
The air in the Royal Hospital was so tense and unbearable. Mum and Eli still sobbing, Dad was in his King mode, giving curfew order to all palace personal. He went all out to make sure the culprit pay for their action.  Endanger the royal family is consider treason. Dad dispatch all his secret Service personal as well the palace elite guard.

Thanks to my wonderful husband. Elis was saved, Doctor said one one minute late she could lose her life.

"Your majesty.. princess Elisha condition is getting stable. But we still need her highness to stay for a while so we can keep eyes oh her."

"Yes thank you for your effort Dr?"

"Milan your majesty... if i may know who was giving her Highness  her first aid? He or she was doing a really good job if i must say."

"Its my Son in law..Prince Rory.. he's getting his coffee right now."

"Tremendously... is his highness Was a Doctors? I tought he was an American Actor?..."

"He is... but he also a surgeon apparently.."

"Well your majesty... i hope to see his highness Prince Rory another time.. if i may excuse myself.

" go on Doctor."   

Turn my head to my Father..

"Dad what now?... its getting out of hand.. we need to take action..i won't sit doing nothing.. ''

"Eddy i know.. i promise i will get this things done.. we need to take care of this issue without alarming the people."

"Fine!... but if even a hair of my husband get hurt i will take action my self!.."

"Action? What action Eddy?" I heard Rory voice  coming from the door?

I turn my self to him and smile patch on my face.. i can't let him know about this.. at least not now.

"Nothing.. i'm taking action to woo you...." i said smirking.

"Ahh well Eddy i hope you better step up your game.. cause i won't come easy..."

I run my hand to his face.. caressing it softly.

"And i will do anything to make you mine..." i said slowly.

"I'm already sold'' he said with chicky. He turn his gaze towards Elis who still unconscious. "What the Doctor said?"

"Her attendance Dr Milan said she already stable but they need her to stay here for a while for few test."

He nodded and walk towards the bed. Reaching Elis file hanging on Elis bed. Rory took it and start to read the file. His eyes full with concentration and focus. Hot and yummy if i must say.

"Rory. thank you once again for saving Elis" mum stand reaching Rory hand.

Rory close Elis file put it back on its place. "Its my obligation mom,.. Elis is my family as well"

Mum place her head on Rory chest. And Rory put her arm around her. Dad was on his phone having conversation with only God know who.

"Rory.. you wanna go out from here for a while? Lets get you some fresh air yeah?"

"Sure," Rory nodded.

We walk trough hospital garden. Few patient was hang out sitting on bench. Other was having conversation, few hospital staff  was having their break maybe.

We walk side by side, just basking in the sun indulged in each other company.

"Eddy lets get some food.. i'm hungry."

"Of course boo.. lets go...anything in mind?"

" carving some for Dimsum."

"Dimsum it is."

Just having him here is more than enough.  I swear i will protect him as much as i can.

We end up to some chinese restaurant twenty minutes later after i drove us around. With June and March beside us we order some dimsum with few side dish.

"Eddy i'm planning to work at hospital again..."

"Huh?... Why? ....I mean.."

"Why not?... i have nothing to do anyway might as well working.."

"Do you need to work?... i think your money can provide for anything you want..if is not you can use my money as well....."

"Huh?.... Eddy i'm not working for money babe.... i'm doing this becauseni want to fill my time.. i literally have nothing to do..."

"Then come work for me.. you can manage my company"

"No Eddy... i want to work as a doctor not some ceo of some company.

"Rory... i'm sorry but i can't...."

"Eddy i'm not asking for permission.. i'm simply telling you" he sound more angry.

"No... you can't i will not permitted that!"

"You and what army?...you don't have the right to tell me what i can and  can't do Eddy!"

"No Rory you can do anything but with protection 24/7, but working at the hospital limited the coverage of your own bodyguards... its not i'm controlling you Rory no..it will be the last thing i will do to you... i want you to be happy but if that happiness cost your safety then i choose your safety than your happiness i'm so sorry."

"Then i guess we have nothing to talk about.. i will working at the hospital with our without your said...and don't you dare to interrupt my plan Eddy.. remember my last chance to you."

Rory stand up without i had  the chance to counter his words. 

Not again... urgh... i run my palm to my head. Before we end up bad i need to save it.

If i hurry i may be able to intercept my husband before he got away with taxi or bus.

Passing the front door i glance on my right and left trying to spot my husband but he not in the sight, shoot he is fast..

Hurriedly i head to the car and that's when i saw him... leaning to the car.

 walking towards him almost jogging the last step before have him in my arm.

"You didn't leave."  I mumble lightly felling immensely relive.

Rory passes his arm around me.

"No i didn't"

Dropping my  head  on his shoulder, still felling dumbfounded but extremely grateful.  I babble "i tought i would find you trudging the sidewalk while cursing me. And you would refuse to get into car and i have to slowly drive beside you trying to convince you to get you home."

