

"Let's do this… I wouldn't mind putting you in your place!" Levi says confidently.

"OH?! So now losing once has gained you more confidence… Weird" Roy starts pacing. He starts to get impatient. "What makes you think i'll let you win. If I have to die to kill you, then that's how it's going to end."

"Hmm, You sure you want to keep talking." Levi points towards his wound. "If you don't worry, you might die before we fight."

"Hahaha. Fine!" Roy takes one step and instantly appears in front of Levi. He charges up with his black lightning and punches directly at Levi's chest. Levi blocks it with his whole body cloaked in purple and black aura. A huge shockwave goes off blowing away the walls leaving the room open.

"No effect? What is with your magic!?" Roy backs away looking down at his hand, sounding confused.

"To be honest, I don't know… But I guess it's effective against that new form of yours so I ain't complaining."

"Tsk, well isn't this looking troublesome for me." Roy pours lightning all over his body and slams the ground sending a lightning shockwave towards Levi. Levi blocks it with his black aura filled body. Roy then slams the ground again hard making it collapse under Levi.

"WHOA!!" Levi ends up falling to the first floor hitting the ground hard on his back. Roy then jumps down aimed right for Levi. Levi dodges out of the way, cloaking his foot, kicking Roy out of the way. Levi then stands up quickly before Roy could strike him again while he is vulnerable. Roy leaps towards him instantly. Levi attacked right as he appeared, but Roy dodged stepping behind him. Roy then punched him directly in the back sending Levi flying.

"Hahaha. As long as I don't use this power for hitting I'm fine. So don't go thinking you have bested me just yet!" Roy starts to laugh with a smirk. Levi picks himself back up, pushing off the debris.

"Well you are smart, i'll give you that." Levi starts to walk towards Roy. "But I still feel like I can beat you as I am now."

"Hmm, confident are we… I like that!" Roy starts walking too. "But can you really match my speed!?" Roy walking just disappears, appearing next to Levi.

"This is getting really repetitive." Levi says blocking his attack. Roy tries to kick his legs but Levi backed up charging his fists. He then leaps forward trying to punch Roy, but he steps to the side instantly. Roy then launches a punch towards Levi's face, but he pushes his hand out of the way holding onto it. He winds-up a punch then releases it while holding onto Roy's only arm. The amount of pressure from the attack released a shock wave, dislocating Roy's arm in the process while he was holding onto it. Roy screamed out in pain from the attack, but Levi wasn't done. He attacked him again, sending him flying towards the window and sending him out back. Levi then chased after him.

"Ahhh, Fuck that hurt!" Roy stands back up from the bush he landed in, he then starts to pop his arm back into place, biting down on his lip so hard from the pain he starts to bleed. Levi coming out from the broken down wall, appears in front of Roy.

"Hmm, you really aren't worried about those friends of yours."

"What do you mean?" Levi says confused walking towards Roy.

"I mean fighting against Kerem. Do you honestly think they can win?!"

"You fought that vampire right?! I think they will be fine." Levi says confidently.

"I can't lie, she is strong… But what about those other guys. Do you really think she can protect them by herself?"

"I guess we will have to find out won't we."

"Bleh!" Roy starts coughing up blood falling to his knees.

"Looks like your time is up." Roy then lunges towards Levi trying to go for one more attack. His speed now slower from his injuries, Levi dodges his attack. The black and purple aura surrounding his fist got more intense. He winds up a punch and releases his magic directly into his stomach creating a hole that goes right through his body. As Roy falls to the ground he tries to grip onto Levi, but he kicks him away. Roy laying there on the ground now slowly bleeding out, not being able to heal any wound created from Levi's dark magic.

"Wh. What is it you guys want." Roy struggles to say while coughing up blood.

"To change the world… Well some of us have our own goals, but I'd say we all have similar reasons."

"Go. Good luck." -Cough- "More powerful enemies then… Then I. You don't stand a chance at changing shit!"

"Shut up… Says the one dying." Levi starts walking away.

"You can't win…. People wi… with unbelievable powers await you… We. ar. aren't your … only proble…" Roy then goes silent, with his eyes dulled out. Now dead from the loss of blood. Levi not looking back kept walking ahead.

"I should probably make my way towards Kerem. I need to let my energy recharge first, I'm pretty beat." Levi goes to sit down on one of the steps leading towards the garden. He then looks over at the dead corpse of Roy, and up at the sky. "I wonder what types of enemies we will encounter…" Levi now looks very serious, he is deep in thought. "I can't lie, I am weak, I need to get stronger… No, all of us do if we are going to continue to walk down this path… I was lucky this one time that my magic worked in my favor… But there won't be a next time." Levi pulled up his fake leg to check if it was doing fine, then started to look back up at the sky.

