
"Ah there they are.. good morning Rory" a light peck greet my cheek once Eddy and i slip to the main dining room.

"Morning mom... have a good night?" I ask as she giving Eddy the same peck.

"I do.. thank you."

"Your highness " i said towards Eddy father. He just nod as my acknowledgement.

"Eli.. Elis .. how a are you both today.."

"I'am good now since you are here.. i swear i can't even fathomed your two hard die fans here.. well three if i can say." Elis smirking towards the King. Who pretending reading morning news papers.

Both mom and Eli chuckle and Eddy have this proud smile on his face.

On cue, our breakfast was serve. Took some those of kale and mash potato. Cheese stuff Sausage.. yes they do have it.

"So Eddy have Eli told you about your duty this weekend for overseer the palace guard in training?"  The king started to make conversation.

"She did.. can i bring Rory? This can be new experience for him"

"Sure... why not... he can overseer the next batch if he want."

"Then i wanna come too" Eli put her hand in the air excitedly.

"Maybe i'll join you if i have nothing that day" mom chirp in.

Shrunk my shoulder  "Well i don't mind coming " i said when everybody eyes on me.

What the deal with overseer the training anyway?

"So Eddy and Rory.. when the Royal Weeding will be?" Elis suddenly voice out," i mean i know you guys kinda married at US but you have to have marriage ceremony here you know." She said cutting her piece of hashbrowns.

"We haven't really talk about it.. i'm giving Rory full decision on this, we already sign the marriage license anyway" Eddy said out with his palm on mine.

"Yes indeed i never had the chance to think about it really.. the ceremony. I do want a ceremony.. but i don't think i want it big like wedding of the year or so ever.. maybe we can do a medium size wedding.. "i said "and i mean medium mom and Eli which i know you guys already had those crazy idea on head yours. I want something simple elegant and cozy. Not the 100 day parade along the kingdom please."

"Hey i can have my imagination alright" Eli pounting.

"Do you have any specific date love?" Mom asking me.

"No but i do like to have it on falls where all the leaves turn yellow an outdoor wedding sound nice.. "

"Then we can start preparing right after new year? And yes outdoor wedding sound lovely "

I nodded.  Well its march now thats mean we have a lot of time before next year falls.

Sound of Elis choking and coughing stir me from my tought. She was holding her throat gasping for air.

"Elis" mum panicking

"Call the doctors now!" The king shout and one of his guard running out the door.

We all stand on our feet hurrying towards Elis that already on the floor.

"Elis.. hey.. hey..Elis" Eli start crying in panic.

Eddy was in his knees holding Elis head .

I run to her. Running hundred stimulation on my head.

"Let her down Eddy. She need open space.. could you please let her down.?" I yank Eddy hand.

"June!" I shout and matter of  second she was standing beside me.

"Yes your highness"

"June i need you run to our room and grab me black bag inside my closet that have R.A.F initial on it. Hurry!"

"Yes your highness" she shoot out once i'm done.

"Where is the fucking doctors!" The king shouting.

"Hey... hey... relax okay.. let me check on her" i said.

"What are you doing Rory!" Eddy cried almost shouting seeing me on his sister.

I don't care to explain to them. I saw Elis lips turn blue. As her chest humping trying to pumping air. Her cornea show her blood pressure growing. She had allergic reaction.

"Is Elis allergic to anything? " i ask looking around. Mom and The king seem thinking.

"Yes he allergic to cinnamon. But..." before mom finish i stand up grabbing Elis plate. Nothing wrong with her food. Wait...this smell? On her plate!?

I rush down to Elis feel her pulse. i took a relive breath when June running towards me.

"Your highness" i grab the bag and pull out my  stethoscope. Hear her heart beat.. its going fast, oh no... she's going static .

"I need her meds, fetch me her meds now" two person in black suit rush to Elis room.

"Rory why did you have those?  " Eddy question me.

I do not answer him. I pull a scalpel from my tool beg and touch Elis collarbone that connect her airways to her lungs.

