
(One week later)

Woke up with Rory beside me is the most beautiful view in my whole life. I mean look at him. His eyebrow is symmetrical, with tall nose dark brown hair, fine sculptor abs, nice round bum, and yummy rod.. well sue me he is.

His cute little snore is still resounding in the air. Run my finger on his chest as my thigh molded into his.

As i yank out put out my hand out stretching. I yank Rory body as i ready to start my morning routine.

"Rory wake up boo.. we had press con today."

"Five minutes" he mumble pulling back the comforter cover his body.

"Okay.. i'll take a hot steamy shower alone then" i said tempting him.

"Ergh! ... fine! " he yanking out Smirking.

See my steamy shower can never fail me. "Steamy shower here we go!"

Taking our sweet time on our shower. We both in our formal suit now. Few stall for kisses after, we heard light knocking on the door.

"Yes" i said.

The door crack open and Sandy strove in.

"Good morning Eddy, Rory."

"Morning" we both said in unison.

"We need to go now as the press will be held in an hour"

"Sure.. Sandy could you tell the attendance to ready with our morning Tea and coffee,"

"Sure.. see you guys in a few?"



The press conference was held at the palace mini ballroom, i were accompany by Elis and Rory.

Eventhough this is the first press con as Royalty for Rory, he didn't flinch or waver even a struck of nerve on his face.

We took our respectably seat. We faced about hundred journalists from various paper and media mass.

"Good day everyone, my name as Sandy, i present as palace representative. Today we gather here as for a few issue, with us today were her Highness Princess Elisha, his Highness Prince Edward and our newest Royal member His Highness Prince Rory, as a palace spoke person i will run down on our situation. Last week our future Queen Princess Elisha was admitted to the Royal Hospital because of her allergic  episode so today we do this press con to answer few of your concern question  "

Round of applause greeting us. I lean a bit towards mic that on the table.

"Good morning everyone" i'm greeting all of them.

"So with no further a due lets us begin.. rise your hand if you have any  question and start your question with introducing your self and which media company you come from" Sandy started.

Almost all the correspondent pull up their arm out. I point to the far end on the right side. A lady in blue dress shirt stand up.

"Good morning your Highness, my name is Arlia from QQ News, is it true your marriage with his Highness Prince Rory was  occur by accident when you not sober?"

"Good morning Ms Arlia, yes. My marriage with Rory was happen outside my sober self but i can sure you.. its the best accident that ever happened in my entire life..we love each other bit by bit each day and i can't wait to spend my whole life with him"

As i finished i point out to another person.

"Good morning your highness, my name is Dashia from BVC news, your Highness prince Rory, how did your marriage effect your life as the number one actor in the USA and how did cope with your new life and status?"

"Well hello there good morning to you as well mister, my marriage did have a huge impact to my life, as a member of the Royal Family i had to comply to few strict rules and one of them was require me to warp up my carrier as an actor, but nonetheless my new life and status seem to treat me well. So far so good if i may said"

Another person stand up. "Good day your Highness Prince Rory, is that mean you are retired from the silver screen?"

"Yes indeed"

Another lady pull her arm as i point at her.

"Good morning your highness, i'm katy from GUL 793.9 Fm, Prince  Rory is that true you can speak more than four language?"

"Hello there missy.. yes i am... you see as a former actor i've required to gain few talent here and there."

I point to another guy in black suit sitting in front row.

"Good day Your Highness Prince Eddy. I have a question for you "   he smile "can you tell us in detail what happen at the day Princess Elisha had an episode of allergic?"     

"That morning as same as our typical morning. We sat at the dining table having our breakfast.. you see since our ceremony we haven't had a chance to gather as a whole family sitting at one table. So Prince Rory and i as we are newly wedded couple we walk in hand to hand. Half trough the breakfast session my sister Princess Elisha as you can see the lady who sitting beside my husband," we all chuckle as i continue " then suddenly my sister holding her neck in pain grasping for air. Our hero here that i proudly call my husband jump on his seat run towards my sister in a flash" i stop few second to inhaled glob of air, " he immediately put my sister on the ground checking on her, he ask one of his personal guard to fetch his medical bag in our room" i look at the faces in front of us full with question look " all of us was really confuses with my husband action, we have no idea that my husband Prince Rory is a certificate licensed Doctor! Yes people.. my Husband was not only a very Famous actor, he can speak multilingual and a sorry my words a freaking Doctor! How cool is that? P" i nearly shouting but repress it as i feel a light touch on my thigh" back to the story" i huffed " he took fast action by opened my sister airway and make my sister condition stable.."

"Is that true Princess Elisha caught a virus on her visit to Ghana?" Another journalist ask.

"I not sure where did She caught the virus as she was on the tour to several nation in Africa solely on last month"

"Yes indeed, i don't really sure which Nation i did caught the virus that inflicted my Immune system but any less i was really grateful to my brother in-law that he manage to pin point that virus in my body" Elis add in.

"Does Royal Family think this accident was purely an accident or this situation was fabricated? And what does Royal Family do to encounter this situation?" A small lady from CVC News asked.

"All of this were still in the investigation, and if it happen to be a man made, we The Royal Family will do everything in our hand to make sure the offenders will have what their asked for" i answered.

We answered few more question  before we warp up with the last question.

"Prince Rory is that true your Brother was in debt and you had to agreed to this forceful marriage get your brother out of his debt?"

"Well mister.. that was the most bizarre and  ridiculous  thing i ever heard today.. but to answer your question is NO!... my brother Damian have access to all my back account and i tell you i made quite a few pound and dollar in time i was acting.. so i think we don't have a debt issue."  my husband answered with confident.

Round of applause ending our press con for today.