
Looking on my side was my husband. He sound so cute with his woosee wave shore sound of his. I pull put my phone click on recording application. But before i manage to click the rolling button Sandy name flashing on the screen. Get my self out the bed walking to the bathroom.

"Eddy.. the culprit has been subdue"

"Keep eyes on em... i will there in the minute."


Turn the knob slowly not to wake Rory up. I need to come back before Rory wake up. Or he will question my absent.

I walk out from the door and call June as i manage to slip out.

"Keep your sense on high."

"Yes your highness"

Make my way out from the hospital with March and Sept. As we walk i begin to rum few situation on my head.


Step in into Royal Jail was never a pleasant things for me. Everytime i step in, a blood will spill. These bars hold to many unpleasant memories to all the Royal Family.

"Eddy " Sandy greet me as he saw me coming in.

"Sandy where is he?"

"Erm.... its she actually Eddy"

"A women?"

"No... a girl"

My head was clueless, stiffing on that information. Regardless i make my self in to the iron cell.

A teen girl about no more then twenty years old was sitting on the chair with both her arm behind her back. Restrained by a metal cuff. I know this girl i think i have saw her a few times in the palace. She was visible because of her bubbly personality she always greet us with huge smile and her happiness easily spread to others around her but now?. Now all of that bubble that happiness was gone as someone replace her with someone with the same face. She look at me with despite and ignorance face as she was on a walk at the freaking park or something. My gut said she is something we cannot afford to get loose. Her smirk and her eyes full with resentful.

I took a seat in front of her. Locking our eyes trying to study her.

"What's your name?" I started to make a conversation. But she still with her delmore self.

"Who sent you?" Still nothing.

"You know your action is consider treason right?" Silent...

"Fine then... if you not start talking then fine... you have 60 second to make up your mind.. what happen after that well we will see."

I begin to taping on table as i count to 60.






"60!.... times up." I said.. but still she won't faze and stay still as nothing happen.

"Still not talking?.. fine then lets do it your way... since you dare to come at my family.. its only fair if i get to yours too" once i done her face change emotion as she in deep conflict.

"March" i call up. Few second later March was standing beside me. "Find out her family and i want their head on a plate by tomorrow morning." I said without flinch.

"Yes your Highness" March turn his body before the girl suddenly shouting profanity towards us.

"You sick bastard don't you dare to touch my family!" She shout almost cry.

"Why not? You did touch mine" i rebuck.

"Your so called Royal family is shame to our country we are better off without your phunny sick bastard fucking family!"

I slap her hard on her cheek as my blood rose to my head. I grid her hair tightly as i yank her up. Slapping her again until she was in the floor.

"Never talk about my family with that foul mouth of your, you whore!"

"You will never safe." She spat blood on the floor " we will do everything to take your lunny sick Royal dog!"

"We? Who are we you talking about huh?" I yank her again my hair as i grid her chin roughly to make her look at me.

"The Finger! The Finger will destroy you one day!"

My eyes open wide as my breath become hard. The Finger!. ... The Finger is back!. Shit....shit!.....shit!.....

"Getting scare are we now?" The girl try to make me loose.

I need a plan.. i have to tell dad.

"No.. we have clean up The Finger years ago... there is no way they still survive... you are lying!"

"Am i?" She smirk heavily.

"Yes i have eradicate all your men and your organisation by my own hand!"

"No you don't.... Mdm Pinky still alive and she had a few new helper now."

"Who is it? Tell me!"

"Well my Prince i can tell you if you promise you will leave my family"

"You don't get to bargain with me your low life!"

"Leave my family and i will tell you where you can find her new friend"

"If i don't like what i hear you got nothing"

"They train us since we are child.. sent us to various sector in this country.. i got send here two years ago by a man with code name Jumaat. He were my superior until last week when Mdm Pinky decided to make a move but Jumaat doesn't agree with her.. they argued for days and Jumaat bail out..Mdm Pinky doesn't like people bail out from her so she send hitman to have Jumaat head.. he is on the run and stay at 32 Bal street until now...keeping low.."

I turn my head to Sandy and he nod before walk out from the room.

I let her still on the ground and make my way out.

"Hey how about my family?" The girl said before i let my self out from the room, i turn my head to her and give my fake smile and turn back.

She keep yelling profanity towards me.

"Keep her sedative... and let no one near her without my permission" i said to the guard.

And now.. let go back to the hospital.. Rory must been searching for me now. Mdm Pinky.. i smirk let the fun hide and seek begin.

If war they wanted... then a war they got. No one get slip after harming my family.

"Sept" i call my other personal bodyguard.

"Yes your highness"

"You know what you need to do now?"

"Yes, should i inform the Secret Service sire?"

"Yes.. get me Jan as soon as possible, i need to talk to the king before getting to anywhere, "

"Sure your highness" he bow a bit before he excuses him self.

I walk out from the dungeon, breathing fresh air filling my lungs.

As i got into he car.. my phone flashing Rory name on the screen.

"Hey boo" i sound cheerful.

"Don't you hey me mister! Are you out of your freaking mind? What are you thinking...where the Hell are you?"

"Relax Rory... take deep breath.... okay... i already ask for Dr Milan for permission as i don't want to disturb your beautiful sleeping pose..and i'm at the palace at the moment.. i getting us a spare clothes and few thing ..."

"Fine... get over here now i need to check on the rest.. "

"Will be there love.. i'm on my way now.. do you need anything?"

"Yes.. grab some breakfast for all of us while you in it.. "

"Anything i can get for you my love?"

"Waffle please..."

"On it.."