
Yui & Yusuke vs Kerem

"Fucking Roy letting you guys get in." Kerem says while standing back up, he dusts off his clothes. "I'm gonna have a little visit with him if he isn't already dead…" Kerem starts to slowly walk towards Yui. "Finally someone that is strong, what is your name little vampire…" Yui stands there ignoring him. "Ah whatever… Don't need the name of someone I'm killing anyways."

"He is strong…" Yusuke appears next to Yui. Yui then looks over at him with her cold eyes remaining silent. "I don't really want to work together, but I think I'm going to need backup on this one."

"I can do this on my own." Yui says starting to walk away, but Yusuke grabs her shoulder to stop her.

"Look, I don't care how strong you are. I don't care how much we like each other... What we have is a similar goal and that is to kill him."

"Fine, but I dont care if you die."

"Heh. I can handle myself, don't worry…" Kerem can be seen walking slowing towards the two. With his powerful aura shooting off, the room can be felt vibrating.

"Talking when your enemy is right in front of you… How weak do you think I am…" Kerem's face getting slightly angry looking. "Don't underestimate me kids, or you will regret it…" Kerem starts to charge towards the two.

"Do you have a plan?" Yui says.

"Nope, i'm not good with plans… I'll just go with whatever you do, I can improvise.." Yusuke runs away towards the left side of Kerem. Kerem notices and the blue aura starts glowing around his two handed black sword. He uppercuts with his sword sending out a line of ice shooting out from the ground. Yusuke comes to a quick halt, his hands start glowing dark purple. Instantly a blast of purple fire came shooting out melting the ice. Yui standing there takes an opportunity to attack. She rushes towards Kerem, who was focused on Yusuke. Kerems hears her footsteps while Yui was going in for a thrust attack with her sword, Kerem put up an ice wall freezing Yui's hand in place. He then punches Yui with all his force sending her flying backwards. She ends up being able to catch herself before she hits the wall.

"Might be a better time than never to use enhancements." Kerem starts to walk towards Yui, ice covering the floor with every step he takes. Yusuke shoots out a purple ball of flame at his head making a big explosion. Yusuke then jumps towards Kerem, cloaking his feet in his fire. He send a kick flying towards his head. Kerem blocks it with his arm, which he slowly starts to cover with ice. Suddenly the ice starts freezing Yusuke's foot in a matter of seconds. Yusuke pushes himself away before it froze.

[Enhancement: Speed x5] Blue inscriptions start to surround all of Yui's body. With wind around her being more intense then normal. Kerem looks over noticing the sudden power he has never seen before.

"What is that? What did you do!?" Kerem sounds confused.

"This is an enhancement."

"Enhancement... ? Don't make me laugh. I have never seen enhancements do anything like that."

"Well it's clear you never look into enhancements much. They are useful for a lot of things."

"Hahaha. Ok, I would love to see the full use of these enhancements then." Kerem lunges towards Yui, but Yusuke gets in the way, cloaking his fists in purple fire, he sends a punch at Kerem's stomach. Kerem blocks his punch with his sword and pushes Yusuke back with sharp icicles appearing next to Kerem.

"You are an annoying pest." Kerem says.

[Icicles] Sharp ice comes flying towards Yusuke. Yusuke then cloaks his entire body with his purple flames. He then touches the ground with his right hand.

[Hell Flames: Roar] Flames come shooting out from Yusuke from all directions, then suddenly it all gets sucked back in. A second of silence, a giant beam of purple flames comes flying towards Kerem melting all the icicles in the path. Kerem puts up an ice barrier, but it soons melts. Kerem then cloaks his body in ice right before he got hit with the attack. A giant explosion occurred breaking the floor below him. Kerem gets sent flying backwards, hitting the wall hard. Yusuke then stands back up looking over at Yui, then back over at Kerem as he starts to stand back up.

"Damn kid. You really did a number on me." Kerem cracking his neck as he starts his walk back towards the two. His face full of evil looking like nothing will phase him.

"What are you?" Yui says looking over Yusuke. "Purple flames?"

"Look, I would like to have a talk with you too, but we can talk about this after we kill this guy…" Yusuke looks towards Kerem. "Now get more serious, I feel like I am doing all the work." Yusuke runs towards shooting a purple ball of flames at him. Kerem blocks the attack with his sword, blowing fire in his face. Yusuke then jumps up to kick Kerem, but he manages to dodge the attack. Yui then instantly appears next to Kerem as he dodged. She swung her sword at him cutting his side. He then covers the wound in ice right as it was going to explode containing the blast. Kerem then swings the giant sword at Yui sending out a line of ice at her. She dodges out of the way with no problem. Yusuke then comes up from behind hitting Kerem's back with his palm. Kerem turns around and swings his sword creating a circle of ice around him. Right as the ice was going to hit him, his palm started to turn purple. He then blasts Kerem back with a huge explosion from the blast that came from his palm. Kerem started flying. Kerem ended up catching himself by stabbing his sword into the ground. Yui then teleported behind Kerem stabbing him in the back.

[Blood Tether] Kerem now can't move or do anything at all. Yusuke runs towards Kerem and cloaks his feet in his fiery purple aura. Charging up a powerful kick he hits him in the head sending him flying to the left, hitting the wall.

"We make a good team." Yusuke looks at Yui. Yui ignores him and looks over at Kerem. He was seen pulling himself back up wiping the blood off from his face.