"I just hope that they can... " A huge explosion happens to the left of Levi on the second floor. Yui and Kerem come flying out of the building. "Shit, what the hell." Levi pushed out the debris that flew towards him. "She might need my help!" Levi gets up to run towards Yui.

-Milena- -Currently taking place during the same time as the fight with Kerem-

Milena leaps forwards towards Ace that is standing there confidently. She punches him with all her might with her scorching hot fists. He blocks it with his black flames, that cloaked his sword. Ace then parried her attack sending Milena stumbling backwards. Ace then winds up his sword and releases a line of black flames towards Milena. Milena then intensified her flames, with the heat growing ever more intense she then released a shockwave of fire towards Ace. Breaking through the black flames Ace manages to barely dodge Milena's flames. A tiny scratch on the side of his cheek was all she accomplished.

"I got to admit. Those are some crazy flames you have… Nothing like normal fire magic I would say…"

"Well that's because it isn't normal fire magic… This is only magic we Dragonkin can have… Though I am the only exception for this type of magic."

"Well races are quite interesting huh… I have to admit I'm kind of jealous. We humans have nothing unique about us. I know how boring." Ace starts to walk towards Milena. "But you know I am not complaining. Life would be pretty boring if we were just handed some overpowered ability… Don't you agree." Milena keeps staring at him, not caring for what he is talking about as he walks towards her. She readies herself for what he is going to do.

"Want me to show you the other thing this sword can do!."

"There is more?"

"Well yes, but some are way more unique compared to others. It really depends on the demon you get, and how strong they are. Since I like you so much I don't mind showing you." Ace starts to smirk as he charges up his sword. The black flames surrounding the sword start to surround his entire body. He soon slams the sword into the ground. A wave of blackflames get sent out in every direction, turning the whole area into pure black.

"What the hell is going on?" Milena starts to look around confused. All she sees in every direction is just black. Everything she once could see is now gone, and replaced with just black. Feeling weird she looked down at her stomach, that was now bleeding. The pain soon hit her, snapping her back into reality.

"AHH!" Milena drops to her knees, grabbing onto her stomach with her fiery hands burning it. Milena, looking for Ace, now finds him behind her. "What the hell was that! Did you stop time?!"

"Stop time? HAHAHA. Oh no, no." Ace starts coughing up blood. "Damn greedy demon." He says under his breath. "I don't have the power to stop time, though that would be useful. That was something more, creative I like to say."

Milena starts to stand back up on her feet, letting go of her stomach. Not giving Ace the chance to attack again, she decided to strike first. She launches a fiery blast at Ace. Ace ends up dodging the attack with Milena now close enough for a follow up attack. She pours more energy into her fists. Hot winds start building up, blowing all around her.

"Let me show you something unique too!" Ace tries to swing his sword at her, but she blocks it with her scaly arms.

[Fire Dragon Queen's Fury] Red hot magma like flames come shooting out of Milena's hands. She punches Ace right in the stomach, over and over again not like him gets the chance to move. Ace is not able to do anything with the ever increasing speed of the punches he gets sent flying backwards hitting the ground hard.

"Damn that wasn't right… Still need to practice with this magic…" The cloud of dust cleared and standing there was Ace with a hole in his shirt from the heat. You can also see a crazy burn mark on his stomach.

"Wow, I got to give it to you. I really didn't see that coming… But sorry to break it to you, that wasn't enough." Ace starts looking even more confident. "You are strong, I got to admit… But if you can't even beat me, you have no hope of leaving this city. So i'll give you a little advice, just give up!"

"Give up. Not after all I've been through giving up isn't an option… If I am going to die then so be it.:

"So be it…" Ace rushes towards Milena. Ace not giving her a chance to do anything swing his sword towards her, following up with a trust. She manages to dodge the attack while pushing Ace away.

[Dark Frenzy] Black flames come shooting out from Ace sword uncontrollably. He then leaps forward towards Milena swiping his sword near her chess. The flames make contact burning her scales away. With constant flames pouring out from his sword he keeps his attack going putting pressure on Milena. Milena then stomps the ground cloaking her feet with her scorching hot flames. She launches herself into the air dodging away from Ace.

[Fire Dragon Rage: Annihilation] She charges up a ball of fire and launches it towards Ace. A huge explosion launching flames everywhere burning all the grass away. The dust clears with Ace standing in the crater with barely any scratches on him. His whole body had black creepy aura around him, like it protected him.

