
I storm into my dad office with rage. He was sitting on his chair with Elis and the Royal Attorney. Not minding them i stood firmly.

"Dad what have you done!" I shout

"What do you mean Eddy and mind your tone i am your King!"

"I don't care  who you are right now.. i want my father!..why in the hell you remand Rory from leaving the palace!.?"

"I did it because he will leave at the first chance he has and that is not an option"

"Noo.. dad.. you making him hating me  more then he already are."

"If that what it take to keep him here i don't care."

"Dad, Eddy what is going on?" Elis cut in.

"Dad give order to palace guards to not let Rory leave the palace"

"What dad why did you that?"

"You making us driff apart he hate me now do you know that?"

"I have my own reason itherwise he can not leave! That's final and now Eddy you may leave!"

"You sound so ridiculous now... i hate you...i wish i'm not your freking son!" I spat as i turn around.

"Edward!" Dad shouting on my back i close the door with loud bang. I don't even care.

I draging my feet aimless, end up infront of Rory room. I stay standing there. Lost in my tought , i am so sorry Rory.

"That son of a bitch!" I heard yelling from Rory room. " who is he think he are?..he have guts to buy your freedom? With money?"

Damian voice loud into my ears. I'm sure some of the palace attendance heard them too. Ashame is a understatement. I fell horrible, we used to kiss hugging this morning. We even state that we like each other. Is our relationship is going to end before its begin?

"Pack your bag Rory i get you out from here, lets go"


"Just let me handel it.."

After few minutes the door open. In front of me were Damian with his malice face. "Where is the king?" He ask coldly

"My dad is in his study..."Damian walk past me without any rebuck." Hey Rory can we talk please." I grab his arm but get shove by him before i get into hold.

"I want to leave if you can't do that..then nothing else we need to talk about."


He walk past me heading to my dad office.

We went in and dad still with Elis and Ronald. Perplex with Rory and Damian.

"Yes Rory how can i help you"

"I want to leave"

"No you can't Rory anything but that i'm sorry"


"I have my own reason now if you excuses us please leave us"

"Then you should meet my lawyer"

"Your what? I tought he was your brother?"

"Yes i am his brother also his lawyer... and now as his lawyer i demand the reason why my client being hold remained here without his consent?"

"Hello i'm Ronald the Royal attorney.. Prince Rory has married to the Royal making him  enshrined  to the King orders"

"I am asking the reason not the fact he married to Eddy...i am not stupid to slip that fact out"

"He is my people there fore he is obligate to my orders as he married to my son!" My father said sternly.

"No he is not your highness" Damian words make all of us in confuses.

"What do you mean he is not?" My dad ask confuses.

"He is not one of your people or your country for that matter, my client is American and not England citizen."

"He married to Prince Edward thats makes him England citizen"

"No my client is not YET your Citizen. They got married on American soil that's mean their marriage is lawful in America and not here in England as they haven't have any ceremony or sign any document show they are married here in England  " Damian exclaim making my father and Ronald speechless.

"They signing the marriage contract in US Soil therefore their marriage is not obligated by any of England Law." He pause and Dad and Ronald seem lost in this argument. "So i demand my client to be release from here! And my client demand a divorce"

"No Rory please... lets us just talk please... if you divorcing me you will lost all your fortune"

"Then let be it... i don't care loose all that money.. i can find more but if i lost my freedom i don't know if i can find it again.."Rory state without any emotion.

I lost hope.. my leg feel jelly as  i slump my body to the chair.

"Then i believe we are done here." Damian grab Rory hand out from the room. I still can't believe what just happen.

I look at my dad with rage. "This is all your fault! " i shout at him.

I lost in my emotion "can't you see i'm happy.. why can't you just let me be happy for once!" I start sobbing. Elis run to me holding me tight giving me support. "I like him dad.. i like him very much" i fall to my knees.

"Eddy i'm sorry but what i'm doing it is for the Royal family"

"I hate you... i hate you with all my guts.. if anything happen its on your hand!" I walk out from the room. Heading to Rory. I can't lose him. I love him! Ohh God i love you Rory.. i run as i determined to not let him leave me. I don't care for my status i don't care of anything. I want him just him.

I yank open Rory room just to meet an empty space. He's gone... i run towards the palace entrance just to see the car leaving the main gate. I broke out cry my heart out. As I feel someone embrace, My mum voice smoothing me.

"My poor Eddy.. i'm here Eddy..everything gonna be alright"

"I.....i los..t....him..,.mother... i lost him..."

"Then go get him... show him you care... show him you love him go..."

By thats words i gain my closure i stop my sobbing wipe my tears, and running back to my room.  "Thank you mother. I get your son in law back with me!"

My mum chuckle. I get my wallet, my phone and my car key. I run to the porch and step on the gas while I'm trying to reach Rory phone.

Heading to the airport i rush on. Still trying to reach Rory and Damian.

Damn it! Please Rory.