"You guys sure are annoying." Kerem then stabs the ground with his sword covering the ground in ice. He then sends out ice pillars at Yui and Yusuke. The two of them dodge out of the way. Kerem then runs towards Yusuke. Yusuke cloaks his feet in fire so that he can walk on the ice. Kerem swings his bulky sword straight down onto Yusuke. He dodges to the left, kicking Kerem's left rib. Kerem unphased from the powerful attack starts cloaking his body in ice putting Yusuke's flames out. Suddenly freezing his foot. He then swings his giant blunt sword and Yusuke and directly hits him on his right side.

"Bleh!" Yusuke getting the wind knocked out of him from the powerful swing. He gets sent soaring towards the wall, hitting it hard enough to make a dent into it. Yui now finally getting past the ice, swings her sword at Kerem. He blocks it with his black sword. Yui then continuously keeps attacking with her sword going faster and faster from the speed increase, but Kerem's sword was just too big to get past. Every attack she sent out was blocked. Kerem then cloaked his sword in ice as he blocked Yui's attack. Trying to freeze her sword, but nothing happened.

"You can't freeze this sword." Yui says as she glides her sword across Kerem's sword. She then thrusts her sword into his stomach.

[Blood Spike] A big spike of blood comes shooting out of the back of Kerem. Yui then pulls out her sword and a big hole appears on Kerems' back.

"AHHHHHH!" Kerem screams out in pain as he falls to his knees dropping his sword. Yui then gets ready to cut his head off but right when she was about to swing, Kerem froze the area around them. Ice slowly started to creep up on Yui's feet, keeping her in place, not being able to move. Kerem then touched his back, freezing the hole on his back. He then stands back up with Yusuke now appearing out of nowhere. He Sprints towards Kerem. While he was running he makes a couple of purple flames appear around him. They start getting sharper and wider as they get sent flying at Kerem. Kerem picks up his sword and it starts to glow. He sends out a giant beam of ice in all directions as he spins around in a full circle with his sword point straight out. As he is turning he collects momutem hitting Yui with a powerful attack sending her soaring through the air hitting the desk behind her. Yusuke shoots fire from his hand burning the incoming ice. As he does, Kerem sprints towards him, swinging down his sword sending out a line of ice. Yusuke dodges to the right, as he does Kerem freezes his feet in place. Right as he is about to hit him, Yui teleports in front of Kerem blocking the attack. She then slices at Yusuke feet cutting him free from the ice.

[Blood Burst] She cloaks her left fist in blood and strikes at Kerem directly in the stomach causing a big explosion. Kerem gets pushed backwards from the powerful attack. Yusuke then charges past Yui with his fist giving out an intense amount of aura.

[Hell's Flame: Strike] Dark purple flames come shooting instantly down from above hitting Kerem directly on the head. He barely dodges burning the side of his shoulder as he does. Yui then causes an explosion from the blood left on him making him drop to his knees. Yusuke when the explosion went off, leaped at Kerem, kicking him with his right foot with unbelievable power. When his cloaked foot hit Kerem's face it exploded, pushing him back while he was on his knees. Kerem couldn't stop his momentum and ended up hitting the wall.

"BLUH" Kerem spit up blood from the impact of hitting the wall. The smoke soon clears, you can see Kerem spitting up blood as he was leaning up against the wall. He then stands back up picking up his sword. Kerem swings his sword again sending out a blast of ice towards the two, with them easily dodging out of the way.

"Looks like It's time to stop playing around…" Kerem stabs his black sword into the ground. Wind starts to swirl around him with intensity. He then started to get surrounded by black aura. The aura felt so powerful and terrifying it started to make the room rumble.

"What is going on?" Yui said.

"It's a demon sword… Each one grants you unbelievable strength, but at the price of something…" Kerem now fully cloaked in dark aura, not being able to see him at all. A few seconds past and the aura around him disperse. The man standing there now looks the same, but different. His left eye was now black, with a horn coming out from his head. His right arm was now one of a demon. It was pitch black, with sharp talons. The black spread all across his body in lines. Kerem pulls his sword out of the ground and swings in horizontally at Yui and Yusuke. A big wall of black ice comes shooting out from his sword. Yusuke shoots a giant ball of purple flames at the ice, but it wasn't enough to melt it. Yui then grabs Yusuke and teleports out of the way.

"Thanks. I guess I am going to have to use more power now to be able to burn that demon's ice."

"So how much stronger is he really now."

"I'm not sure it depends on the demon he has. They all vary in power."

"Enough talking, let's fight." Kerem swung his sword down, cutting the floor with black ice. Yusuke and Yui dodge out of the way. Yui then runs towards Kerem appearing next to him instantly.

"Time to go all out this time! No more holding back." Yui swings her sword, having blood land on Kerem. Kerem steps back, swinging his sword down creating a wall. He pouches the wall sending it flying at Yui.She teleports through it and starts running towards Kerem. Yusuke runs up behind him. He tries to punch him but Kerem jumps out of the way. Yusuke then fires a ball of purple flames at Kerem blocking it. Yui then disappears, appearing behind Kerem as he was blocking the attack. She stabs him in the back.

[Enhanced - Blood: Explosion x5] A Enormous explosion happens, blowing of kerms left arm, sending him flying into another room.

"AHHH." Yui screams dropping to her knees from the backlash of the attack she used. Her right arm that she used to stab him with the sword was bleeding like crazy. The enhancement was so powerful it had a backlash effect. "I really need to get stronger…!" She started to stand back up holding on her arm slowly healing it. "Damn that was one hell of an attack. Are you ok."

"I'm fine. We should go check on him." Yui says walking towards the hole in the wall. They both walk through the hole looking at Kerem slowly standing up with one arm missing. Blood leaking out continually as he stands up, he reaches over to his left arm with his only hand. Black aura comes shooting out forming a shadowed version of his left arm.

"I guess I really underestimated you two…" Kerem says while he starts walking. "It won't happen again."