
damn it.. Elis condition is getting worse."Dr Milan we need to start Princess Elisha blood transfusion right now!. And isolate this room with code blue. And this floor with code green no one goes in or out without your or my permission."

"Yes your highness" she scoff away almost running for her dear life.

I turn my gaze to Eddy whom just finish talking to his father. I gesture to June.

"June get me few nurses and ask them to bring blood drawer with them...and get me this hospital Director on the phone now"

"Yes your highness"

I walk to Eddy and embrace him close to my chest. A lot of things happen one after another we barely had time to our self.

He let him self snuggle into my neck. Taking a deep long breath.

"I love your smell Rory. " Eddy smoothly whispering.

"Everything gonna be okay Eddy i'm here"

"Thank you Rory ..Thank you Husband"

I saw the nurses come in slightly bow to us.

"Come on Eddy i need you to be tested "i turn to mom " mom i need all of us here in this room to be tested as well... can you wake Eli up., she need to be tested as well.."

Mom nod lightly as she shook Eli body. I turn my head back to my husband.

"Come on Eddy let me draw your blood."

He flinch a bit when i said blood. I raise my left eyebrow in amuse .

"Are you afraid of blood Eddy"

"O...of course...not!" He said trying to convince him self maybe. Because i don't.

"Sure Eddy.. " i tug his arm to sit on the chair and i on my knees to level his arm.

His eyes become more panic once he see syringe in my hand. Few cold sweat. I rub his hand with mine.

"Relax Eddy i just need a little bit of your blood.."

Ensure everything is gonna be alright. As i smile genuinely to my husband he keep his eyes on me. He try his best not to glance to his arm where i work on.

"There you are Eddy.." i said as i clean up his arm.

"It's done?"

"Yes Eddy it is.. now i'll let you sit here for a little bit and i will come back with you shortly okay?"

"Sure love.. thank you Rory"

I was smiling when i heard him called me love. Waking to the nearest nurse I hand Eddy blood sample to her as i watch her catalogue the cylinder. After it was done i turn around to see if everyone was done with the blood withdraw.

"What happen!?" The king almost yell running to the room with few people behind him. All of them wearing a confuses emotion on their faces. Well i can't blame them, they must at least feel confuses.

"Dad" Eddy call him. He turn his head to Eddy as his gase running to all over the room.

"Eddy what happen?"

"Dad.. Rory found out something wrong with Elis while check her medical file."

"Rory mind if you fill me in ?" His head turn towards me.

"Yes sure your Highness.. i found out he got HISF from her recent visit to Ghana.. she maybe get by HISFV there..since no similar cases have been reported here in england since 1990."

The king seem stone and trying to rum all the thing altogether.

"So what happen now Rory? Can you save her?"

"Elis condition is maintained and her blood transfused will get her better in time.. but mean while i have to isolate all of us in case the virus get latch into us. So i need all of you to get tested as well."

"Sure Rory."

I pick up the empty blood cylinder and unused syringe and get to the king. Gesture him to sit on the couch as i repeat the same procedure as i did to Eddy.

"You know you can call me dad as well Rory" he suddenly said to me."i know we kinda started at the wrong foot. I am sorry but i have to do what i did for the Royal family..and i don't expect you to understand but at least forgive me.. what you have done to our family is beyond my expectation." He flinch when the needle trough his skin. " you are the most best thing that happen to our family Rory. I really gland you are one of us"

"Well your Highness Dad.. you are forgiven.. let bygone be gone yeah?"

"Thank you Rory"

"Welcome dad. I do what i can for my new family after all...now i will let you rest a little bit and i need to help to talk to the director of this hospital regarding this situation and if you need my help i will be there as well"

" sure Rory thank you"

"Enough with the thank you will you"

He smile and nodded regardless. I let the nurses do their job as i walk to Elis bed. I took a look at her pulse and record it on her file . As i need her to be on stable condition for the blood transfused. I feel an arm around my waist and without turn my head i already knew who is it. His smell was enough for me to know that my husband is behind me.

Doctor Milan comes in with a pain of blood. She took place on Elis left side hang it to the pole. The blood started to intrude Elis body as it running.

"We will need the blood bank to stand by incase we gonna have another HISF case." I said to Dr Milan as she finished.

"I have already informed them... we just need to wait for the rest of us test result "

"How about the Director?"

"He is on his way as we speak your highness"

"Thank you Dr Milan"

"I just do my duty your Highness"

I turn my body to Eddy as i smile to him. Giving him hug and snuggle to his chest.

"Eddy i'm tired.. can we lay down?"

" sure Rory let me get us a different room yeah?"

I just nod my head as he went to speak with Dr Milan. After few minutes he got back to me with smile.

"Come Rory i get us room next door and i already talk to Dr Milan to handel everything when the blood test come out."

He tug me out from the room and get into next door. The room ia similar to Elis's the bed is big enough for two person .

Without further i just slam my body to the bed as i close my eyes i feel my husband beside me. I turn my body and get to his chest. The warm feeling.. the homie heat was comfier me.

Before i know it i was blank out.

I heard Eddy was talking to someone on the phone but i'm too tired to care. So many thing happen us in these day.