"Stop.. do you what you doing" the king try to shake me off her.

"I need to open her airway or we will lose her" I said try not to yell.

"No we need a doctor..and where the Hell is that dammed Doctor!"

I pull my Doctor License from my wallet and throw it to the King face. Push him away and pick up my scalpel on the floor. Run trough my medic case pull out alcohol and bowl. Drop the scalpel into the bowl and pour the alcohol solution in.

I turn my gaze to Elis.

"Elis.. do you hear me?.. its alright everything is alright.. i will save you yeah.." i pick up the scalpel and run my other hand on Elis collarbone to find her airways."Elis this will get sting a bit, but i need you bear with me.. and relax your body yeah.. i need to open your airway so you can breath again can you do that? Blink your eyes if you hear me."

Elis blinking her eyes desperately.

"I need you guys to back off a little bit.. she need air as much as she can." I pull out some white hose from my bag and let it soak in the solution as well,

All the audiences back off a few feet including Eddy and his father who still in faze.

"Elis i'm going in now.. relax yeah... everything will be okay. "

I trace my finger and dunk the scalpel tip into her skin. Blood running like faucet i dunk more until i reach her airway tunnel. I pull the knives and grab the white hose insert it to her tunnel. As on cue her breathing become regular and her face become relax.

"Well done Elis.. now i need you to breath as normal yeah.. its okay you will be alright.".. i turn my head to the Royal Family and Mom running hugging me in her arm..

"Thank you Rory.. Thank you so much" she kiss my cheek.

Eli join our little hugging.

"There...there..its alright now.. we still need to get her into hospital. Did anyone call ambulance yet?"

"Yes your highness the ambulance is waiting. " June told me.

"Tell them to bring in stretcher.. she will be fine now."

"Yes your highness" June walking out and comeback a few second later with four EMT. Stand up and let them took care of Elis as i turn my body i fall into a tight hug.

"Thank you Rory.. thank you for saving my sister." My husband cried on my shoulder. Burying his head on my neck Snipping.

"As strong as i want to hug you back i need to clean up my hand."

He let a light chuckle relishing me. I went into the kitchen towards the sink.

"Sulli?" I call my bodyguard, "bring August with you, find out what happen and keep on eyes to everyone.. i want to know what happen pronto."

"Of course Sir" he gone before i even finished.

"Danny" i call my other bodyguard.

"Yes sir..."

"Keep on eyes on my husband. If anything happen he comes first."

"But how about you sir?"

"I can take care of my self and i still have June on by my side. I just need you to priorities my husband you get it?"


"I said do you get it?"

"Huh... yes sir" he give up.

When i get into the dining room all of them is already gone except Eddy.

His face light up when he saw me.

"Hey.. are you alright?" I ask when he pull me into his passionate kiss.

"Yes... i'm now.. thank you so much Rory.. things can get really ugly if you not here today." He almost sobbing.

"Hey..hey.. it all right everything is alright now.. she is alright... we have something more importance to do now."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Everyone leave us alone" i said and all the personal leave us in second. When i sure we're alone i drag Eddy to Elis chair. Pick up the used plate and hand it to Eddy. He receive it with question look.

"What is it?" He ask clueless.

"Its not an accident.. someone temper Elis plate..smell it."

He bring the plate close to his nose trying to figure out.

"What did you smell?"

"Erm i smell something weird that not smell like food. Its smell like detergent or something,"

"Its sodioum flacittuos actually "

"Tuos what now?"

"Its a component in dish soap and when it touch a specific chemical, it give a same effect as cinnamon. "

"Ohh... and how did you know this?" He ask..

"Eddy i'm a doctor and a geek on top of it. Do the math"

"You're rich, successful actor, you have milion of fans, you can speak in multiple language, and you are Doctor on top of that.. tell me Rory..what can't you do.. you are perfect!... how did i manage to get you as my husband!... i must had save the world or something in my past life!"

"I can't cook  that's for started"


"You had me while i'm drunk..."

"Also true.

"Yes maybe."

"Yes also true."