
Waking up beside cold bed is now are abnormal. Funny it is, i used to wake up alone all the time before this all happen.  A drunk mistake leading to my not so awesome life. So many thing  happen.

Pull out my phone reaching out to Eddy. He pick up almost merely a second after first ring. 

"Fine..come back hurry yeah.. the bed feel cold"

"Yes my prince..i love you"

"I love you too Eddy"

I close my eyes back to the dreamland.

"Your highness"...

I light shook in my arm shooting me up from my light sleep.

"I'm sorry your highness but Dr Milan is back with the result."

"Okay June, give me few minutes to freshen up okay" 

Let the water run's over my body. Sitting in the tiles as i close my eyes.

Spending almost twenty minutes before i heard my husband voice over the other room calling me.

"I'm in the shower"

Few second later Eddy with his cute handsome smile peeking me from the crack.

"Hey there sexy i've got change clothes for you...i'll leave it on the bed yeah?"

"You not coming in?" I ask.

"I love to but i need to get my dad and everyone breakfast."

"Okey see you later?"

"Won't be going anywhere"

He close back the door and i return to my small world. Gasping for air i finished up.

Change to the new clothes i stir to the next room where all the them waiting for me. All the Royal Family members and staff were admitted to another room.       

"Rory.." i speark up to Eddy who talking to his father.

"Hey..."i smile... "how's everything?"

"-Dr milan had our test result"

"Is everything alright?" I ask to make sure.

Dr Milan come over hand me few paper in file. As i go trough it my eyebrows rise yanking a bit. Something is wrong with this test result.

I look up to Dr Milan and earn a nod, conforming my intuition. Close the file put it back to Dr Milan hand.

Something is quite not right. I put my poker face on, well they didn't call me famous actor for nothing. I look on Eddy face and sweet smile was patch on his face.

"Rory is everything alright boo?"

"Yes..it is.. everyone is alright to go.. they can check out after few more hours"

"Great.. how about Elis?" The king ask me.

"Elis is stable.. we just need to wait her to wake up and everything is gonna be fine."

"Thank you Rory.. i don't know what will happen if you aren't here"

"Elis is my sister as well.. i will never change the world for her"

He smile and pat my shoulder lightly as i smile to him. I turn my head around and excuses my self.

I went to Elis bed to check on her vital. She is getting better now. Her skin complex is getting to her colour and her vital show improvement, its about time for her to wake up anytime now.

"Rory, lets get you some breakfast yeah" Eddy nug me.

I nod lightly as we make our way to the small table outside the room.

"Is everything okay with Elis?" Eddy ask as i shove a piece of dumpling into my mouth.

I nodded " we just need to wait her wake up"

He grin and a sign of relief patch on his face. " i hope she's gonna wake up soon."

We both enjoying our little breakfast in each other company.

I love the way we sit in silent indulging in the moment.

I know Eddy was stressed  by all the commotion that happened in this past months. I feel i had to do something as to share the burden as his husband.

Sadness, happiness, high or low.. if two months ago you told me.. as i Rory Falis will be married to male and Royal on top of that i might stuff you into jail overnight.

Finished up my last piece i stood up after gloop down last drop of tea. " lets go Ed.. i need to monitor Elis condition "

"Yea sure lets go" he march beside me towards Elis wad.

Mom and Eli join us after a few minutes after the King gone back to the palace.

Eli and mom manage to get trough the tough time. I keep my eyes in Elis condition and monitor to any changes on her body.

Elis body flinch little bit, my eyes grew big as my smile.

"She is waking up guys!" I said.

Mom, Eli and Eddy jogging towards us. As i step back mom take my place.

Elis eyes opened slowly as our eyes smile with joy. I keep monitoring her vital, make sure she had no complication.  

"Hey Elis" mom grinning upon Elis.

"Mum what happen?"

"You alright now yeah."

"Elis i need to check on you.. can you lift your point finger for me?" I cut in. I need to check for her motor stimulation and nerve respond. Glad to my heart Elis had no problem lifting her finger.

I put my arm in her palm "now.. squeeze my hand hard as you can" i feel pressure on my arm. Its a good sign for starter.

"Okay now follow my finger" i wave my finger in front of her.her eyes  followed my finger as i move it to right and left.

"Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" I ask her.

"My feel a bit headache, other than that all is fine,"

"On scale one to ten how much your headache?"

"Erm... maybe four?"

I nod as i turn my head to mom and Eddy. "I need permission to be her Doctor  and  prescribe her drugs"

"Sure Rory.. you need no permission...you had it since you save her life" mom reassure me.

"Thank you mum" Eddy nod as well agreeing to his mum.

"Staff nurse.. had Her Highness 5g of paracetamol and check on her fluid for four bag. And stop until i said otherwise"

"Sure your Highness"

I turn my head back to Elis as i smile. "Your condition is improving now, but i need still to monitor you for a day or two for relapse"

"Okay Rory.. what happen to me exactly?"