This not what i'm signing for. The rage, the hate, the disappointed all of it taking toll on me.

try to get some sleep when i heard a knock at my cabin's door, Lazily i yank the door just to see my husband standing there.

My jaw fall to my stomach.

"Rory.. hai."

"Eddy? How...when...What are you doing here?" Shocking with Eddy appearance.

"I come to win you back..."

"What do..."

"Let me talk please... you can scold ,yell, or even punch me if you like but let me talk first please.." he grope my hand in him. Bring it to his chest.

"Fine get in."

He slip into my cabin and i took a seat on my bed while he down to his knees. Still my hand on his chest he look at me.

"When i first meet you i feel everything but like towards you. I had to learn how to live with fact that we married to each other. Not the married issue but married to a guy. Never in my life i ever tought i can live with a guy. Furthermore being married with one. But Rory i've learn to like you as you are as a person.  I learn to have you by my site. I learn to like you." He took a breath while caressing my cheeks while locking to my eyes. He took my hand kissing my forearm gently. " i know what my father did is not forgivable.. i wont ask one but at least listen to me.. i know acting and being in spotlight is your idea of life.. i won't ask different of you.. but we are Royal family.. as the Royal we have to hold our Dignity and honor... in palace and council. Touching stranger in the public is not appropriate as a members of Royal. I know the method my father used is not the best to tell you that rules. And the reimburse thing come out so wrong... its not the price for your freedom Rory its not. Its yours as long as you want it its... its my wedding gift to you. Even if we get divorce one day.. all of that will still be yours....i am so sorry Rory i like you very much..please don't divorce me."

He almost broke into tears as he look at me. I touch his cheek wiping the trace of tears. I know he been crying his eyes red buff with trace of tears.

I pull him into my arm. Locking his body with me.

"I'm sorry Eddy its okay... i got you..."

"I like you so much Rory... "he said whispering into me.

"Me to Eddy.... me too..."

him look so venerable. Never tought that he feel so scare of loosing me. I pull him on my bed towering him as he lay and me on top.

I put my hand on his nape pulling my self on him. Slowly reaching his lips with mine.

His eyes burning my heart with desire. My breathing speed up hot breath escaping touching his skin inviting him and Eddy correspond.

Closing the small gap, my mouth takes his. His hand grab my nape bringing me closer. My lips moving into his lips. Licking his below lips. He parted his lips inviting me in. My tongue meet his, my body jolted with shivering inside my bone. Like the first time we kiss its sending bliss all over my body.

As he groan in pleasure, i nibble his lips  pull on it. Before wondering to his jaw. Planting small kisses along the way to his ears. Nibble his earlope granting him moan my name.

"Rory....ummmm ahh"

Stretching his neck giving me full access  i brushes my nose all the length to his collarbone. Planting kisses here and there. Sucking few spot leaving my mark on him.


His back arches in lust parting me from his skin, guiding me to his lips. But this time i let him lead.

His arm enclose my waist pulling me into is chest his hand wondering to my spine the other roaming to my hips.

Holding his lower hand i stoped his progress.


Detaching our lips "too fast?"

"...erm yeah" will he get mad? I know i'm the one who started this but.. its to fast...

Carefully cupping my face "its okay Rory...we can take this with your phase.."

What's wrong with me? We basically saw each other body naked every day when we took shower together. But we never really touching each other dick. Damn i really screw this.

"Hey...hey..Rory look at me" he tilled my chin look at him. "Its okay..i am oblivious as you on this stuff... lets do it on our phase and take it slow yeah?"

"Yeah thank you Eddy."

"No problem now lets get some rest yeah... i miss being in your arm Rory.."

"Me too..me too.."

Giving him peck on his lips my eyes fall to my marks on his neck and collarbone. Felling smug i let smirk on my lips.

Pulling him into my embrace. I miss his smell.

"Hey Eddy.. what you wearing?"... i ask realise he was In his   pyjama bottom and sweatshirt. 

" well i didn't have the privilege to get change into something decent to catch up to my run away husband am i."

I chuckle and get up.

"Where are you going?"

"Wait here i'll get you something to change into."

"Can you get me a pair of underwear as well erm..mine kinda smirth on something.."

"What.? Did you cum into your pants?"

"Ermm noo... its just precum... you see i have alot of precum when i get really arouse..." he said while looking down shyly. His face was red bit blushing hard.

I chuckle he is so cute.

"Well its my honor for making you dripping alot.. i take that i get you so arouse?"

"Rory you have no idea how much i want you now.."

"Well you need to calm you horses."

"I know...i will wait for you Rory.. as long as you need me..."

"Thank you Eddy but don't worry i won't let you wait that long"  

I went to my baggage searching something for Eddy.. our size is quite the same. We have quite the same build so my clothes definently match him. With wet  wipe tissue, jeans, shirt and new boxer i get back to him.

"Here since they don't have a shower in here.. you can clean it by wiping it with this... i hand him the wet tissue.

I was about to turn my self out when he pull me back.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm giving you time for take care of your " i point to his lower half.

"No.. its okay its already go down..i don't need me alone time.."

"Then i'll gave some privacy to get change"

"Rory am i not attractive to you anymore?"

"What why did you said that?"

"Well then stay.. its not you haven't saw all of me after all."

"Fine.."as i lock the cabin door and sit on my bed. Eddy took my place standing up.  He standing in front of me with his sweet smile . He tug out his phone tapping it and put it on the bed. As he start moving a slow erotic music playing in the air.

He give me his smile and winking as i already sitting  crossing my leg. He tilt end of his shirt tugged it up in sexist manner possible. Biting his lower lips as him inviting me. My member seem like it its makes it statement as it growing under my pants. He roaming his finger on his chest down to his visible sixpack. Rousing his nipple while biting his lips. Damn i'm this close to jump into him. He making this hard for both of us. He moves along the music giggling his hips while his hand probing all over his upper torso.

His finger get into his pants while the other one on behind his neck. His eyes close while he still biting his lower lips.     

He turn his body with his back facing me. He pull down his pants slowly while his head twist on back looking at me with smirk. I cough a bit and his smile become wider. He get rid his pants with his boxer still intact on him.

He touch his back with hugging gesture still lock on my face. I can tell my face were fully red and this time not because of rage but because of lust.

He put his hand both on the tip of his boxer pulling it down. Slowly i can see the line of his ass and two of his round hills. And yes my member is making its statement fully.. he spank lightly his ass making it giggling on vibrate. After few more spanking his ass getting red. I don't mind squeezing it. It seem yummy, he turn finally towards me smiling with his glory. His dick not erected at all.. but you can see his size just base on that. No wonder he do me good on our wedding night last time. I don't mind to taste it again.

Eddy reaching the wet tissue rubbing it to his dick head. Simple gesture but still making me arousal. He wipe all his dick and get rib the tissue in dustbin.

He hand me the boxer i brought earlier gesture me to come closer.

"Put it on me" he said with grin.

I shook my head as i get into my knees and my head directly in front of his dick. I turn my head to the side. He slowly let his leg sliding into the boxer, as i slide it up i grab the jeans as well and let him slide in. After i've done he stoped me when i was going to grab the shirt.

"I don't want to sleep with shirt, i will wear it when we touch down later."

"Okay then... lets rest"

I pull him closer into my arm as my lips claiming his. He let me kiss him with all heart.   

He end up sleeping in my arm as his back touch my chest.

We lost into dream land with the music still on playing.