Gushing a small laugh Rory comment " i have been quite unreliable for a quite moment. "

I shook my head."no.. its my fault.. i am sorry.. but i'm worried about your safety."

"I know Eddy.. i know.. but i want to do something about my life.."

"Yes and will support you in anything you want."

"Thank you babe."

"Now can we go back to the hospital?.. i need to double  check something" Rory said still in my arm.

We reaching Elis personal wad half an hour later. Mum and Eli still there refuse to leave Elis side. Dad was nowhere in vanity.

I walk to Mum and Eli with some dimsum in my hand.

"Mum, Eli.. here.. have some food yeah."

"Thank you Eddy." Mum said i hand her the box.

"Mom how was Elis while we are out?"

"Nothing much Rory..we still waiting her to wake up"

Rory nodded as he studying Elis medical file with concentration.

"Eddy can you grab Dr Milan for me babe?" Rory shift his gaze to me.

"Sure ,, is everything alright?"

"Nothing much.. but i have to consult Dr Milan first before i can say anything,"

I look for March around the room and he nodded when our eyes meet each other. He walk out from the room.

"Rory is there something wrong with Elis" my mum tugged Rory sleeve.   

"Nothing to serious mom i promise.., just need to check something out with Dr Milan okay,"

He let mum latch to him, he rub his palm on my mom back. Providing her secure she might needed,

March come back latter with Dr Milan on his trail,.. i swear i saw Dr Milan eyes grew bigger when she saw my husband.

"Your highness is there anything i can help with?"

"This is my husband Prince Rory"

"First of all i'm a huge fan of you, your highness." She said at first gaze she land on my handsome husband.

"Why thank you Doctor"

"My pleasure your Highness,.. so by any mean what can i do for you?."

"Ah yes Doctor.. you see" Rory hand her Elis medical chart "her Hemoglob is quite strange.. and her pegriadt also quite high"

The Doctor study the file with big eyes. "Yes indeed but it can cause by her low blood pressure as well. And her Highness pegriadt sure quite off that's is why we need to run a few test for her before we can concurred any deposition."

"Eddy" my husband draw his attention to me "in last few months where did Elis goes?"

"I'm so sure since our schedule quite different.."i answer and decided to ask my mum "mum do you know anything about it?"

"If i not mistaken Elis just got back from Ghana last month..that's the latest place she come back from"

"How long she stayed there mom" my husband ask her. The rest of us wondering where would this heading.

"Four day" my mum answered.

My husband put his point finger on his chin while his eyes wondering all around. A bit mussed if i may said.

Flick his finger Rory eyes become bigger than before.

"Doctor had you run any blood test?"

Perplexed a little bit confused Dr Milan answered it "we did"

"May i take a look at the result?"

"Yes your Highness i'll be right back" she goes out second later.

"Rory is there something wrong with my sister?" I ask him.

"That's is what i try to figure out. Lets just hope my hypothesis is baseless yeah." He said walking towards me end up in my arm.

I kissed his temple to calm him down or maybe calm me down instead.

Dr milan back with yellow file on her hand. Handing it to Rory still with her perplex look on her face.

After few minutes Rory close the file and gaze to us.

"Dr run another blood test for HISF" (Host Immune System Failure) "make it done immediately" My Husband seem little anxious.

"Yes your Highness" she almost run towards the door.

"Rory what is HISF? And is it bad?" My mum ask him.

"Mom why don't we take a sit and i will explains"

Rory guide my mum and me sit on the couch. Elis has been knock out on the long couch. She has been pushing her self and the time was quite late as well.

Two nurse come in after knocking the door and ask permission to draw blood from my Elis, they do it after my mum give her consent.

After few minutes the nurses had done the job and withdraw from the room.

"Well as you guys know our body have a defends system against sickness called Immune system. Without this system our body will be venerable to all kind of disease and illness. " he took a long breath before continue " if my hypothesis is true.. Elis immune system is falling as we speak. And she will need blood transfusion immediately.. so lets hope that's not the case because if it is..we will need all the help we can get,"  

We let rather heavy sigh. Why is this happen at once.

We sit idle for almost forty minutes at least before Dr Milan come running into the room with almost panic face.

We stood immediately and see Dr Milan handed a piece of paper to Rory.

After few minutes he left a hugh sigh and took a deep breath.

He turn his face towards us. "So i have a slighty good news, bad news and a quite a bad news.. which one you guys wanna hear first?"

I rub my forehead in exhausted felling. "Fire away Rory" i said as i took mum into my arm.

"The slightly good news is, Elis allergic reaction kind of saving her life.. the bad news is her immune system is falling as we speak.. and lastly we need Your Dad here.. pronto! And need him to bring all the team member that accompany Elis on her journey at Ghana now!."

He turn to Dr Milan as i pick out my cell. Calling my dad.

Before my dad said anything i cut him to the chase,

"Dad.. we need you here now.. and Rory said he need you to bring all the delegate that with Elis on her visit to Ghana last week urgent.. as now! "