
My stay in the palace was amazing so far. On the other day Eddy showed me around. Never tought the palace have so many room for so many occasions.

And today i'm finaly going to meet Eddy father or better yet . The King himself.

Nerves is understatement i am terrifying. Apart from The king i'm going to meet Eddy sister Elisha as well. The Succeeded Queen in training Eddy said. Elisha will the the next on the Throne. But Eddy and Elizabeth  still need the govern training as well.

Making my self presentable as possible. With my new Royal attire.  apparently when you married a Royal family you got his or her title as well. In my case i married to a Prince then i've got Prince Title myself.

There will be huge ceremony upcoming this sunday. Well something about introducing me to the public and high council yadaa..yadaa  And my tittle receiving ceremony Eddy said.


"Hello earth to Rory.."

""Rory!" Light shook on my shoulder waking me up from my tought.

"Hey are you alright?" Eddy standing beside me with his full  Royal dark blue suit. He look so handsome and beautiful as well.

Giving him my reassure smile. Turn to him to catch his lips on me. Yes kissing and showering together have got natural on us. Cuddling and hugging with him makes me feel like home.

He return my kiss despite shock for my boldness. Our kiss deepen as we cares each other body.

Smiling while our eyes lock into each other.

"I like you Eddy" i said. Not  caught in the moment.

He standing there glue to his feet before i misinterpret huge smile 

emerge on his handsome beautiful face.

"I like you too Rory..i like you so much."

He kiss me again. But this time the kiss feel full with passion. Logging felling inside the kiss. No  tongue involve just pure kiss. The kiss only we share.

Knocking sound on the door making us parted the kiss. I already miss it. We left light cough to get rib the awkwardness as i straighten my Dark Red Royal suit. And yes the suit is tailor personally for me.

Sandy come in after Eddy giving him permission to enter.

"Eddy, Rory its time.. your father and everyone else is in the meeting room"

"Here we go" Eddy took my hand in his locking our finger guiding me out.

"Good luck Rory" Sandy giving me good luck gesture with his hand in the air.

" thank you.. lets go"

I glance to Eddy face and he seem troubled. Uneasy felling making nest on my heart. He tighten up our hand as he afraid i might be disappear if he loose it. 

We reach the meeting room and with three knock a raspy voice inside command us to enter. With a light push the door crack wide open.

I saw his mother, Elizabeth and four more unrecognize person standing welcomed us.

Eddy tug me to the older age Man standing at table head . He had this ruler aura surrounding him. Mature and stable demure.

" hello father this is my husband Rory Aston Falis."

Eddy gesture introducing us. "This is my dad known as King Hazrilen Montegro"

"Good day your Highness " i bow a little as my hand up in the air.

"Nice to finally meet you Rory" he said with shirin face. He hold my hand shaking it.

" This is Queen in training Princes Elisha"  Eddy gesture to the Beautiful Lady in the dark  green dress. "My sister."

Before i said anything i already in her arm. Pulling me into hug, she whisper to my ears in low voice as possible "you hurt him..you die..." she said sending shivering to all my body. I nodded lightly as she pull off me giving me the sweetest smile she can give.

"Welcome to the family Rory.. come to me if you need someone to smack Eddy stubborn  little head yeah"

"Thank you Princess Elisha"

"By any mean call me Elis"

"Yes prin...Elis"

"This is our Prime Minister Harold" the middle age man who standing beside Elis. We shake our hand and move to the last person.

"Last but not least our Royal Attorney Mr Ronald."

"Nice to meet you Prince Edward and Prince Rory."

"Likewise.. the privilege is mine." I said as we shake our hand.

The king gesture us to take our seat. I took my seat on Eddy left and Eli on my right. She smile at me giving me some ensure gesture.

King Hazrilen Montegro ,smash the awkward silent with his words.

"First of all welcome Rory to our Small Royal family i hope your enjoying your stay here.. i apologies i caught up on many importance business, i not there to welcome you upon your arrival."

"Noo its fine your highness.. the Queen and the others was already being a great host."

"Then lets get on the business, Ronald?"

"Yes your highness" Ronald the Royal attorney hand me a few piece of paper. I eyes wide open and my mouth making 'o' gesture. What the in Hell and Heaven is this? I give Ronald a question looks. And turn my gaze to Eddy beside me?

"What is this about Eddy?" I shove the paper towards him.

"Prince Rory.. that's was the list of property and fortune that you get as Royal husband. Its forth five percent of your husband fortune that will be transfer into your name."  He pause to let me taking all the information sinking before resume. "You need to sign at the below end of the document and all of it will be yours"

"Huh? Wait....wait....stop talking "i put my palm in front of him. Rude i know but i need time to consume all that. I turn my head to Eddy who looking at me with guilty looks.

