay...now lets go we are here."

Damian went out on his side and open my door for me. Flashes greets me and as on cue i gave them my business smile. Waving a few fangirl, signing  few autograph. And make my way into studio.

Enter the green room doing my make up. Sitting there while my face paste with substance i won't even know.

"Rory five minutes until on air" stage manager inform.

I stand up and make my way to the studio greet the host Ella and Paul.

"You ready Rory?" Ella ask when i shake her hand.

"Yes and please go easy on me"

Both of them laugh. As stage manager giving us signal by his hand gesture.




And red sign light up as it signing its rolling.

As on cue Ella give her greeting.

"Good morning America i am Ella and with my co-host Paul."

"Good morning everyone" Paul greeting.

" Paul today we have a special guess, he is the most paid actor at the moment. Win his forth Oscar and his seventh American tv award. Lets give his welcome the one and only Rory Falis!" Ella introducing me.

I smile and greet the viewers.

"Hello good morning everyone. Rory in the house."

"So Rory lets start with simple question" Paul said while he playing with his pen "how's life?"

"Well so far i'm enjoying it.. still love do what i'm doing''

"Do you have any project going on or any movie going ups?" Ella turn to ask.

"Yes i just finished shooting my latest movie called  Salon, co-star with the beautiful Ginatia Hardit. And i have few more movie that start shooting on next month"

"A little blue bird keep tweeting telling us this interesting story.."

"Ohh really and what that story might be?" Playing innocence are we?. I smirk.

"Well its said you are married to Royalty?... is it true or just a gimmick for publication?"

"Well to tell you the truth.. as you all been speculate. Yes! Yes i am married to Prince Edward Montegro IV. The prince of England "

Ella and Paul face was shock and speechless for few second

"Well i see congratulation on your wedding." Paul said keeping it professional.

"Yes.. congratulation on your wedding.. its okay my invitation card might be lost somewhere since i don't get one" Ella smiling while Paul nodded "so Rory share with us how did you two guys meet?"

"Well its funny story actually.. we meet last year on Met Gala night . Me and my brother Damian decided to take on our own party after the Gala so we went to this bar..don't ask which bar because i don't even remember what did i have for my breakfast today... oh wait..i haven't have my breakfast yet... ahhh okay back to my story... and i went to the bar and i meet this young handsome fellow sitting next to my bench...strangely i still remember he wear dark jeans with royal blue shirt... yes its his favorite colour by the way. We sitting next to each other without talking. He drinking tequila on shot and i was on long island

.. after my forth glass he suddenly said ' may i buy you drink?' Then i said 'yes sure why not' then we just click"

"Quite a story.. then how did you guys decided to settle down?" Paul ask.

" we have been on and off relationship of the past year. We broke up and get together again quite few time. One day i said enough is enough and ask him to marry me... he say yes without batting his eyes...urghh i still can believe that guy.. he makes me the one who propose."

They let light laugh as Ella ask me " then how the married life?"         

"Except my status change from single to married i think so far it been good.. we get three week off to our honeymoon in this country in Asia and we love it."

"How does the Royal Family reacts? " this time its paul.

"So far I've alive so its a good sign right?... hahaha they have been supportive."

"I never tought you as a gay Rory..when did you realize that you are gay?"

"Wow...didn't saw that one coming..good question Ella... I've been bisexual i think all my life.. it just getting justified recently.. i don't put label on my sexuality. If i had to then i pick bisexual. Or rather Edwardsexsual...."

"Edwardsexsual... nice ring on it.."

We talk about my relationship mostly.. they ask about my carrier.. my upcoming movie but in the end it circle back on Eddy and me.

One down Three more to go.. yey..