"Come on. I am not even trying here, is that all you got!" Ace stabs the ground, with his cloaked sword. The whole area soon goes dark again. Milena looking down, appears to have a blade stuck into her stomach.

"Bleh!" She coughs up blood falling to the ground, Ace pulling his sword out of her while she was falling to the ground.

"Looks like you should just give up!" Ace looking up and down at her body seeing her scales disappear. He then starts to cough up blood. "Going to end up killing myself from this damn sword." He whispers to himself.

"Well it was a good ride, maybe in your next life… Don't be so hasty!" Milena looking up at him charges up her fist sending out a fiery blast towards him. He blocks the attack with an explosion happening in his face. "Oh good one, but again you are too weak!" He pulls up his sword and aims it towards her head.

"Goodby." A blast hit his stomach sending him flying backwards. Dust cloaking the area, with Ace not being able to see a thing. Soon it cleared up and nothing was left but fire that was covering the area. "Damn they got away..! Ace looks all around then looks back over at the reinforcements coming over the horizon. "Ah whatever… I guess fate chose fot her not to die yet… I can't wait till we meet again, I always love fighting strong people!" Ace's black aura disappears and he sheaths his sword as he walks away.

"Damn, why didn't I notice." Amelia says carrying Milena. "I should have been there to help you, I didn't notice everything that was happening."

"Tha. Thanks for saving me… I thought I was going to die back there." Milena says, trying to speak.

"Don't speak, we are retreating… I am glad I found you."

"Wha.. Why!?" Milena says in shock.

"Shh I'll explain, don't speak." Amelia continues towards the city appearing in front of a portal. She goes through it appearing in front of a couple of knights. She then lays Milena down near a tree and proceeds to break the portal.

"Wh. Are you doing" Milena says confused.

"We sadly lost… They had more than we anticipated." Amelia starts to look like she is about to cry from the guilt she felt. "We almost lost everyone, lucky we were able to retreat just in time… The city is done for.

"No way… That can't be. All of this just to lose." Milena says with shock, and anger on her face.

"I know, this is all my fault… I didn't anticipate the assault being this big. Everyone lost their life because of me."

"No, no don't think like that. Everyone signed up knowing what they were getting into!" Milena tries to reassure Amelia as much as possible.

"No… After we get Levi's team back, I think I am going to disband this group. I am not fit to lead."

"No.. you can't. How are we ever going to change this world like you wanted!"

"LOOK!" Amelia yells at Milena. "I'm sorry, I can't lose everyone, we have no reinforcements, the best thing we can do right now is shut everything down so no one else gets hurt!"

"I understand…" Milena looked away up at the sky with a sad expression. Soon some medical personal appeared to attend to Milena wounds.

-6 Minutes before the defeat of Roy. Yui's Group.-

"Almost there I can see the door." Lilith says while running at full speed, breathing hard from the constant running. The three soon reach the door barging in. After entering the room they now see in their vision Yusuke and Kerem fighting. The three of them rush over to Yusuke to help him.

"No! Stop!"

"Oh more friends for me to kill… How generous of you!" Kerem walked towards Yusuke with an intense presence. The whole room they were currently in felt exhausting from the pressure Kerem gave off. Just standing near him felt like it could kill you.

"You idiots." Kerem rushing towards the three with his giant black sword swinging towards them. A huge shockwave goes off. Yui rushed in front to block the attack, but it was too strong. It sent the three flying backwards hitting the wall. Yusuke runs over towards Kerem, cloaking his hand in purple black flames. He sends a huge wall of flames that headed towards Kerem, forcing him to turn around to block it.

"You need to back off!" Yusuke yells at the three. "You are going to end up getting in my way and get killed like them!"

"Them!?" Yui says looking over at a dead corpse. "What was lying there was Urumi that was surrounded by the other two hovering over her dead corpse. "Yui in shock looks back over at the two. "I agree…"

"What are you talking about?" Lilith says in confusion.

"Grab those two and leave."

"No, we are staying h.." Lilith gets cut off by Yui.

"No you are leaving! You are going to get in my way..! TAKE THOSE TWO AND LEAVE!" Yui says yelling at them with a scary look. Her emotionless eyes, with her intense face made it look like she was out for blood. Lilith, angry, not agreeing, decided to grab the two and leave through the door without saying a word. Reisa follows behind her. Kerem rushes towards Yui trying to not let the other escape. Yui pulls out her sword from the ground and teleports behind Kerem cutting his back. She then sets off an explosion sending him flying backwards hitting the wall hard. Yusuke had a shocked look on his face.

"You better win…" Reisa says walking away. Yui not looking back or saying a word starts to walk towards Kerem, not looking like she is in control anymore.