"Eddy mind if you explains all of this?" I hold the paper in front of him.

"As i say prince Rory" i gesture stop to Ronald who cut in.

"I'm asking my husband.. if you please hold your  tongue for a moment sir"

"Of course" he went silent.

I still waiting Eddy to speak.

"Erm.. you see Rory.. erm... well ahhh.. that's is yours since we married and all.. and erm..its also act as a reinburst ." He put his hand on the back of his neck.

"You know what will happen after a year right?.. and reinbusts for what? Marrying you? Do you think i married to you for your money..do you think that low of me? I have my own money that can support me my entire life Eddy! " not minding all the people around us. He better choose his words carefully.

"No... no..  Heaven no Rory... please don't be mad.. i promise i will explains to you.. but for now please don't get mad." He plead with his puppy eyes. Urgh... damn that blue eyes.

I shift my gaze to Ronald who sitting stiff. I gesture him to start talking.

"I am so sorry sir.. please continue."

"Yes my Prince.. as i said those are yours as long you signing it." He take a breath before continue" all of that also act as your reinburst for stoping your acting carrier.."

"My what now?" I cut him confuse with his words. Eddy was looking down to his feet as it the most fascinating thing in the world."

"Yes Rory as a member of the Royal you need to uphold the dignity of the Royals.. that's mean  and including you no longer can kiss or touch stranger on public.. as your carrier do that. You need to stop acting" the King said looking at me with authority.

I swear they heard something snap inside me. As they all look at me with wide eyes. My face was burning not because of blush but because of rage! How dare them to do. How dare Eddy keep this from me.

I took huge breath claiming my self. As i say

" then Your highness my king.. Eddy" i swift my head to my husband who look at me with nerves and guilty face. " i will  have my lawyer to sent you the divorce paper..." my word is like death to them silent as loud, even Eddy speechless. "Now if you excuse me i have plane to catch" i say as i stand up walking towards the door without looking back. I heard Eddy and Eli calling my name repeatedly.

I walk faster to Eddy room and click it lock it up. Pick up my beg stuffed it with all my clothes. I took off the Royal suit on my body and put on my regular clothes. As i finish up the door click open.. yes of course... of course they have the key. Ignoring Eddy who slowly walking towards me. Try to touch my hand but i shove it away.

"I am so sorry Rory please"

"Noo no you don't have the right to control my life "

"I know.. i am so sorry please let me explaine"

I put my hand in the air asking him to stop talking.

"Maybe later Edward.. i need time alone.."

"But you doesn't have to leave"

"What now? You confine me here?"

"Noo..no.. just please stay... i will be sleeping somewhere alse if you want time to be alone. Please.."

"Let me out from this room.. its yours... ill let my self sleeping somewhere alse."

His face come to light. "Of course Rory.. thank you."

I walk out from Eddy room heading to another room.

As i get in to the new room.. its feel empty... i pull out my phone searching for Damian. I need Damian to figure this out.

"Dami.. i need you here" i said almost sobbing.

"Hey Rory what happen?"

"I need you.. please come here... "

"I am on my way... "

"Thank you.."

"See you soon okay... everything will be okay Rory i promise.."

I slum my body to the bed. Lost in tought..

Wake up by rings on my phone i saw Damian name flashing.

"Hey Rory i'm here can you get me at gate? They won't let me in"

"Sure Damian.. i will there in a second"

I walk out from the room just to meet Eddy who standing in front of my door. He look at me with guilty eyes.

"Where are you going Rory " he ask seeing me strove on him without knowledge him there.

"Damian is here.. i going to get him."

"Let me go with you"

"Why do you affairs I'm going to flee away?" I snort

"No i just want to accompany you."

I don't return his words. I keep going until i was on the palace entrance before the palace guards stoping me.

"I am sorry prince Rory the King orders us to not let you past.."

The guard said

standing speechless on this action i turn my body to Eddy who behind me.

"What the fuck is this bullshit you fucker!" I yell to Eddy who seem lost with this situation.

Turn back my body towards the guard. Rubbing my temple.

"Just let my brother in..he's at the main Gate...and i swear if you don't let him in i will do anything to kill my self!"

Shocking by my words the guard palace run to the main gate and come back a few minutes later with Damian on his trail.

I run to his arm. "Dami!"

"Its okay Rory i got you... you okay now.... i got you"

He rub my back giving me ensure security. Yes he is my brother. My safe haven. I grab his hand guiding him towards my room shove Eddy Shoulder on my way. He just stand there stiff without words.

I hate him so much right now.